What is Leisure?
Examples of Leisure Activities:
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Reasons for Uptake in Leisure Activities:
1. Shorter working hours.
2. Guaranteed holidays.
3. More free time due to labour saving equipment.
4. More disposable incomes.
5. Flexible employments e.g. job sharing.
6. Health reasons.
Function and Value of Leisure:
Leisure time…
o Contributes to the social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of a person.
o Provides relaxation and relieves stress from everyday life.
o Helps develop new skills.
o Encourages physical well being.
o Furthers social interaction (benefits individual and community).
Influences on Leisure Patterns:
1. Social and Cultural Factors
2. Occupation
3. Age
4. Gender
The Role of Leisure Activities in Personal Development
1. Physical:
o Many are sports based and help develop muscle tone, improve fitness, control weight gain, and increase energy levels.
o Good for overall health and well being.
2. Social Development:
o Many are team based e.g. football and hurling, these promote co-operation and good communication skills.
o Bingo, card playing etc. can encourage individuals to make new friends.
o Developing listening skills is vital to activities e.g. debating, drama.
3. Emotional Development
o Self esteem and confidence can be improved through competitive leisure pursuits.
o Ability to form and express opinions that are valued by others helps development.
o Many provide opportunity for relaxation e.g. yoga.
o A sense of belonging established by joining teams within a community.
Example of How a Leisure Activity Contributes to the Physical, Social and Emotional Development of Individuals
Leisure Activity- Bowling
Physical Development: Although it is unlikely that one will be a regular visitor of the bowling alley, a one hour session contributes to one’s fitness regime over a week/month. Regular bowlers may develop better muscle tone, increase their energy levels and improve their overall level of fitness.
Social Development: Bowling relies on friendly competition between a group of people, whether they know each other or not - sometimes it is a good ice-breaker. Bowling is seen as an activity to do when one is entertaining a group of friends or perhaps having a family day out.
Emotional Development: Bowling helps raise ones self esteem and confidence through its competitive nature. It also promotes a positive mental well being by allowing one to feel part of a group of friends.
Leisure Activities
Think of a different leisure activity in your area.
How does it contribute to the physical, social and emotional
development of individuals?