Lesson 3c

Lesson 3 – Introduction to INTERNET Technology

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Answer the questions –

MOVIE CLIP / “Introduction to Internet Technology” / Watch together in class, take notes?
3-4 /
  1. What is the difference between a client and a server?

DRAW (3-5) / Use shapes to illustrate and label the Client/Server model
DRAW (3-8) / Use shapes to illustrate and label the TCP/IP model
3-6 /
  1. What is the difference between a LAN and a WAN?

  1. How and when was the Internet invented?

  1. How and when was the World Wide Web created?

3-7 /
  1. What is the difference between the Internet and WWW?

3-8 /
  1. Which web browser do YOU use?

  1. How does a browser know how to display a web page?

  1. What does IP specify?

3-9 /
  1. What happens if a connection between two computers is damaged? How does data get through?

LAB 3-1: Explore the Visual History of the Web / Do as a class, Mrs. Cyr on overhead
3-10 /
  1. What six elements are necessary to connect to the Internet?

CIW Online / Course Mastery Part A / Complete for a GRADE
3-17 /
  1. What is a “protocol”?

  1. What is an “IP address”?

  1. Under IPv4, what is the IP address referred to as? What does that mean?

  1. How many different IP addresses are available on IPv4?

  1. What happened to those IPv4 addresses?

3-18 /
  1. How is IPv6 different and better than IPv4? How many IP addresses are possible with IPv6?

CIW Online / Exercise 3.2 (Yes, we skipped 3.1) / Complete for practice
3-18, 19 /
  1. What is the difference between HTTP and FTP?

  1. How many servers are used in sending an email?

3-20 /
  1. What is the difference between POP3 and IMAP?

  1. A newsgroup is like an email system, but everyone has access to all the messages. How is it UNLIKE an email system?

CIW Online / Exercise 3.3 / Complete for practice
3-21 /
  1. Which is better: an IP address or a domain name? WHY?

  1. How does a business choose a domain name?

  1. Who keeps track of all the domain names on the Internet?

MOVIE CLIP / “Domain Name System” / Watch together in class, take notes?
3-22 /
  1. In which direction is a domain name read? WHY?

CIW Online / Exercise 3.4 / Complete for practice
3-23 /
  1. List some examples of “top-level domains”:

3-25 / Explore / Do with Mrs. Cyr on overhead
3-26 /
  1. What makes up “the cloud”?

  1. What is needed to access “the cloud”? WHY?

3-27 /
  1. What is Pandora and how does it work?

MOVIE CLIP / “Look to the Clouds” / Watch together in class, take notes?
3-28 /
  1. What is cloud computing also known as?

  1. Compare GRID Computing to CLOUD computing: how are they similar/different?

3-28, 29 /
  1. List the pros and cons of cloud computing:

CIW Online / Exercise 3.5 / Complete for practice
3-29 thru 3-33 / LAB 3-3: Explore iGoogle Portal’s cloud computing capabilities / Will it work?
Worksheet / Lesson 3 Worksheet / Complete for a GRADE
CIW Online / Course Mastery Part B / Complete for a GRADE
CIW Online / Lesson 3 Quiz / Complete for a GRADE
CIW Online / IBA v2.0: Practice Exams > Objective Reviews and Quizzes / See chart for reviews by LESSON; Complete for a GRADE