Unit 3 American Indian Cultural Regions


Lesson 3 Notebook: American Indian Cultural Regions

Where in the United States would you use each of these types of sports equipment? Write a sentence below each picture to explain your answer.

On the map at the bottom of the page, draw a symbol for each piece of equipment above to show where it would be used. Also make a key for the map.


In each box,

  • record the name of that section’s region
  • record its tribes
  • draw and label ONE artifact, and
  • write a caption to explain the resources used to make it and why it was useful.

On the map, label the region and color its features.

Reading Section 3.2
Name of the Cultural Region:______
Type of Climate in this Region:______
Tribes in this Region:______

Reading Section 3.3
Name of the Cultural Region:______
Type of Climate in this Region:______
Tribes in this Region:______

Reading Section 3.4
Name of the Cultural Region:______
Type of Climate in this Region:______
Tribes in this Region:______

Reading Section 3.5
Name of the Cultural Region:______
Type of Climate in this Region:______
Tribes in this Region:______

Reading Section 3.6
Name of the Cultural Region:______
Type of Climate in this Region:______
Tribes in this Region:______

Reading Section 3.7
Name of the Cultural Region:______
Type of Climate in this Region:______
Tribes in this Region:______

Reading Section 3.8
Name of the Cultural Region:______
Type of Climate in this Region:______
Tribes in this Region:______

Reading Further:

Fill in the column of the chart with information about the American Indian tribe your group represents. Use Reading Further 3 in Social Studies Alive! America’s Past to help you.

Cultural Features / Makahs of the Northwest Coast / Taos of the Southwest
Men’s Work
Women’s Work

Reading Further:

Fill in the column of the chart with information about the American Indian tribe your group represents. Use Reading Further 3 in Social Studies Alive! America’s Past to help you.

Cultural Features / Iowas of the Great Plains / Senecas of the Eastern Woodlands
Men’s Work
Women’s Work

Processing Assignment:

Suppose you are a historian. A movie director asks you to review a script for a film. It is about life in the Northwest in the 1600s. Many of the characters are American Indians. The script shows them hunting buffalo and living in tepees. They are wearing feathered headdresses. Write a letter to the director to explain why these details may not be accurate. Suggest a better way to show the culture of the region. If you need more space, continue writing on separate pieces of paper. Use the checklist below to make sure your letter includes the following:

1.) The date, a greeting, a closing, and correct spelling and grammar.

2.)A two or three sentence introduction stating that you are a historian and that you have been studying American Indian cultural regions.

3.)A paragraph that uses facts and examples to explain why it may not be accurate to show American Indians of the Northwest as the movie script describes them.

4.)A paragraph that uses facts and examples to tell a better way to show the food, housing, and clothing of this region.

5.)A few closing sentences that say why the director should want to make the changes.