To be completed by the UK supervising consultant

Please read the RCR’s ISS guidance to ensure that you and the applicant can meet all the criteria for this scheme, particularly the Eligibility Criteria section.

The UK Supervising Consultant Form asks for details about the post offered so that the ISS process can begin.

Please note that the College is only able to sponsor for clinical training posts.We do not sponsor doctors to undertake research based posts or the clinical element of a postgraduate degree, norfor Staff Grade or locum consultant posts.

Posts offered under the scheme must be approved by the LETB/deaneryas not disadvantaging UK or EEA trainees and or adversely affecting existing trainees, and as containing a sufficient training and educational content to benefit the applicant. For more information on the ISS please see our website.

When RCR approval is given you will need to complete the forms in relation to visa sponsorship for the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC), which is the national visa sponsor for this scheme; this is the MTI application form and it asks you, the LETB/deanery and medical staffing to provide additional comment and information.

Please return this form tothe RCR

Please email us at if you have any queries.

Name of international medical graduate to whom this application applies
Title and name of UK supervising consultant
Full hospital address
Telephone number
Email address
Name of UK medical staffing / human resources contact
Full hospital address
Telephone number
Email address
Title and grade of post offered
Proposed start date / Proposed end date
Responsible LETB/deanery
Is the post in a GMC approved practice setting?
Double click on the appropriate box and click “checked”
How was the candidate appointed to the post?
How is the post funded, by whom, and what is the total funding package?
Please confirm whether the applicant will receive an induction and orientation period, the outcome of which will be notified to the RCR.
Please confirm whether the applicant will receive appropriate clinical and educational supervision expected to be available to any clinical radiology trainee.

Checklist of documents

Please indicate beside each item to confirm its inclusion

A copy of the job description and timetable / Double click on the appropriate box and click “checked”
A copy of the applicant’s CV / YES NO
LETB/deanery letter to confirm that the post is appropriate, that the applicant’s appointment does not disadvantage UK or EEA trainees or adversely affect existing trainees, and that the post is appropriately funded (e.g. by salary or overseas grant; applicants cannot self-fund) / YES NO
You will also need to complete a structured interview with the applicant; the RCR interview template will be sent to you on receipt of this form.
By sending this form I confirm that the details given in the form are accurate, and I permit the College to hold the information given on this form for the purposes of the College in accordance with the Data Protection Act (no information will be passed to external bodies).

Please return this form to accompanied bythe applicant’s CV, the job description and timetable and the LETB/deaneryapproval letter.

September 2014 -p1