Secondary ITELesson Observation Feedback Form

Trainee’s Name: / Date:
School: / Subject: / Modern Languages
Class/Year Group: / Number in Class:
Lesson Theme: / Lesson Time:
Observer: / Joint Observer:
Focus for observation(to be informed by previous targets)
Effective questioning
  1. Lesson Observation Summary of Key Features

Impact of teaching on pupil progress
  • Is the teacher aware of pupils’ capabilities and their prior knowledge, and plans teaching to build on these?
  • To what extent do pupils make progress?
  • Is pupil progress at expected levels?
  • Does the teacher have a positive impact on the outcome of pupils’ progress?
Outline the key points of discussion and refer to significant evidence that has informed judgments in this area.
(For example - pupils’ verbal contributions, pupil group work, written work scrutiny, quality and impact of marking, observation, pupil performance, differentiated learning for all pupils, interpersonal skills, creativity, impact of trainee’s questioning, decision making)
Pupils were happy to participate in this lesson thanks to your effective questioning & encouragement of individuals. You have started to think about the context of the group and their individual needs in order to enable them to progress to the best of their ability .You mark their books regularly and your comments encourage them to think about what they need to do in order to progress further. Your medium term plan for this class is very detailed and is designed to enable pupils of all abilities to progress over the course of 6 lessons. It contains support & extension tasks for each activity and has a creative outcome.
Strengths and what went well?(What did the trainee do to impact on pupils’ learning? Please reference to Teachers’ Standards)
You have good classroom presence & high expectations of behaviour. You are encouraging & supportive.
There was a good working atmosphere & the pupils were engaged and motivated for the majority of the time TS1
You started the lesson using Target language – well done – but be consistent throughout the lesson. TS3
You created lovely resources and used 3 stage questioning to good effect. Your instructions were clear.TS3 TS4
You know pupils’ names already – well done Lovely activities for the pupils. It is a pity that you did not have enough time to do your fun speaking activity thoroughly.
You have started to use a variety AFL strategies in order to question effectively TS6 .
Areas to develop?(What could the trainee have done to improve the quality of teaching and learning further? Please reference to Teachers’ Standards)
Target language - use consistently- don’t mix & match with English TS3
Time limits - Set time limits for all activities to help with pace & transition.TS4
Check pupil comprehension - ask why an answer is correct/ incorrect. TS2, TS6
Modelling - All activities modelled visually as well as orally TS4
Resources - colour codeto aid comprehension of grammar points TS2, TS3,TS4,
Incorrect answers- deal with sympathetically (50/50) etc in order to encourage pupils of all abilities to feel confident enough to volunteer answers.TS2, TS5
  1. Personal and Professional Conduct (Part 2 two of the Teachers’ Standards)

Outline the key points of discussion with trainee, and mentor if UEL tutor completing. (For example –following the school’s policies and procedures, maintaining high standards of attendance and punctuality, acting within the statutory frameworks.)
You arrived before the lesson to set up. You were very well prepared for the lesson and your resources were of a good quality. You follow school policy re: entry and exit routines and behaviour. You have attended school every day and are always at school one hour before the day starts.
  1. Post Observation Feedback

Teachers’ Standards
TS1: high expectations TS2: good progress and outcomes TS3: good subject knowledge TS4: planning and teaching well-structured lessons TS5: response to pupils’ strengths and needs TS6: accurate and productive use of assessment TS7: effective behaviour management TS8: fulfil wider professional responsibilitiesPt2: high standards of personal and professional conduct
Agreed New Targets(Targets should be SMART, fit for purpose, trainee and pupil progress driven and written using the language of the Standards and grade descriptors and used to inform the targets set in the weekly professional development plan. / TS
Reference / Training activities/tasks to support progress towards targets
(How are you going to meet your targets?)
1.Consistent use of Target Language
2.Improve modelling techniques, pace & transition
3.Continue to develop questioning techniques / TS3
TS2, TS5 / Script lesson plans. Create a bank of TL classroom instructions
Observe ML lessons by other teachers. Follow EC guidance sheet re: how to model effectively & script on lesson plan.
Observe good practice in ML dept. Review AFL MFL session from UEL and associated videos.

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Evidence trainee has received this document:

Reviewed and sent by emailwithin one working day of observation☐

Or, reviewed andhardcopysigned by trainee:


Lesson Observation Commentary

This form is for use during the observation, if needed, as a commentary on the lesson.

Copyright © 2016 University of East London Cass School of Education and Communities All rights reserved. Unauthorised use NOT permitted