January 29, 2015

Lent begins on Feb. 18

Ash Wednesday, which falls this year on Feb. 18, marks the beginning of Lent. If you are still looking for programs either for parish use or personal enrichment, here are some:

Lent Madness. The annual bracket-based opportunity to learn about (and vote for) modern and contemporary Christian saints takes on a local feel this year with the inclusion of Bishop Jackson Kemper in the field of 32. Bishop Kemper not only was the bishop who presided at the convention that created the Diocese of Kansas is 1859, he is the namesake for the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry.

You can sign up for daily emails to learn more about the saints that face off in head-to-head matches (all to help people learn more), as well as purchase wall brackets to keep track of the event’s progress or smaller pocket versions for personal use. You even can buy coffee mugs with faces of past winners.

Read more on their website:

Forward Movement. The agency that is dedicated to “reinvigorating the life of the church” has a large variety of books, pamphlets and other spiritual aids for use in Lent.

See them all on their website:

> Society of Saint John the Evangelist. The monks who brought us the international online Advent calendar last year offer a program for Lent, “It’s time to…Stop, Pray, Work, Play & Love.” Daily emails will take participants to a series of short, daily videos over five weeks, in which the Brothers of SSJE invite people to recapture time as a gift.

More information, including a schedule and a place to sign up to receive the daily emails, is on the Brothers’ website:

> Episcopal Relief & Development. The Episcopal Church agency committed to “healing a hurting world” has a series of Lenten meditations built around its 75th anniversary. This year’s meditations, authored by a diverse group of Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion leaders, center on the five “I Believe” statements at the core of Episcopal Relief & Development’s 75th Anniversary efforts:

  • I believe that everyone should have access to clean water.
  • I believe that no one should go hungry.
  • I believe that all children and families deserve a healthy start in life.
  • I believe that no one should live in poverty.
  • I believe that together we can heal a hurting world.

More information about both English and Spanish versions is on their website:

Building Faith, from the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary. A variety of resources are compiled by a group that is devoted to Christian formation in the church. It includes such things as a printable calendar to guide increased giving during Lent.

See all their Lenten resource suggestions on their website:

Episcopal summer MegaCamp registration is now open

Camp is May 31-June 6 at Camp Wood YMCA and is open to those currently in grades 3-12 and their friends.

The volunteer Episcopal staff provides solid Christian education, featuring worship, music, small group discussions and prayer.

Camp Wood features a variety of activities such as horseback riding, archery, climbing tower, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, water slide, mud slide, arts and crafts, and sports.

The cost is $420 for the week, and the deadline to register is May 8.

Registration forms and more information are online at

New websites for two churches

Grace Church, Chanute, has a new website. You now can find them online at

St. Paul’s, Coffeyville, also has a new website:

Does your church need help creating a website? Director of Communications Melodie Woerman is here to help. Contact her at , (785) 235-9255 or (800) 473-3563.

Correction of performance date for “Poor Lear”

The correct date of the performance of “Poor Lear,” a one-man show by the Rev. Alan Tilson based on Shakespeare’s King Lear, will take place on Sunday, Feb. 15 at 2 p.m., not Feb. 12 as previously reported.

The event takes place at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, 415 West 13th Street in Kansas City, Mo., and is a benefit for The Homeless Services Coalition of Greater Kansas City.

The play portrays King Lear as a homeless veteran with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and a grocery cart of props who, with his companion, Fool, reenacts the conflict with his daughters that led to his homelessness.

A suggested donation of $10-20 will be taken at the door.

Youth news

> Youth are invited to participate in the 2015 Episcopal summer MegaCampcommercial contest

1.Create a video which answers one of these questions:

  1. Why do YOU love camp?
  2. What is your favorite thing about camp?
  3. What is your favorite memory from camp?
  4. Why should other people go?

2.Must also include:

  1. The official name for camp: Episcopal Summer “Mega” Camp
  2. The dates for camp: May 31-June 6, 2015
  3. The grades who can come to camp: those who have finished Grades 3-12
  4. If you have the ability to add text to your video, please put the web site on it:

3.Should be 60ish seconds long (just like a TV commercial) … could be shorter or slightly longer

4.Due by January 31, 2015

5.Post to YouTube, tag #MegaCamp2015 and e-mail or Facebook message link to Karen Schlabach.

At least one person will be selected to win a $140 scholarship to camp!

Youth PeerMinistry applications are due Feb. 1. The diocesan youth peer ministry program is accepting applications to join the 13 current Peer Ministers. The peer ministry program seeks to provide an opportunity for high school students in the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas to grow in their faith, receive training in ministry and life skills, assume roles of liturgical leadership, welcome other students into the body of Christ, and develop other young leaders.

If you know a youth in your parish who would fit this position or would be interested in this position, invite them to apply to be a peer minister.

Applications are due by Feb. 1 and are available on the youth website at

If you have questions about the peerministry program, contact PeerMinistry Coordinator Michael Funston at r diocesan Youth Missioner Karen Schlabach at .

> Happening #89 registrations now being accepted. Happening is a Christian experience led by high school youth for their peers. The youth rector for Happening #89 is Helena Howell from Grace Cathedral. Students in grades 9-12 are invited to attend or be on staff. Cost is $50. Priority registration deadline is Feb. 19. See for registration forms and more information.

Summer youth ministry internship applications now available. Do you know a college student interested in pursuing a vocation in ministry? If so, ask them if they are interested in applying for the Summer Youth Ministry Internship. Applications are due Feb. 28.

Learn more about the program and how to apply at

Webinars for church leaders offered by Episcopal Church Foundation

A series of webinars for clergy and lay leaders will be presented in February by the Episcopal Church Foundation.

Vestry Orientation. Tuesday, Feb. 10, 6-7 p.m. Central time. Designed for clergy, wardens and vestry members, this webinar will explore the role of the vestry in selecting new leadership, orienting new members, planning and evaluation, and supporting staff and volunteers.

> Year Round Stewardship. Wednesday, Feb. 11, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Central time. Participants will learn how to engage donors for lifelong giving that includes providing a contextual understanding of how and why people give to the church; utilizing opportunities to say “thank you” as a means to educate; and connecting year-round stewardship activities to donors’ varied characteristics.

> Caring for Clergy and Congregations. Thursday, Feb. 12, 6-7 p.m. Central time. The Network of Episcopal Clergy Associations has partnered with the Episcopal Church Foundation to offer a panel presentation on the difficult topic of clergy calls that end badly, not in celebration but in heartache. This webinar will explore the call for greater training around conflict for church leaders, ways to care for clergy and congregations who go through these experiences, and the opportunity for clergy and the congregations to give back to the wider church through this experience

More information and links to sign up for any of these webinars is online at

Free online leadership courses offered by TREC

The Task Force for Reimaging the Episcopal Church has made available a series of free online courses dealing with leadership in the church.

The courses are produced in conjunction with ChurchNext, an online education company.

The three courses are:

  • Reimagining Church Leadership;
  • Mission and Leadership; and
  • Culture and Leadership.

Course presenters include a variety of clergy and lay leaders and teachers from across the Episcopal Church.

More information about each course, along with sign-up instructions, is online at

Clergy news

The Rev. Amy Cox, a priest of the Diocese of West Missouri, has been named by Bishop Wolfe as Locum Tenens for St. Francis of Assisi, Overland Park, beginning Feb. 1, to serve for a year. A Locum Tenens has the rights of a rector but serves by agreement with the bishop for a set period. Cox is married to the Rev. David Cox, assistant rector at St. Michael and All Angels, Mission.

Anniversaries of ordinations

Congratulations go to these people as they celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination in the next two weeks:

Feb 2: Deacon Suzi Drury, retired (18 years)

Feb. 12: The Rev. Elborn Mendenhall, retired (55 years)

Stay in touch via Facebook and Twitter

You can find news, features and updates from the diocese on social media. We’re on Facebook – EpiscopalDioceseofKansas ( – and Twitter – @EpiscoKs.

Next DioLog

The next edition of DioLog will be sent to subscribers on Thursday, Feb. 12.

Information to be included should be sent to Melodie Woerman, diocesan director of communications, at , no later than Tuesday, Feb. 10.

Parishes are free to excerpt anything printed in DioLog; attributionthat material is reprinted fromDioLogis appreciated. Feel free to copy this and make it available to parishioners in whatever way is most useful.

If you do not wish to receive this publication, you may unsubscribe from DioLog by sending an email to .

DioLog is a publication of the Office of Communications of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, 835 SW Polk Street, Topeka, KS 66612.