Legislation and Administrative Arrangements for the Acquisition and Sharing of Spatial Data

Legislation and Administrative Arrangements for the Acquisition and Sharing of Spatial Data


1. Working Group 4 (WG4) met on 2 February 1997.
Participants at the meeting were:

Mr. Brendan Godfrey / Australia
Mr. Peter Holland / Australia (chairman of this meeting)
Mr. Kunio Nonomura / Japan
Mr. Jonathan Suitters / United Kingdom
Mr. Kim Kyonng Sun / South Korea
Mr. Luckman Aziz / Indonesia
Mr. Wang Baoli / China
Mr. Bai Bo / China
Mr. Yuan Hong / China
Ms Sylvie Marzocchi / France


2. The following agenda was agreed by the meeting:
a. Feedback on the report tabled at the Permanent Committee (PC) meeting on 1 February;
b. Assessment of the questionnaire; and
c. Action plan for the next period.


3. Indonesia stated that the WG4 report, with the authority of the PC and the United Nations, will help in effecting changes to administrative arrangements in that country.

4. Japan stated that the sharing of information from WG4 will have a positive effect in the region. Questionnaire responses should be encouraged from many agencies within countries. Indonesia is using informal channels to encourage responses from agencies. Korea has distributed 11 questionnaires to agencies but has not yet received responses. China stated that the questionnaire needs to be translated into the native language so that other agencies can respond in that country. This will result in a delay in responses. The meeting agreed that although a firm response date should be set, responses should be allowed after this date.

5. The meeting agreed that responses to the Working Group 1 (WG1) questionnaire should be assessed by WG4 in compiling the report.

6. Japan suggested that WG4 should ensure that there is a common understanding of terminology related to legislation and administrative arrangements (eg. the term Land Law means different things in different countries). China suggested that examples should be supplied in questionnaire responses so that arrangements are clearly understood.

7. France described the European MEGRIN geographical data description directory and tabled a paper on this initiative. The initiative addresses data model and data dictionary standardisation matters. Fundamental datasets include administrative boundary and road databases. France agreed to provide WG4 with a copy of CERCO documentation contained in the MEGRIN paper.

8. As a result of general discussion of copyright and its impact on sharing of data, Japan agreed to prepare a simple questionnaire that might be distributed to PC members at some time in the future.

9. Indonesia suggested that a literature search be conducted of legislation and administrative arrangements and should be included in the WG4 report. This search should include Internet references where possible.

Reference group

10. The meeting agreed that the following reference group should consider questionnaire responses and prepare the draft WG4 report:

Mr. Peter Holland / Australia
Mr. Kunio Nonomura / Japan
Mr. Luckman Aziz / Indonesia
Mr. Bai Bo / China

Action plan

11. The following action plan was agreed for WG4 in the period following this PC meeting:

PC/UNRCC meeting - Questionnaires provided to Mr. Holland
End March - Questionnaire cut-off date
End March - WG1 questionnaire responses received
Mid April - WG4 & WG1 responses to reference group
End April - Feedback by reference group
Mid May - Draft WG4 report to Executive Board.