Lesson Plan 4: Creating a Healthier Life


The purpose of this lesson is to teach students how to identify an issue with their personal health practices and improve their health behaviors.

In this lesson, students will define an unhealthy behavior that they are currently involved in and evaluate the likelihood of injury or illness caused by that behavior. They will then devise an individual goal to improve their personal health practice, using a variety of technologies to gather health information.

Students will work in pairs to identify poor health practices and come up with ideas to improve their health practices. This lesson is intended for students in grade seven studying health.

Technology Integration

Students will use computers and the internet to gather information about their current health practices, negative effects of these health practices, andhow to their improve health.

Students will use hooah4health.com to analyze help determine their personal health goals and mygoals.com to create a personal health goal related to their health issue or poor health practice.

Prerequisite Experience

Students should know how to use computers and the internet. They should also have a basic idea of healthy eating habits and negative health practices. They should understand the concept of calories and personal health goals.

Learning Objectives

Students will create a personal health goal with at least two areas of focus using the information gathered about possible health goals and their current negative health practices.

Guiding Question

What can I do to improve my health? What negative health practices am I currently involved in?


Computers, Internet


  1. Students will be play the game at begin to brainstorm about negative health practices that they currently have.
  2. Students will be put into randomly generated pairs.
  3. Students will discuss their unhealthy behaviors within their pairs and pick a mutual behavior to study.
  4. Students will research their unhealthy behavior on the internet, evaluating the likelihood of injury or illness caused by the behavior as well as other negative effects.
  5. Students will access hooah4health.com and complete a quick quiz to help determine their personal health goals.
  6. Students will access mygoals.com, picking at least two areas of focus to devise a goal to improve their personal health practices.
  7. Students will copy their goals onto the class’s Google Document.


Students will be assessed on two aspects:

  1. Completion of all steps in the project.
  2. Their goals created on mygoals.com, including areas of focus and reasonability.

Answer Key or Rubric

These steps must be completed to gain full points:

  1. Picking a mutual unhealthy behavior to study in their pairs
  2. Researching unhealthy behavior on the internet
  3. Evaluation of likelihood of injury or illness caused by the behavior or other negative effects
  4. Accessing hooah4health.com and completing the quick quiz

The students’ health goals will be formally graded based on the following rubric:

Excellent: Goals complete with at least two areas of focus. Goals are reasonable and achievable by the individual.

Satisfactory: Goals complete with at least one area of focus. Goals are somewhat reasonable and achievable by the individual.

Needs Improvement: Goals completeonly one or no areas of focus. Goals unreasonable and/or would not be achievable by the individual. Goals would require surgery or outside help to complete.


HE.7.B.1.7: Access a variety of technologies to gather health information.

HE.7.B.4.2: Devise an individual goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice.

HE.7.C.1.7: Explain the likelihood of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy/risky behaviors.