Spring 2011

Lesson 2: Philippians 2

Unity in Christ

Study Tip:

  • Begin by reflecting on Colossians 3:16, “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another….” then pray for the Holy Spirit to direct your heart as you study.
  • For a clearer understanding of the text, read the entire passage more than once before you begin.

Day One: Read Philippians 2:1–4; Unity through Humility, Part One

1.What challenged or encouraged you from last week’s study in Philippians 1?

2. Identify the characteristicsof Christian unity found in verse 1.

3.In verse 2, identify the additional characteristics that Paul said would make his joy complete.

4.Use a dictionary to define “selfishness” and “empty conceit.” How do these attitudes discourageunity?

5.What command is found in verses 3b–4? How does this command encourageunity?

6.Dig Deeper: The opposite of humility is pride. How does Scripture address the sin of pride? Cite references.

7.Are there attitudes in your life that are a cause of disunity?How are you motivated to change by the passages you read on pride?(See 1 John 1:9.)

Day Two: Read Philippians 2:5–11; Unity through Humility, Part Two

1.According to these verses, what attitude is a believer instructed to have?

a.How do these verses describe Christ’s humility?

b.Read Matthew 11:29 and 1 John 2:6. Why should we have an attitude of humility?

2.Dig Deeper: In verse 11 Paul reveals a supreme title given to exalt Jesus. What is that title and what does it signify?

a.Who will bow down to Jesus? How will they express theirsubmission to Christ?

3.From Philippians 2:5–11, what do you learn from Christ’s humiliation and exaltation?

Day Three: Read Philippians 2:12–18; Light Bearers

1.According to verses 12–14, what are we to do and how are we to do it?

2.Explain how God works in a believer.

3.What is the command in verse 14 and why is it given?

a.How can you keep from having this attitude?

4.Why is it important that believers “appear as lights in the world”?

5.From verse 17, what does Paul mean when he says he was “being poured out as a drink offering”?

a.How does Paul’s response in the second part of the verse encourage or challenge you?

Day Four: Philippians 2:19–24; Timothy

1.What does it mean to be a “kindred spirit”?

2.For what does Paul commend Timothy?

3.Howdoes Acts 16:1–12 demonstrate Timothy’s proven worth?

4.Who could you come alongside as a spiritual helper and encourager as Timothy did with Paul?

5.In verses 20–21 Paul commends Timothy for his selfless service. How would you define selfless service in today’s churches?

a.What are your motives for your involvement in the church?

Day Five: Read Philippians 2:25–30; Epaphroditus

1.How does Philippians 4:18 add to your understanding of Epaphroditus?

2.What five words or phrases does Paul use to describe Epaphroditus in verse 25?

3.In what way did God show mercy to Epaphroditus?

4.How does verse 29 tell us we should respond to those who serve in the church?

5.Re-read Philippians 2. What do you think is the theme of this chapter?


Frields/Peters March 16, 2011