Lesson 24: The Angels
Objectives:Describe angels as beings that help Allah.
They cannot disobey Allah.
They are made of light.
They record our good and bad deeds.
Materials:The Angel’s Prayer
Our Religion is Islam, pg. 33 & 34
Pictures of things angels bring.
Large paper plate (one for each angel)
Crayons or markers
White glue
Pre-made paper plate angels (see directions below).
Procedure:1. Begin with circle time. Recite sura fatiha and review some songs from other lessons such as the Paradise song, the Qiyamah song, The Prophets Brought the Message song, and the Q-U-R-A-N song.
2. Read, The Angel’s Prayer. Ask students:
What did the book tell you about angels?
What do they look like?
What do they do?
Explain that:
You may hear about angels on TV or in books. Islam says that angels are made of light, and they help Allah.
All angels are good, not like people.
Ask: Should we pray to angels?
No, angels cannot help you unless Allah tells them to.
Does anyone know the names of the 4 arch angels?
3. Introduce Angels of Allah song. First sing it for the students, then have them repeat each line after you. Finally, sing the song together two or three times.
4. Review the names and jobs of each of the 4 arch angels:
-Gabriel is the Archangel responsible for revealing the Qu'ran to Muhammad, sura by sura. He is mentioned specifically in the Qu'ran.
-Azra'il is the Angel of Death who along with his helpers is responsible for parting the soul of the human from the body. The actual process of separating the soul from the body depends on the person's history or record of good or bad deeds. If the human was a bad person in life, the soul is ripped out very painfully. But if the human was a righteous person, then the soul is separated like a 'drop of water dripping from glass'.
-Mika'il is the Archangel charged with bringing thunder and lightning onto the Earth. He is also responsible for the rewards doled out to good persons in this life.
-Israfil is the Angel responsible for signalling the coming of Judgement Day by blowing a horn and sending out a "Blast of Truth".
5. Give students pictures of Quran, horn, lightening, and funeral. Have them cut out the pictures and hold the correct picture up to answer these questions:
Ask them:
What did angel Jibrail bring?
What does angel Israfil have?
What does angel Michael send?
What is angel Azrail for?
Which angel Optional Craft Activity:
6. Show students the pre-made paper plate angel. Explain that they will make an angel. They can choose which angel to make by *drawing something on the dress of the angel.
For Gibrael:Draw a Quran
For Israfil:Draw an horn.
For Michael:Draw lightening.
For Azrail:Color black for death.
(*Children can also cut out pictures from the attached sheet and glue them on the dress of the angel if they are too young to draw).
The directions for the paper plate craft are:
On the paper plate draw two lines so that you end up with a large triangle and two small arcs. (See Fig. 1.) The triangle is the angel's dress and the arcs are the wings.
Glue (or staple) the wings to the back of the triangle so they look like wings. (See Fig. 2). Older kids can glue the pieces together themselves.
Next, cut a circle out of the construction paper for the angel's head and glue to the top of the triangle.
Fig. 1Fig. 2
When the angel is dry, assist the children with applying glue to the angel on the dress, wings, wherever they want and help them sprinkle it with glitter. You can also add gold pipe cleaner halos to them as well.
Evaluation:As students are coloring or decorating angels, circulate around the room and ask and record the answers to these questions:
1. What are angels?
2. Are some angels bad?
3. What are angels made of?
4. What are some of the names of some of the angels?
5. What do some of these angels do?
Homework:Our Religion is Islam, pg. 33 and 34