Directorate-General for Education and Culture
Lifelong learning: policies and programme
Vocational training; Leonardo da Vinci

Draft Conference programme

9 November 2010

Leonardo da Vinci Programme – 15th anniversary 1995-2010

Whole day: FAIR around conference (project stands)

Music, performances from LdV projects during coffee breaks, lunch and reception

Square Brussels Meeting Centre

Mont des Arts

(Cube entrance)

B-1000 Bruxelles

8.15 – 9.00 / Registration and welcome breakfast
9.00 – 9.05 / Welcome speech / Mrs Androulla Vassiliou (tbc)
European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth
9.05 – 10.00 / Introductory panel
Mrs Hélène Clark / Mrs Androulla Vassiliou (tbc)
Mrs Doris Pack, Member of the European Parliament - Chairwoman of the Committee on Culture and Education.
Mr Domenico Lenarduzzi, Honorary Director General - Directorate General for Education and Culture, European Commission.
Mrs Sonia Dubourg-Lavroff, Director for European and international Relations and for Cooperation at Ministry of national Education and Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
10.00 – 11.15 / 1st session: Mobility
Talks, experiences, personal stories, videos; projects
Moderator: Ute Haller-Block / - Participants in mobility
- Learners
- Trainers
- Project coordinators
- Evaluation experts
- MEP (tbc)
Launch Website EuroApprenticeship / Mr P. Perfetti - APCM
Mrs L. Volozinskis – UEAPME
11.15 – 11.45 / Coffee break
11.45 – 12.45 / 2nd session: Multilateral projects
Talks, Experiences, videos, presentations, project presentations
Moderator: João Delgado / Table 1 :project coordinators, experts, evaluators
1. Mr Peter Lokhorst (NL), Pilot Project 'Paper train' –, stands
2. Ms Grazyna Wittgen (DE), TOI project 'Ko-Transfer' - Definition of competences for professions in energy-saving construction
3. Mrs Michaela Vecchia (IT), independent consultant
4. Mr Paul Guest (UK) , independent consultant
Table 2 : NA – thematic networking
1. Mr Klaus Fahle (DE), NA
2. Mr Kursat Levent Egriboz (UK), NA
3. Mr Pat Halley (IE), NA
4. Mrs Margrét Sverrisdóttir (IS), NA
Table 3 : Stakeholders, MEPs, social partners
1. Mrs Maria Badia i Cutchet (ES) MEP
2. Mr Reinhardt Nöbauer (AT), Ministry of Education
3. Aviana Bulgarelli (IT), ISFOL
12.45 – 14.15 / Lunch break
14.15 – 16.15 / Four parallel workshops:
Lessons for the future – how can the actions best contribute to reach policy objectives in VET
1. Mobility (learners, apprentices, teachers/trainers)
Moderator: Dagmar Ouzoun, ETF
Rapporteur: Siegfried Willems, NL NA
2. Multilateral cooperation projects (decentralised: Transfer of Innovation, Partnerships)
Moderator: Anna Atlas, PL NA
Rapporteur: Mika Saarinen, FI NA
3. Multilateral projects for policy support (centralised, Development of Innovation, Networks, Platforms)
Moderator: Risto Ravio
Rapporteur; Sveva Balduini , IT NA
4. Dissemination and Information (how to use the products/results, how to communicate the programme better), Thematic networking
Moderator: Karine Jacques, UK NA
Rapporteur: Margrét Jóhannsdóttir, IS NA / Workshop panel
Participants from audience
16.15 – 16.45 / Coffee Break
16.45 – 17.15 / Conclusions from the workshops / 4 rapporteurs, 5 min each
17.15 – 17.30 / Closing speech:
Tomorrow – Leonardo da Vinci in 2020 / Mr Jan Truszczyński
Director General Directorate General for Education and Culture, European Commission.
17.30 – 19.00 / Cocktail and reception