Lesson 7: The Spanish-American War

Essential Question: What led to the start of the Spanish-American war and how did the war benefit U.S. imperialist interests?

Standards: SS 1.3, SS 2.2, ELA 1.1, ELA 4.1


-Organizer – S-A Causes and Results

-Intro Activity to project onto the board


-Piece of paper (use same one for the intro and for the exit slip)

-Powerpoint – Causes of the War

Objectives: TSWBAT…

-identify and explain the causes and results of the Spanish-American war through classwork, reading, and their graphic organizer

-describe the events of the S-A War using their guided notes

-evaluate the significance of the war in the timeline of the development of the U.S. as it is today


-Collect RAFT activities from students

-Chronological Ordering Review Activity

In each pair below, select the person, event, or period that came first.

1. Japan becomes a world power OR United States and Japan sign a trade agreement.

2. Boxer Rebellion OR United States announces Open Door policy

3. Gold is found in Alaska OR U.S. purchases Alaska

4. Sugar planters revolt in Hawaii OR U.S. annexes the Hawaiian Islands

-Have students write it on a piece of paper, then as a class go over it, with students coming up to circle the correct answer

Teaching Strategies and Accommodation:

-Pass out graphic organizers:

  • Direct instruction for the Causes box
  • Use powerpoint!
  • Unorthodox, but we will go to the Results of the S-A War before we go to what happened in the war. Have students take out their Imperialism Charts, from Wednesday. Look through them and see if they can describe some of the results of the S-A War.
  • With all these territorial acquisitions, what did this do for the United States?
  • Why would the U.S. want these territories?
  • Flip over: class divided do Philippines & Caribbean
  • Allowing students to work in pairs, have students use their textbooks to read and fill in their guided notes. If time permits, cover that information as a class


-No HW

-Exit Slip: Even though the Spanish-American War lasted only 4 months, why was it so significant?


- I will use student participation, work on the notes, and the exit slip to assess whether students understand what caused the Spanish-American war, what happened in the war, and what the war’s significance was for the United States
