Lesson 4 – Paragraph Formatting DO NOT WRITE ON MY PAPER!!!!
Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false. Make the false statements true.
T F 1. Pressing the Enter key will indent the first line of a paragraph.
T F 2. An indent is the space between a paragraph and the document’s left and/or right margin.
T F 3. You can use the ruler to set tabs.
T F 4. A bar tab inserts a vertical bar line at the place indicated on the vertical ruler.
T F 5. Tab leaders are dotted, dashed, or solid lines that fill the space before a tab.
T F 6. The Clear Formatting command will only clear the fonts applied to the selected text.
T F 7. Horizontal alignment refers the position of text with regard to the top and bottom margins of a document.
T F 8. Centered vertical alignment aligns text between the top and bottom margin.
T F 9. Indents can be changed using the markers on the ruler.
T F 10. The shortcut to double-space a paragraph is Ctrl_2.
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
1. Which of the following is not a type of indent?
a. Hanging
b. Negative
c. Positive
d. First-line
2. Which word(s) refers to how text is positioned between the top and bottom margins of the page?
a. Horizontal alignment
b. Vertical alignment
c. Justified
d. Line spacing
3. Which line spacing command sets the spacing at a fixed amount that Word does not adjust?
a. Exactly
b. Double
c. Multiple
d. At least
4. Where is the View Ruler button located?
a. In the Tabs dialog box
b. At the top of the vertical scroll bar
c. In the Paragraph group
d. All of the above
5. What does dragging a tab off the ruler do?
a. Moves it to another position
b. Turns it into a left-aligned tab
c. Clears it
d. Hides it from view
6. Bullets can be defined by adding a:
a. symbol.
b. box.
c. picture.
d. Both a and c
7. Which property of borders can be changed in the Borders tab of the Borders and Shading dialog box?
a. Color
b. Width
c. Style
d. All of the above
8. The inverted L sets which tab on the ruler?
a. Left
b. Right
c. Center
d. Decimal
9. Which tab setting would you use to align a list of currency values?
a. Decimal
b. Center
c. Right
d. Decimal with leaders
10. Defining a New Number format applies to which of the following styles?
a. I, II, III
b. 1), 2), 3)
c. 1., 2., 3.
d. All of the above
Project 4-1: Lost Art Photos
You are employed in the marketing department at Lost Art Photos and have been asked to format a
promotional document.
GET READY. LAUNCH Word if it is not already running.
1. OPEN photos from the data fi les for this lesson.
2. SAVE the document as lost_art_photos in the lesson folder.
3. SELECT the document’s title.
4. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click drop-down arrow on the Border button.
5. Scroll down and click Borders and Shading to open the Borders and Shading dialog box.
6. In the Setting list, click Shadow. On the Width list, click 3 pt.
7. Click OK to close the Borders and Shading dialog box.
8. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the drop-down arrow next to the Shading button.
9. Under Theme Colors, click the color that is labeled Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 60%.
10. Select the first paragraph.
11. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Line Spacing button.
12. Click 1.0 on the menu.
13. Select Affordable Prints.
14. Click the down arrow next to the Border button.
15. Click Outside Borders from the selection.
16. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Shading button.
17. Click the color that is labeled Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40%.
18. Double-click the Format Painter to copy the formatting of Affordable Prints to each of the other headings: Quality Product, Options, Options, Options, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Click the Format Painter to turn it off.
19. SAVE the document in the lesson folder, then CLOSE the fi le. LEAVE Word open for the next project.
Project 4-2: General Performance Expectation Guidelines
In your job at Books and Beyond, you continue to work on documents that will be part of the employee handbook.
GET READY. LAUNCH Word if it is not already running.
1. OPEN guidelines from the data fi les for this lesson.
2. SAVE the document as handbook_guidelines in the lesson folder .
3. Select the two lines that begin Verbal discussion . . . and Written warning . . ..
4. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the drop-down arrow next to the Bullets button and select the solid circle.
5. Place the insertion point after the second sentence in the list and press Enter.
6. Key Termination as the third bulleted item.
7. Select the double-spaced lines beginning with abuse, misuse . . . and ending with falsification, misinterpretation . . . .
8. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Bullets button and click Define New Bullet.
9. Click the Symbol button, then click the drop-down arrow in the Font box and select Wingdings. In the fifth row, fifth column, select the solid diamonds. Click OK to close the Symbol dialog box, then click OK to close the Define New Bullet dialog box.
10. Select the remaining paragraphs beginning with insubordination, willful disregard . . .and ending with engaging in conduct . . . .
11. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Bullets button and click Define New Bullet.
12. Click the Picture button and in the search text box, key diamond and click GO. Select the second diamond and click OK to close the Picture Bullet dialog box; then click OK to close the Define New Bullet dialog box.
13. Select the first, second, third, and last paragraph in the document.
14. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, and click the Justify button.
15. With the paragraphs still selected, apply the first-line indent by launching the Paragraph dialog box. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the drop-down arrow to launch the Paragraph dialog box. Under Special, select the drop-down arrow and select First Line Indent . Click OK to close the Paragraph dialog box.
16. SAVE the document in the lesson folder, then CLOSE the fi le. LEAVE Word open for the next project.