LegalRuleML Technical Meeting
Informal Minutes March 31th 2014
LegalRuleML TC meeting – March 31th 2014
10,00pm CET
6,00am Australia
4,00pm EDT
13,00pm PDT
Affiliation / Name / RoleIndividual / Tara Athan / Voting Member
NICTA / Guido Governatori / Chair
University of Bologna-CIRSFID / Monica Palmirani / Chair
RuleML, Inc. / Adrian Paschke / Secretary
University of Aberdeen / Adam Wyner / Voting Member
1. Approval of the Minutes of the previous meetings2. Glossary and Examples
3. Documentation and Public Review plan - pending
4. RuleML permissive licence to LegalRuleML - pending
5. Other business
6. Adjournment
Monica opened the LegaRuleML TC meeting in time. In total 23 people members. Only 6 people have the voting right. Monica checks who is present: 4 people are in the call and 5 of that have right vote. Each participant registered the attendance into the OASIS Kavi system. So the TC reaches the quorum.
Minutes of the previous TC Meeting
The TC approved the minutes:
The TC continued the Glossary discussion. Before to continue with the terminology definition, the TC discussed on the elements <role> and <agent>. Monica explained the reasons because is important to define type attribute in agent element. The type defines the typology (e.g. senator) of the agent independently to the value of the instance of the agent itself (e.g. Guido). In this way It is possible to filter all the rules produced by “senator” independently to the fact to know the name of the agent (e.g. Guido).
Different solutions were analyzed:
- to use <role>
- to use <agent> with a new child element
After a deep analysis the TC decided to adopt a conservative approach for minimizing the elements in the vocabulary and so to use the element <role> in a reification manner.
The <role> has also the child element <toTarget=ps1> that specifies the target of the agent playing.
The TC agreed about this definition.
<Agent key="guido" iri="http:/...">
<type iri="Person"/>
<Role key = "SenGuido">
<type iri="Senator">
<filledBy keyre="guido">
<type iri="editor"/>
<filledBy keyref="SenGuido"/>
<toTarget keyref="ps1">
Other business
The conference finished at 5.30 pm EDT and it was adjourned with this agenda:
· Documentation
· Glossary
The next meeting will be held April 8th 2014 in Skype,
10,00pm CEST
6,00am Australia
4,00pm EDT
12,30pm PDT
Annex from the Skype conference call March 12th
[31/03/2014 21:43:38] Adrian Paschke: hi, no Legal RuleML telecon today?
[31/03/2014 21:44:52] Monica Palmirani: yes but 10.00
[31/03/2014 21:44:53] Adam Wyner: Dunno. Seems not.
[31/03/2014 21:45:03] Tara Athan: Yes, its on in 15 min ( delay to allow Guido to sleep later.)
[31/03/2014 21:45:09 | Edited 21:45:29] Monica Palmirani: we decided the new time the last TC for favouring Guido
[31/03/2014 21:45:49 | Edited 21:46:02] Adam Wyner: Not the same info as in the email. But, I do recall something like that. Guido sleeps? Amazing.
[31/03/2014 21:46:55] Monica Palmirani: Date: Monday, 31 March 2014, 04:00pm to 05:00pm EDT
[31/03/2014 21:46:59] Monica Palmirani: in the email
[31/03/2014 21:51:05] Tara Athan: I will need to leave by 5:30 EDT.
[31/03/2014 21:51:51] Monica Palmirani: I can't resist more I guess - 5.30 EDT means 23.30 CEST
[31/03/2014 21:52:38] Tara Athan: Looks right.
[31/03/2014 22:01:32] Monica Palmirani: KAVI:
[31/03/2014 22:02:51] *** Group call ***
[31/03/2014 22:03:00] Monica Palmirani: Minutes is coming
[31/03/2014 22:03:39] Monica Palmirani: quorum
[31/03/2014 22:03:45] Monica Palmirani: MOTION: approve the minutes
[31/03/2014 22:04:38] Monica Palmirani:
[31/03/2014 22:05:29] Guido Governatori: +1
[31/03/2014 22:05:34] Monica Palmirani: +1
[31/03/2014 22:06:20] Adam Wyner: +1
[31/03/2014 22:06:52] Adrian Paschke: +1
[31/03/2014 22:07:38] Tara Athan: +1
[31/03/2014 22:08:05] Monica Palmirani: Pending issues in the glossary or in the schema:
[31/03/2014 22:08:26] Monica Palmirani: - agent if it is the case to have type mandatory or no
[31/03/2014 22:09:29] Monica Palmirani: agent type is a meta-assertion on the kind of the agent
[31/03/2014 22:10:36] Monica Palmirani: agent IRI is just a pointer to a web resource and the type is a qualification of the agent (e.g. senator, legislator, ministry, etc.)
[31/03/2014 22:11:02] Monica Palmirani: the role is the role played by the agent in a situation: author, proponent, etc.
[31/03/2014 22:13:01] Monica Palmirani: Monica is author of rules as senator
[31/03/2014 22:14:25] Adam Wyner: Discussion about whether an individual agent has one iri, with all roles related to it; one iri for each agent under a role. If the latter, how to relate the different iris to some entity that is the same. Like Monica's example of herself.
[31/03/2014 22:15:31 | Edited 22:16:29] Adam Wyner: Is Monica-lecturer, Monica-spouse, Monica-editor related to one iri or does each have a separate iri.
[31/03/2014 22:16:37] Adrian Paschke: typcially there is no unique name assumption in Web ontologies
[31/03/2014 22:18:16] Monica Palmirani: Monica has IRI
[31/03/2014 22:18:22] Monica Palmirani: Monica is author of rule
[31/03/2014 22:18:29] Monica Palmirani: Monica is a ministry
[31/03/2014 22:19:01] Monica Palmirani: web ontology can change over time
[31/03/2014 22:19:12] Monica Palmirani: and Monica will come a simple citizen
[31/03/2014 22:19:18] Monica Palmirani: the next year
[31/03/2014 22:19:37] Monica Palmirani: so I loose the fact that monica in the moment in which she wrote the legalruleml was a ministry
[31/03/2014 22:20:58] Monica Palmirani: Suppose to have Tax Ministry in Netheralnd and in NL the LegalRuleML is legal valid only if Tax Ministry is the author of the legal rules.
[31/03/2014 22:21:34] Monica Palmirani: dolce includes this "figure"
[31/03/2014 22:23:11 | Edited 22:24:00] Monica Palmirani: give me all the legalruleml rules provided by "president of republic" where he/she was the author
[31/03/2014 22:23:37] Monica Palmirani: independently if the president is monica, guido, tara
[31/03/2014 22:24:51] Monica Palmirani: otherwise I need to know all the names of the presidents over time for filtering them
[31/03/2014 22:26:19 | Edited 22:27:32] Tara Athan: <Agent key="a1">
<figure iri="Minister"/>
<who iri="Monica"/>
[31/03/2014 22:26:30] Monica Palmirani: yes I agree
[31/03/2014 22:26:56] Monica Palmirani: in DOLCE ??? is the relation of personification
[31/03/2014 22:29:24 | Edited 22:30:02] Monica Palmirani: figure is independent to the legalruleml production
[31/03/2014 22:30:15] Monica Palmirani: role is referred to the legalruleML production
[31/03/2014 22:30:22] Monica Palmirani: Monica is IRI
[31/03/2014 22:30:25] Monica Palmirani: Monica is ministry
[31/03/2014 22:30:33] Monica Palmirani: Monica is author of rules in LegalRuleML
[31/03/2014 22:30:41] Tara Athan: <LegalRuleML>
<Role key="#r1"> …
[31/03/2014 22:31:05 | Edited 22:31:16] Monica Palmirani: it is different if Monica is spouse only and as hobby she writes legalruleML files in the free time
[31/03/2014 22:32:56] Monica Palmirani: I agree
[31/03/2014 22:33:44] Adam Wyner: The different ways the agent relates to LegalRuleML - internal reference or external reference. Author of a LegalRuleML document vs. President of an Organisation.
[31/03/2014 22:34:25] Adam Wyner: Isn't the difference the source of the specification?
[31/03/2014 22:37:06 | Edited 22:38:41] Monica Palmirani: Senator (x)
[31/03/2014 22:39:15] Monica Palmirani: guido is the author of LegalRuleML rules
[31/03/2014 22:39:29] Monica Palmirani: guido is senator
[31/03/2014 22:39:37] Monica Palmirani: guido is author of legalruleML rules
[31/03/2014 22:39:45] Monica Palmirani: guido is IRI
[31/03/2014 22:41:20 | Edited 22:42:29] Monica Palmirani: role author keyRef="#guido"
role senator keyRef="#guido"
[31/03/2014 22:43:02 | Edited 22:46:57] Tara Athan: <Agent key="guido1">
<figure iri="senator>
<who iri="guido">
<Agent key="guido2">
<figure iri="citizen>
<who iri="guido">
<source iri=""/>
[31/03/2014 22:44:44] Monica Palmirani: right!
[31/03/2014 22:45:18] Monica Palmirani: Senate of Italy and Chamber of Italy have this ontology
[31/03/2014 22:45:53] Monica Palmirani:
[31/03/2014 22:46:29] Adam Wyner: In the iri for who, it should be to the metaphysical Guido. The one with no properties, figures, roles….
[31/03/2014 22:48:53] Monica Palmirani: it is ok for me
[31/03/2014 22:53:04] Monica Palmirani: Guido wants only optional <figure iri="citizen> I guess
[31/03/2014 22:53:24 | Edited 22:53:37] Monica Palmirani: if <figure iri="citizen> is optional it is ok for you?
[31/03/2014 22:53:41 | Edited 22:53:53] Guido Governatori: <Agent>
[31/03/2014 22:54:04] Guido Governatori: <who ...>
[31/03/2014 22:54:08] Guido Governatori: </Agent>
[31/03/2014 22:54:18] Monica Palmirani: and not because what
[31/03/2014 22:58:13 | Edited 23:05:02] Tara Athan: <LegalRuleML>
<Agent key="guido" iri="http:/...">
<type iri="Person"/>
<Role key = "SenGuido">
<type iri="Senator">
<filledBy keyre="guido">
<type iri="editor"/>
<filledBy keyref="SenGuido"/>
[31/03/2014 22:58:26 | Edited 22:58:55] Guido Governatori: <Agent key="guido">
<who keyRef=#MetaphysicalGuido>
<figure iri=#senator>
<FilledBy keyRef=#guido>
[31/03/2014 22:59:03 | Edited 22:59:09] Monica Palmirani: reification
[31/03/2014 23:04:18] Adam Wyner: If you don't like 'metaphysical', you could use something from formal semantics of natural language - pegs. Better?
[31/03/2014 23:04:37] Adam Wyner: Pegs are individuals with no properties; the properties 'hang' from the peg.
[31/03/2014 23:04:41] Monica Palmirani: author
[31/03/2014 23:04:42] Monica Palmirani: senator
[31/03/2014 23:05:24] Monica Palmirani: subject predicate object
[31/03/2014 23:05:35] Monica Palmirani: guido is author of legalruleML
[31/03/2014 23:05:39] Monica Palmirani: guido is senator
[31/03/2014 23:06:46] Monica Palmirani: guido (predicate- isAuthor) legalruleML
[31/03/2014 23:06:51 | Edited 23:07:47] Monica Palmirani: guido (is-Senator) of Italy
[31/03/2014 23:08:36 | Edited 23:10:26] Adrian Paschke: the question is if we really want to go on this level of ontological definition or if we say this is defined by existing agent ontologies and we just reference an instance defined in such ontologies.
It gets complicated on this ontological level, e.g. what about the role of "Being a Member of Court" or an organizational agent which is in the role of "associate justices" .
[31/03/2014 23:08:40 | Edited 23:09:05] Monica Palmirani: author, editor, co-editor, proposer, coproposer, contributor, etc.
[31/03/2014 23:10:57] Monica Palmirani: adrian if we want to apply in the Senate of in the government level not in academmic only it is really relevant
[31/03/2014 23:11:47] Monica Palmirani: [lunedì 31 marzo 2014 22:58] Tara Athan:
< <Role key = "SenGuido">
<type iri="Senator">
<filledBy keyre="guido">
<type iri="editor"/>
<filledBy keyref="SenGuido"/>
</Role>which of these two roles are connected with the legalruleML document? I have no this information
[31/03/2014 23:12:58] Monica Palmirani: in france? in spain?
[31/03/2014 23:13:32 | Edited 23:13:50] Adam Wyner: How about roleInternal and roleExternal?
[31/03/2014 23:13:39] Tara Athan: The roles of author, editor etc need to have an indirect object - ("of this document"). The role is not fully defined until that is specified. When we only used <Role> for the roles relative to the LegalRuleML document, there was no need to supply this indirect object because it is just assumed to be "this LegalRuleML document". If <Role> is also used for other kinds of roles, then we need additional syntax to distinguish.
[31/03/2014 23:14:55] Monica Palmirani: where is the flag?
[31/03/2014 23:15:21] Monica Palmirani: so only one element <Role>
[31/03/2014 23:16:26] Guido Governatori: <LegalSource>
[31/03/2014 23:17:52] Guido Governatori: <Agent>guido</Agent>
[31/03/2014 23:18:26] Monica Palmirani: we are not interested to the author of the legalSource
[31/03/2014 23:19:10] Guido Governatori: <Agent>guido</Agent>
[31/03/2014 23:20:51] Tara Athan: <Role>
<type iri="">
<filledBy keyre="">
<toTarget keyref="">
[31/03/2014 23:23:11 | Edited 23:24:53] Tara Athan: PROPOSED : <toTarget> in <Role> should be made optional. And definition of Role in glossary needs to be changed:
Role +: a function of, status of, or part played by an Agent or Role.
[31/03/2014 23:24:11] Monica Palmirani: +1
[31/03/2014 23:25:14] Guido Governatori: <Role key=GuidoSen>
<FilledBy keyref=Guido>
<FilledBy keyref=GuidoSen>
[31/03/2014 23:26:33] Monica Palmirani: <toTarget="topNode">
[31/03/2014 23:26:57] Tara Athan: ToDo: verify that key is allowed on the root node.
[31/03/2014 23:27:34] Guido Governatori: +1
[31/03/2014 23:28:13] Monica Palmirani: +1
[31/03/2014 23:28:16] Tara Athan: +1
[31/03/2014 23:28:38] Adam Wyner: +1
[31/03/2014 23:28:42] Adrian Paschke: +1
[31/03/2014 23:28:50] Adam Wyner: And peace reigns over the kingdom once again.
[31/03/2014 23:29:45] Monica Palmirani: 8/april?
[31/03/2014 23:30:19] Monica Palmirani: ok
[31/03/2014 23:30:21] Guido Governatori: good for me
[31/03/2014 23:30:34] Guido Governatori: bye
[31/03/2014 23:30:38] Adam Wyner: OK, bye.
[31/03/2014 23:30:40] Monica Palmirani: bye