Parish Council Meeting Minutes from April 28th

Present: Fr. Phil Persico, Fr. Frank Bassett, Dave Gerbosi, President, Bob Beitscher, Fran Berger, Dot DiMaggio, Janan Lane, Ana Marie McCullough, Maureen McLoughlin,guest David Bartsch

Opening - The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Parish Council President Dave Gerbosi and

Fr. Phil offered an opening prayer.

Fr Philbegan by discussing:

1)Our Cluster for the Archdiocese’s “All Things Made New” includes the following seven parishes: Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of Mt Carmel, St Bernard’s, St Anthony’s, St Johns, St Pius the X and Holy Name. When the cluster last met they discussed the possible merger of a couple of parishes and the information had been leaked to the newspaper stating the merger of St Bernard’s and St Johns. As Fr. Phil mentioned this is all up for discussion and since it was in the paper Fr Phil would speak at all the masses on the following weekend: May 3rd and 4th and explained that this is not final. The merger announcement could be done early as June or September. Also Fr Phil mentioned that the Archdiocese might disregard the cluster’s ideas.

2)Fr Phil discussed a couple of changes in mass times:

a)First, beginning with this summer due to low attendance in the past the 12:30pm Mass will be discontinued from July 6th through August 31st.

b)Second, Fr Phil revised 2015 Mass schedule which will be changed from 8am, 9:30am, 11am and 12:30pm to 8am, 10am and 12pm.

3)Fr Nana will be celebrating his 30th Anniversary of his Ordination this year. The parish will be throwing a party on June 22nd after the 12:30pm Mass. Also, Fr Nana does not have his own chalice since he gave it to a newly ordained priest. Therefore, as a present the Parish will buy a chalice for Fr Nana

4)Regarding maintenance the Church’s front steps were regrouted and repaired last year and must be redone. However Fr Phil is looking into what is the best to be done for the steps probably all colored cement would be safer and last longer.

5)Tenebrae Services and the Tridium all went smoothly and beautifully for Easter Week

6)In September we will have to begin looking for two more individuals to replace Mary & JoEllen after their one year term ends.

1)Reports of Ex-Officio Council Members

FINANCE presented by Fran Berger.

1)As of April 1st there is only one school teacher left that is collecting unemployment insurance

2)The Festival planning committee had their first meeting and a parishioner will be performing as an aerialist with her own rig

3)As soon as the Archdiocese provides specific expense information for increases as to property insurance, health insurance etc. the budget will be submitted

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION presented by Janan Lane

1)Confirmation is set for June 3rd and 4th with Bishop Lagronegro and awaiting the dates for 2015

2)Communion is all set for May 3rd and May 10th and all second graders are invited back for the May Crowning on May 11at the 9:30am Mass

3)Religious Education registration will begin in May and the following schedule changes have been made

4)Monday and Tuesday 4:00-5:30 and 6:30-8:00 and Saturday from 9:30 to 11:00, no more Wednesdays

5)Janan will include in the registration packets a festival volunteer form

6)On September 27th the 8th graders will be going to Burke Rehabilitation to visit the patients

RCIA presented by Janan Lane in Pat Bisesto’s absence

For the Easter Vigil 2014 three werebaptized

SOCIAL CONCERNS presented by Maureen McLoughlin:

1)St Patrick’s Day Crafts- about 35 parishioners helped to make St Patrick’s Day crafts for nursing homes. They were distributed to Rosary Hill, Hebrew Home, Schurnmacher Nursing Home, Cabrini, and the convent of the Divine Compassion. Thanks to all who helped

2)St Patrick’s Day Parties- We had 2 parties, the first at Rosary Hill. About 15 parishioners volunteered their time to sing a variety of Irish songs to the residents and Sisters. We also had some young parishioners do Irish step dance and play the tin whistle. Some friends came by and played the bagpipes as well. Many parishioners donated food-Irish soda bread, scones, cookies, etc. Thanks so much to all who made it happen. We had a wonderful time-was special for all. We are hoping to do it again next year. Our second party was at the Hebrew Home. Several parishioners including young girls from the O’Rourke Scholl of Irish dancing, came and performed for the large crowd. Our bagpipers again showed up and went to every hallway in the home playing their bagpipes. A great day again!

3)Midnight Run-the Youth group went on a Midnight Run. Many parishioners donated clothing, food and toiletries. Thanks so much to all! It was a rainy night but the Run went well. Thanks to the Youth Group and all the parishioners for their support!

4)East Crafts A group of about 25 parishioners made Easter crafts for nursing homes. The residents of the homes again were so pleased to receive our decorations Thanks to all who helped

5)Food Bank-A group of about 25 parishioners volunteered at the Food Bank for Westchester on Sunday, April 27thwe bagged and packed pasta. Our group did a great job! Next food bank date is Sunday, October 19th from 12-2pm

6)Upcoming-Spring and Patriotic Crafts- Monday , May 12, 3:30 to 5:30, in the cafeteria

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY presented by Maureen McLoughlin

1)Meetings –We have been meeting twice a month, will be changing to once a month. We have about 25 women knitting and crocheting shawls to be given to the ill, bereaved, or those feeling the effects of aging. Thanks so much to all for donating their time and talents

2)Blessing of the Prayer Shawls- this past weekend members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry displayed their shawls around the altar so all parishioners could see their beautiful work. We had about 60 shawls, all different colors and designs.Fr Phil blessed them at the Divine Mercy Adoration. We received many compliments

3)Prayer Shawl Request-If any parishioner would like a shawl for themselves or others in need they should contact Christine Stephens at 761-7243, or Maureen McLoughlin at 946-9334.

4)Next meeting-Saturday, May 17th, 11:30-12:30, Fr Dave Library. All welcome to join us! We are hoping some new members will be inspired to join us after seeing all the beautiful shawls on the altar.

5)Donations-we will be asking for donations of money or gift cards, which will be used by our members to purchase yarn. We are also requesting yarn donations.

ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY presented by Dot DiMaggio

1)Bridget ordered the Easter flowers for the altar and the Rosarians setup a beautiful display

2)RAS received a number of donations in memory of Lena Kocovicand used a portion of it to purchase a custodia for the lunette which is housed in the Church Tabernacle

3)On May 28th at 6pm the RAS will have their birthday party at Beehive restaurant honoring six Rosarians

4)Also at the RAS dinner the new slate of officers will be installed

YOUTH GROUP presented by Fr Phil

1)The third week of May (May 18th ) will be the last meeting of the year

2)Jen Massaro is retiring after many years of working with the youth group

3)Mike Williams the youth group coordinator had a charioke and the group raised $325 which was sent to the Gilda Club

4)Next September Our Lady of Mt Carmel youth group will be joining Holy Name

5)The Youth Group went on a Midnight Run with Maureen and enjoyed the experience

Fr. Phil ended with a prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55PM and the next meeting will be May 19that 7PM in the Fr Dave Library

Respectfully submitted

Francine Berger

Parish Council Secretary