Lesson 2.1 Coding for the Crowd

Key Terms

Term / Unit / Definition
API / 2.1.2 / Application Programming Interfaceis offered by a server for communication with a client app. A client computer program can send instructions to the server and get data from the server by sending requests to various URL endpoints that form the API
Attribute / 2.1.1 / HTML tags use tags to mark elements in a web page. The value of an attribute in an element’s tag describes the element.
Arguments / 2.1.3 / Arguments are values that must be passed to a procedure when it is called
Black hat hacker / 2.1.3 / A person who attempts to find computer security vulnerabilities and exploit them for malicious reasons. The term is derived from old Western movies in which the bad guys wore black hats
Browser / 2.1.1 / Aclient program that requests a URL from a web server program
Brute force attack / Method of guessing a password for a server by trying every possible combination
Client / 2.1.1 / A program that accesses data from a server. Multiple clients can access a single server.
Constant value / 2.1.3 / Values are concrete words or numbers. When a variable in a computer program is used to represent a constant value, it is set at the beginning of the program and does not change. The program can refer to the constant value by the variable name rather than the value itself.
CSS / 2.1.1 / Cascading Style Sheets—a formatting standard that specifies the layout and appearance of a web page. CSS is usually written in a separate file so that it can be applied to many pages on a single website
Crowdsourcing / 3.1 / Strategy that takes advantage of large numbers of people connected by computer networks to generate the creation of content, the evaluation of content, and the funding of ventures
Data visualization / 2.1.4 / The art of creating graphs to display data—helps humans discover patterns in data
Element / 2.1.1 / HTML tags use tags to mark elements in a web page. Elements are parts of a web page such as the header, body, hyperlinks, and images
Encode / 2.1.3 / To convert information into a particular format
Endpoint / 2.1.2 / URLs that form the commands available in an API
Global Variable / 2.1.3 / A variablethat is accessible from all procedures and blocks of code within the program in which it is defined.
HTML / 2.1.1 / Hypertext Markup Language—uses tags to mark elements in a web page
HTTP / 2.1.2 / Hypertext Transfer Protocol—specifies the norms of transactions between client requests and server responses on the web
Index out of bounds / 2.1.3 / The error given when a program tries to accessa sequence by asking for an item number bigger than the length of the sequence
IP Address / 2.1.1 / Internet Protocol addresses are numbers assigned to each computer that communicates over the TCP/IP communication protocol
Local variable / 2.1.3 / A variablethat is only accessible from within thelocal procedure or block of code within which it is defined
Protocol / 2.1.1 / A standard of normal interaction in a system
Rendering / 2.1.1 / The process of drawing the text, pictures, and user interface elements on the screen based on the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript of a web page
Request / 2.1.2 / Data sent from a client to a server, also called a query
Response / 2.1.2 / Data sent from a server to a client as a result of a client request
Tag / 2.1.1 / A construct of HTML that is used to mark elements of a page with values and attributes
Test bed / 2.1.3 / An environment designed for testing specific functions
URL / 2.1.1 / Abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator. URLis one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); the generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the web. A URLthat uses the HTTP / HTTPS protocol is usually referred to as a web address
Value / 2.1.1 / Values are concrete words or numbers. Variables in computer programs and to tag attributes in HTML can hold values

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