Wake County, North Carolina

Guide to the history and genealogical records of Wake County, North Carolina.

History:WakeCounty was established in 1771 from parts of Cumberland, Johnson, and OrangeCounties. In 1792 Raleigh was established as the state’s capital. Records for Wake County are for the most part intact. A few of the early court records are missing (prior to 1777) and several deed books were destroyed by fire in 1832.


North CarolinaState Archives

The NC State Archives houses state and county records from the sixteenth century to the present. Guide to County Records in the North Carolina State Archive provides information on available records the NC Archives has on each NC county.

The Archives website provides helpful information about the collections and types of records found at the NC Archives. The MARS online catalog allows researchers to search records prior to their visit. The site also features current online projects covering all areas of North Carolina. The archives also have a nice collection of historical maps (WakeCounty and North Carolina) on site as well as online at

109 East Jones Street

Raleigh, NC 27601

Mailing Address: 4614 MailServiceCenter

Raleigh, NC27699-4614

Phone: 919-807-7310

Fax: 919-733-1354



Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:00-5:30

Saturday 9:00-2:00

Closed Sunday and Monday

Parking: Across Jones St. from the Archives. Parking fees are nominal.

Copies: 10 cents per page for documents,

25 cents per page for microfilm

Staff will make change

Digital photography (no flash) of documents allowed

State Library of North Carolina – Genealogy Services

(Housed in the same building as the North Carolina State Archives)

The Genealogy Services of the State Library of North Carolina houses an extensive collection of family histories, county histories, published abstracts, and reference materials pertaining to all counties of NC. The library also contains information on states and areas where North Carolinians migrated to and from. The reference librarians are very knowledgeable always willing to be of assist.

109 East Jones Street

Raleigh, NC27601

Phone: 919-870-7460


Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00

Saturday 9:00-2:00

Parking: Same as for NC Archives

Copies: 10 cents per page

WakeCounty Genealogy Society

Founded in 1982, the WCGS is an active society providing educational opportunities and communication among area researchers. The Links tab on the website provides many online sites pertaining to Wake County, NC genealogy.


Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at:

Olivia Raney Local History Library
4016 Carya Drive

Raleigh, NC27610

Olivia Raney Local History Library

This branch of the Wake County Public Library system specializes in resources of WakeCounty history and genealogy. Has microfilm records pertaining to WakeCounty and multiple microfilm readers available. Microfilm readers also have the capability to download to a flash drive. This branch also has a nice collection of historical maps for WakeCounty and North Carolina.

The Olivia Raney Local History Library is a Family History Library site as well. Microfilm can be obtained from the Family History Library and delivered to this library currently at no cost.

4016 Carya Drive

Raleigh, NC27610

Phone: 919-250-1196

Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 – 6:00

Saturday 10:00 – 2:00

Sunday Closed

Parking: There is plenty of free parking in the library lot.

Copies: 25 cents per page.

Wake CountyRegister of Deeds

The Wake County Register of Deeds has all property documents dating to before the formation of WakeCounty online and accessible to the public. This website also contains a list of services, fees, and parking availability.

One Bank of AmericaPlaza

421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 300

Raleigh, NC27601

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1897

Raleigh, NC27602


Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.


Housed in the historic Briggs building, the RaleighCityMuseum is dedicated to preserving Raleigh’s past for its future. This small museum is located in downtown Raleigh and offers a variety of exhibits about the history of Raleigh as well as educational opportunities.

220 Fayetteville Street

Raleigh, NC27601


Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00-4:00

Saturday 1:00-4:00

Sunday-Monday Closed

Admission: Free

Online Resources:

Wake CountyNCGenWeb:

Be sure to follow the blog on this website to stay up to date on online resources.

Wake CountyHistorical Society:

Wake CountyGenforum:

Wake CountyGovernment: