Residential/Commercial CCAC Subcommittee
Conference Call
December 18, 2008
Attendees: Dennis Malosky, Christina Simeone, April Hain
On Phone – Vivian Loftness, Denise Brinley, Ronald Ramsey
Look at the CCS strategies:
Does the existing work plans give a good overview accurately cover the issues or do we need to do more?
CCS Catalog
Blanket recommendations
Statewide commitments to upgrade lighting and re-roofing
Examples from other state plans:
Implementation, design, etc
PA has the 3rd oldest housing stock in the country. Average home was built in 1957.
PHRC has a report on housing stock.
Energy star & CBEX database
For commercial
Old version of CBEX can break out by state
No load breakout
Old program
PA has over 12,000 buildings
Where is the largest impact of buildings?
Economizer Cycles
Fresh air circulation
Older buildings don’t have this ability
Comprehensive O&M plans
Easier to document savings
Use Energy Start 75 as a goal
Hard to quantify GHG reductions
Download PA buildings from ES (Energy Star) database
Can be done with schools
PA has more ES (Energy Star) portfolio managed buildings
New GHG work plans
Who to help develop?
Green Building Council
Residential side – need to focus on opportunities for existing buildings
Affordable Comfort Inc (ACI)
ECA (Energy Coordinating Agency
CCI (Conservation Consultants Inc)
PHRC (PA Housing Research Center)
Commercial side – explore averages for commercial buildings
Large> 10K square feet
Small < 10k square feet
Labor and Industry must be engaged – who to involve
State AIA
State or Regional ASHRAE
University outreach (Pitt/PSU/UPenn)
Individuals who can help expand the work plan ideas
Email from Vivian – drafted by DEP
Everyone should provide Vivian with names that could help
State and local government, buildings land use, agriculture, ext
Would like draft of this to be integrated into both R/C/? and TLU sub committees
Vivian and Nathan will talk about how to coordinate LU issues
Municipal Response
Will be an integrated implementation response
Need to consider their response
Who should represent municipals interests?
Follow up
Prior to conference call on January 6th at 3:00 – 4:30
Need a power point of options
Schedule meeting to be topic specific
Breakdown of PA Building Stock
Final existing action plans
Submit names for technical/sector specific experts
Set up a timeframe of tasks and calls