June 12, 2014


Call to Order: President Dave Kraus called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance was performed.

Roll call of the Board -

Present: JW Albensi, Kim Albensi, Cathy Arnott, Ryan Arnott, John Coles, Greg Cooper, Matt Fowler, Len Bicher, and Dave Kraus

Not Present: Butch Bilas and Dan Galvin

Review of previous month’s meeting: May meeting minutes reviewed.

JW Albensi made a motion to accept the minutes. 2nd by Len Bicher.

Roll call to accept motion:

Yeah: JW Albensi, Kim Albensi, Cathy Arnott, Ryan Arnott, John Coles, Greg Cooper, Matt Fowler, Len Bicher, and Dave Kraus

Nay: None

Review of the Treasurer’s Report: (Per Matt Fowler)

·  General Fund

o  June Bank Statement: $11018.01

o  Register Balance: $25465.26

·  Comp Cheer

o  June Bank Statement: $2,540.87

o  Register Balance: $2540.87

JW Albensi made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. 2nd by Greg Cooper.

Roll call to accept Treasurer’s Report:

Yeah: JW Albensi, Kim Albensi, Cathy Arnott, Ryan Arnott, John Coles, Greg Cooper, Matt Fowler, Len Bicher, and Dave Kraus

Nay: None


·  Registration Checks

o  Cheryl Johnson – Check #428/$175

o  Dana Lios – Check #964/$180

o  Shaw – Check #4688/$150

·  Banner Donation - $30

·  Bill for P.O. Box Renewal

Matt Fowler made a motion to pay P.O. Box Renewal in the amount of $106.00. 2nd by Greg Cooper.

Roll call to accept motion:

Yeah: JW Albensi, Kim Albensi, Cathy Arnott, Ryan Arnott, John Coles, Greg Cooper, Matt Fowler, Len Bicher, and Dave Kraus

Nay: None

·  Riddell bill for reconditioning helmets

Ryan Arnott made a motion to pay the Riddell bill for reconditioning football helmets in the amount of $2990.18. 2nd by Greg Cooper.

Roll call to accept motion:

Yeah: JW Albensi, Kim Albensi, Cathy Arnott, Ryan Arnott, John Coles, Greg Cooper, Matt Fowler, Len Bicher, and Dave Kraus

Nay: None

President’s Report: (per Dave Kraus)

·  Appointments

o  Flag Football Coordinator – Stephen Moodie

o  Flag Cheer Coordinator – Erica Henriksen

·  Open Committees (looking for volunteers)

o  Field Readiness

o  Snack Stand

·  Board Communication

o  Paperwork with Organization Lawyer to update name from Lenape Valley Jr. Patriots to Lenape Valley Patriots Football and Cheerleading

o  EMS Letter to Roxbury and Byram

·  Registration

o  In-person versus Online

·  Low Turnout for In-person caused organization to go Online only

·  Will remain as paperless/online for future years

·  Questions and/or concerns should be directed to Dave Kraus

Football Report: (per JW Albensi)

·  Flag Football Coaches submitted for Board approval

o  Ryan Arnott, Stephen Moodie, Nick Lios, Matt Fowler, Steve Woods, Adam Pavese, Chris Schaefer, Tom Dellicker

*All coach positions approved by the board members.

·  Padded Level Football Coaches

o  Add Steve Tyrone to SPW

o  All board members approve


o  Rutgers Game

·  November 15, 2014

·  $35 ticket ($25 towards game ticket/$10 to MCYFL Charities)

·  Youth Football Day – pregame walk, organization name on jumbotron, and small gift (last year was drawstring backpack)

·  Goal for LVP is to be represented this year – advertise earlier to get the word out

o  Next MCYFL Meeting

·  July 9, 2014

·  Declare Teams

·  JW states that he cannot attend LVP Monthly Board Meeting as he needs to be in attendance to MCYFL Meeting

o  Flag Program

·  11 on 11 travel team

·  2 levels (K-1st grade/2nd grade team)

·  Currently LVP has 32 Flag players registered (19 for K-1st/13 for 2nd)

·  JW makes suggestion to look into participating in 11 on 11 team

·  K-1st play NFL Flag

·  2nd play 11 on 11

o  Greg Cooper says pro – real football experience to get ready for next level/con – travel and injuries to younger level

o  JW – Games are held once a week and mapped out with local MCYFL teams to prevent long travel

o  Dave Kraus/Fred Post – Doesn’t like the idea of kids standing around

o  Ryan – Questioned about children playing up/down—by grade or age? Concerned with younger families not wanting to travel

o  George suggested holding both NFL Flag and maybe make a 2nd grade 11 on 11 team in addition

o  JW stated that teams wouldn’t have to be declared until August

·  Dave tabled the topic discussion to continue at next month meeting

·  2nd Annual Coaches Clinic

·  June 29, 2014 from 4-9

·  $ due June 26

o  $10 per coach

o  Staff up to 8 $75

·  35th year Coach Smolyn Football Camp

o  Grades 2-9

o  July 14-17

o  6-8 pm

o  $20 includes t-shirt/ice cream

o  Mike Manzi adds that camp is a great introduction to football

Cheer Report: (per Kim Albensi)

·  2014 Cheer Coaches List presented to Board for approval

o  Varsity

·  Karen Moros and Brenda Bailey

o  JV

·  Joanne Hertel and Tonia Nardone

o  Pee Wee/Super Pee Wee

·  Currently no coaching staff needed due to low numbers on each level

o  Clinic

·  Tracy Chibookian and Shelley Credidio

o  Pre Clinic

·  Cathy Arnott, Karyn Woods, and Nicole Plantamura

*All coach positions approved by the board members.

·  Cheer Uniforms for Upper Levels

o  Ordered/to arrive in mid-August

o  Varsity Representative to do fittings for upper levels June 19 at Apparel Fitting

·  Apparel Sizing

o  Elaine’s Cheer Gear

o  Sizing dates

·  June 18, 19, and 25

·  Maple Ave Firehouse in Netcong

·  Online orders due June 30th to be distributed in August

·  Bow order due at apparel fittings ($7 per bow)

Public Relations: (per Len Bicher)

·  Thanks to John Coles who put together Memorial Day Parade Event

o  1st year participating

o  10 children participated

o  Next year to be advertised more/hope for bigger turnout

By-Law Report:

·  Second reading of by-law changes proposed at By-law Committee Meeting

o  Article IV

·  Cut down the verbiage broken down in a, b, c under section A and reducing just to Section A

·  Voting rights to change from four required meetings to all members in good standing 18 years and older in Section B

·  Five [6] officers to read Five [5] offices under Section D

o  Article X

·  Section C – coaching candidates to be changed from May to April

·  Section F - Rutgers Certification no longer reimbursed by organization, but still required to coach

·  Subsection A of Section F – AACCA certification reimbursed upon completion of season

·  First reading of by-law changes proposed at By-law Committee Meeting

o  Article VII

·  Change Nomination from November to October

·  Change Election from December to November

·  Remove redundant requirements for coaches

o  Article VII

·  Change terms of office for executive board from one to two years

·  Suggestions

o  Add clause for empty seat

o  Have a rotating election

·  Certain roles have elections one year, others the next so board is more consistent

·  By-law committee spoke over option, but felt with little turnover from history of board members and with 2 year term limits this was not needed

·  George brought up a concern that a 2 year term is a bigger commitment, might turn someone away from running for a position

o  Article IX

·  Addition of restriction for Football and Cheer Coaching director from holding board positions

o  Article VII

·  Create separate positions for league representative appointed by the President and Board approval

·  Remove roles for Football Coaching Director and Football Coordinator

Equipment/Apparel Report: (as per Ryan Arnott)

·  Helmet Order

o  Check issued to Farrier Sports for Zenith Helmets being turned back in

o  Helmets ordered will not make promised deadline

o  Helmets needed to order will be through Riddell with first shipment Monday

·  Apparel Website

o  To be up and running June 22nd

o  Online store will be open for 2 weeks

o  Products to be shipped directly to home within 2 weeks of store close

·  CO/Indians Equipment Room Cleanout

o  June 22nd 9am

·  Equipment Handouts

o  To be held last week of June – first week of July

·  Possible dates June 24-26

·  6-8pm

o  2 levels at a time (Varsity to Pre-Clinic)

o  George, Ryan, and/or JW to send out official date

Snack Stand Committee: (as per Matt Fowler)

Nothing to report

Ways and Means Report: (as per Greg Cooper)

·  Fundraising

o  60 local businesses solicited

o  3 paid donations

o  3 committed

o  Completion by July 7th for banners to be ready August 4th


·  Currently Registered (Football/Cheer)

June 1, 2014 June 1, 2013

o  Varsity: 21/16 Varsity: 17/11

o  JV: 19/11 JV: 15/7

o  Pee Wee: 16/1 Pee Wee: 13/10

o  Super Pee Wee: 14/3 Super Pee Wee: 17/2

o  Clinic: 13/11 Clinic: 13/2

o  Pre-Clinic: 24/12 Pre-Clinic: 13/9

o  Flag: 32/26 Flag: 38/28

·  Continue to get the word out

o  Re-email flyers

o  Stress injury research

o  Importance of Concussion safety/certification for coaches

·  Numbers are down across the whole MCYFL

Old Business:

·  Re-visit voted down NFL Flag vs. Patriots jerseys

o  Registration numbers down

o  Budget concerns

o  Patriot Jerseys will save money

o  Dave Kraus tabled discussion until July meeting to review numbers

·  USA Football

o  George

·  Great institution

·  A lot of information/great tips

·  Financial burden w/o a lot back in return

·  Costs per player (est. $5-$15 per player)

o  JW

·  Make it a suggestion for coaches instead of organization

·  $25 first year/discount for next years

·  A lot of time to certify, but parents looking for certifications

o  Kim

·  Great tool for parents and coaches to get involved

·  Beneficial information for the program

·  Hudl

o  Online media tool for uploading game film used amongst High School and College teams

o  Greg

·  Great for coaching tool

·  Interaction between players, parents, coaches

·  Highlight film/Dissect play

·  Limited to team – Coach load commentary

o  George

·  All can see game film including players

·  If used on all levels, cost would be worth it

·  Piggyback with high school account would be cheaper

o  John

·  Great tool for recruitment

·  Social media plus for the players

o  JW

·  Private due to MCYFL rules

o  Greg

·  Suggestion for budget line next year

·  Combine

o  June 22nd at 2pm – Location: Indians field

o  George – quick overview of football activities planned

o  Cathy – quick overview of cheer activities planned

New Business:

·  Flag Football Camp

o  Incoming Kindergarten to Second Graders

o  Introduction to football

o  2 days of drills, skill building, games…3rd day is scrimmages


o  Dates/Time TBD and e-mailed out

·  Pep Rally

o  Need to set date/location

o  Kim suggest September 5th due to Labor Day

o  Location discussed – decision is CO Johnson Field due to parking/lights

o  Vendors TBD (Magnet Guy, Tornado Bandz)

o  Pep Rally Committee currently forming – all volunteers welcome

·  Online Registration Refund

o  Cheer mom has online issues while registering online

o  Issue not resolved until after late fee date

o  $25 late fee to be refunded to family/information to be forwarded to Matt Fowler to issue check

·  Flag Game Schedule

o  Suggestion from families to make only 1 flag game per weeknight

o  Games never started/ended on time

o  Too late for younger kids

o  Weather condition concerns

Motion to adjourn was made by JW Albensi. 2nd by Matt Fowler. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:34pm.

Dave Kraus Cathy Arnott

President Secretary

Lenape Valley Football and Cheerleading Lenape Valley Football and Cheerleading

Members in Attendance:

George Spada

Erica Henriksen

Michael Manzi

Tonia Nardone

Andrea Almendinger

Mike Biddiscombe

Joanne Hertel

Karen Moros

Brenda Bailey

Stephen Moodie

Michelle Bongiorno

Kathi Siejkowski

Fred Post

Katrina Kelly