Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Objective: Student-Athlete will explore “How to be a vocal leader?” and gain an understanding about being an encourager by being a servant leader.

Length of Lesson: 1 Session of 30 minutes


Explain the objective of the lesson as listed above.

Material covers Chapter 6…pages 73-87

1.  First lets understand…How to be a Vocal Leader

a.  A Vocal Leader Must Emerge

b.  Transforming Leaders by Example into Vocal Leaders

i. List the three typical reasons

1.  Personality and Communication skills more outgoing.

2.  Others will emerge when they become established. Overcome the lack of confidence.

3.  Because of their competitiveness and commitment will overcome their shyness and being reserved

ii.  Team must have one person who is willing to step outside of themselves to be a vocal leader…Are you that person??

(Journal) Who is going to step up and be a vocal leader for your team?

(Journal) What do you need to do to become a more vocal leader?

c.  Communication Skills are Critical

i. First Listen up…

ii.  Then speak up…

d.  Two Primary Roles of Vocal Leaders

i. Encourager

ii.  Enforcer

2.  Encourager-Servant Leader-How to put your teammates first

a.  What is your philosophy of leadership??

i. Use scenario on page 79-80 for class to read

(Journal) What kind of leadership styles were you exposed to over the years-parents, coaches, teachers, captains, others?

What did you learn from these people about effective and ineffective leadership?

What is your philosophy of leadership all about?

b.  Be a Servant Leader, not a Self-serving Leader

Include quote on page 81…

i. Is it all about you? Or do you put the team first?

1.  Point out some examples…playing time,

c.  Do the Grunt Work-

i. Do you give freshman all the tough assignments?

ii.  Do you jump in and help?

d.  Take the Youngsters “Under Your Wing”

e.  Keep Tabs on your Teammates

i. Listen before you leap

ii.  Explore Options and Consequences

iii.  Follow up

Tips for Good Listening

Eliminate Distractions

Eye Contact

Nodding and Affirming

Don’t Interrupt

Tune Into Their Body Language




List three to five major points or insights you gained from this lesson.

Interview?? Pages 85

C:\Documents and Settings\dbeazizo\My Documents\PAWS Lesson Plans\1-11-2012 grades 9-12 -- Tolerance[1].doc