Western Regional Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: / March 20, 2013 /
Location: / Morrisville Fire Station 1 /


Carlos Villamarin, Member, Community at Large / ☒ / Sharon McMillian, Member, Education / ☒ /
Dr. Rev. Classy Preston, Member, Faith Based / ☒ / Tracy Stone-Dino, Member, Govt. Official Designee / ☒ /
Howard Manning, Member, HS Organization / ☐ / John Collins, Member, Human Services Organization / ☒ /
Cheng Wang, Member, Community at Large / ☒ / Regina Petteway,WCHS Div. of Admin. Director / ☒ /
Pastor Craig Hamm, Member, Faith Based / ☒ / Michele Crenshaw, WCHS Program Assistant / ☐ /
Pastor Madhu Sharma, Member, Faith Based / ☒ / Lisa Sellers, LCSW, WCHS Supervisor / ☒ /
Roberto Cardoso, Member, Business / ☒ / Maria Robayo, WCHS CYF Health Educator / ☒ /
Sharon Peterson, Member, Wake County Staff / ☒ / Karen Morant, WCHS OCA Consultant / ☒ /
Chief Ira Jones, Member, Government Official / ☒ / Brian Gunter, WCHS OCA Program Manager (guest) / ☐ /
Kathleen Herndon-Lee, Member, Education / ☒ / Mayor Frank Eagles, WCHS Regional Network / ☐ /
Paul Gregg, Member Business / ☐ /

WC Human Services Guest Presenters:

Ida Dawson, WCHS PH Clinics Division Director / ☒ / Natasha Adwaters, WCHS PH Family Support Mgr. / ☒ /
Victoria Adeleke, WCHS PH Nutrition Supervisor / ☒ / Charles Foust, Wake Health Services / ☒ /
I. / Introductions/Opening/Announcements
Karen Morant
Discussion: / Joint CAC meeting may be held in May or September
Howard Manning agreed to serve as the CAC’s Community Health Assessment Steering Committee representative.
Action Items: / Person(s) Responsible: / Deadline
Carlos and Roberto volunteered for Making It Happen, May 23, 12 Noon to 4 PM at the former Brownstone / Carlos
Roberto / May 23
II. / Western Region Advisory Committee February Meeting Overview
Karen Morant
Discussion: /
  • Karen gave a brief synopsis of information presented at the Feb. 20 Western Regional Advisory Committee meeting by Wake County Human Services (WCHS) Child Welfare, Child, Youth & Family (CYF), Department of Social Services (DSS) and Dorcus Ministries.

Action Items: / Person(s) Responsible: / Deadline
N/A / N/A / N/A
III. / Wake County Human Services Public Health Administration Presentation
Regina Petteway, Division of Administration Director
Discussion: /
  • Regina demonstrated where information can be found on the Public Health website as she presented each service provided.

Action Items: / Person(s) Responsible: / Deadline
It would be helpful to have information on gaps in services and current partnerships in the Western Region / Regina Petteway / Not indicated
IV. / Wake County Public Health Clinic ServicesPresentation (handout, PowerPoint)
Ida Dawson, Health Clinics Division Director
Discussion: /
  • Clinic division is part of the public health cluster
  • Largest prenatal clinic in Wake County for uninsured and underinsured
  • Infant mortality rate has decreased from double digits in 1988 to 7.3/1000 live births in 2011
  • Presented dental clinic and immunization services
  • WCHS provides the only source of clinical care for uninsured people with HIV
  • On site lab and pharmacy (provided 70,000 prescriptions last year)
  • Reviewed types of providers serving in the clinics
  • Over 100,000 clinic visits
  • Reviewed fee schedule
  • Explained needs in the western region (handout)
  • Demonstrated how to refer clients and provided phone number
  • Discussed transportation as a barrier
  • Clinical services are offered in the evening for people who work
  • Partnerships include Southern Wake Family Medicine and Apex Family Medicine
  • Expansion is needed in the Mini City area and the western region
  • Access for men is a problem, example: young man without funds for a physical needed to get a job, WCHS clinics cannot provide

  • Access for women beyond child bearing age and less than 62 are underserved
  • Currently implementing electronic health records and a patient management system
  • Q&A (answers below)
  1. Poverty numbers are taken from census data.
  2. Prenatal appointments are 6 – 8 weeks out, children 2 weeks out and contraceptive visits 6 weeks out.
  3. Stress in the environment, social, physical and genetic issues may contribute to dipartites on infant mortality.
  4. Tracs transportation is available if a person qualifies for Medicaid
  5. Many residents will remain without access to healthcare because of state legislator’s vote to no expand Medicaid. It is not true that everyone would be covered because of citizenship status.
  6. Government funded services may decrease in the future depending on private providers willingness to provide care for the uninsured and underinsured.
  7. WCHS Public Health Clinic Services provides a bilingual line and staff to accommodate a large Spanish speaking population.
  8. More staff and/or partners are needed to increase accessibility.

Action Items: / Person(s) Responsible: / Deadline
  1. Ida will talk to WCHS administrators regarding public awareness about clinic services available.
/ Ida Dawson / N/A
V. / Wake County Public Health Care Coordination for Children Presentation (neonatal unit, fragile children and their parents) (handout)
Natasha Adwaters, Family Support Program Manager
Discussion: /
  • One of the goals of the program is for each child to have a primary care provider
  • Per member per month payment is about $4.08 per child for Medicaid eligible children birth to 5 in Wake County
  • Services are free and voluntary, no income requirement
  • Bilingual staff available as well as other service for other languages

Continued / Wake County Public Health Care Coordination for Children Presentation
  • Q&A (Answers below)
  1. Diagnosis: children not functional at developmental level, chronic illness, mental health issues and environmental stressors (work with whole family).
  2. Try to see 10% of eligible children, but also see non eligible – able to serve more people with this model.
  3. No cap on the number of cases, and make immediate contact to avoid waiting lists
  4. Referrals come from hospitals, internal WIC and Clinics, regional centers, neonatal intensive care units, and pediatric units.
  5. No formal follow up once a child leaves the program, however, Care Coordination for Children is now in the Community Care Case Management electronic system in order to conduct longitudinal studies moving forward
6. The western region makes up about 20% of population served in this program.
Action Items: / Person(s) Responsible: / Deadline
N/A / N/A / N/A
VI. / Wake County Human Services WIC Program Presentation (handout & PowerPoint)
Victoria Adeleke, Nutritionist Supervisor
Discussion: /
  • Victoria passed out a list of grocery stores in Wake County that accept WIC and a list of food items
  • Nutrition education is available in Spanish and English

Action Items: / Person(s) Responsible: / Deadline
N/A / N/A / N/A
VII. / Wake Health Services, Inc. Presentation
Charles Foust,
Discussion: /
  • 51% of Board of Trustees have to be people who are receiving care
  • Not affiliated with WakeMed and not a free clinic
  • 25,000 active patients, 27% uninsured, 42% Medicaid
  • 56,000 – 76,000 encounters provided last year
  • Mission is to provide compassionate primary healthcare
  • Vision is to be a model of affordable care
  • Services sites include: Southern Regional Center and Apex Family Medicine
  • Centralized call center available 24/7
  • Uninsured and underinsured (large deductible they cannot pay) get a sliding fee rate
  • Horizons Healthcare for the homeless is a Wake Health Services Program
  • With the Affordable Care Act may lose funding
  • Federal funds are currently 25% of budget, $4.5 million in donated care, 2.8 million dollars? Grans 1/1 million, rest from patient fees 7 Million
  • Q&A (Answers below)
  1. Rock Quarry Road offers substance abuse counseling for teens and working collaboratively with SouthLight to have a licensed clinical social worker on site at Apex. Staff looks at what a patient may be eligible for.
  2. For Hispanic community, can accept an attestation of income and not required to prove citizenship. WIC does not require proof of citizenship.
  3. Referrals are made to other organizations for job placement, behavioral health in order to make the whole patient healthy.

Action Items: / Person(s) Responsible: / Deadline
N/A / N/A / N/A
Meeting Adjourned
Notes taken by Regina Petteway, minutes typed by Michele Crenshaw
Minutes reviewed by: Karen Morant
Next meeting Scheduled April 17, 2013, 12 Noon – 2 PM
WCHS Transportation, Housing and Human Capital Development to present
Location: 4000 Glenaire Court, Cary, 27511 for the next 3 months
