Legacy High School Football Booster, Inc.

January, 201765

Prepared for

Legacy High School

2701 W 136th Avenue

Broomfield, Colorado 80020



Article I: Name...... 3

Article II: Objective...... 3

Article III: MEMBERSHIP...... 3

Active...... 3

Article IV: Nomination of Officers...... 4

Article V: Duties of the Board of Directors...... 4

President...... 4

Vice President...... 4

Secretary...... 4

Treasurer...... 5

Grade LevelCoordinators...... 5

Merchandise Coordinators...... 5

Article VI: Election of Officers...... 6

Article VII: Meetings...... 6

Article VIII: Amendments...... 7

Article I: Name

The Name of the organization is the Legacy High School Football Boosters, Inc.

Article II: Objective

The main objective of the Organization is to support the Legacy High School football teams in their activities throughout the season. The football program includes Freshmenfreshmen, Junior Varsity and Varsity players. The Boosters organization shall be a cooperative effort among the Football Coaches, Team Members, Member Parents and interested supporters. One of the main functions of the Boosters Club is to drive and manage / track fund raising for the football program. Fundraising for the current year will take place during the period of December 1-November 30.


  1. Any parent / guardian / grandparent of the football team members, which may also include alumni interested in the Legacy High School Football program may be an active member of the Organization.
  2. Only parents / guardians of the currently enrolled Legacy high School students present at the regularly schedule meetings will be eligible to vote on issues presented to the general membership or run for the Board of Directors.
  3. No dues will be charged for membership in the Organization.
  4. Any student currently participating as a member of the Football team is a student member of the Organization and is encouraged to attend regularly scheduled meetings. Students are not eligible to vote or run for the Board of Directors.
  5. Football coaches may attend regularly scheduled meetings of the board.
  6. The Head Football Coach shall provide the Board with a schedule of team events to be presented at regularly scheduled meetings.
  7. This classification of membership will be defined as: any individual of the general public having an interest in the Legacy high School Football program and not already defined under the Active classification. This level of membership will have all rights and privileges of Active Membership except as follows: Support members will not be eligible to vote on issues presented to the general membership or run for the Boardof Directors. The requirement for this level of membership is a one timeone-time minimum donation of $25.00 to the Legacy high School Football Boosters, Inc.

Article IV: Nomination of Officers

  1. The nominating committee shall consist of:
  2. Outgoing President, not remaining for re-election
  3. Outgoing senior Board Parent / Guardian;
  4. Interested Parent / Guardian from the general membership not running for election. If more than one individual is interested, a drawing will be held.
  1. The nominating committee shall be responsible for:
  2. receiving the names of those individuals interested in running for the Boardof Directors;
  3. Contacting the entire general membership in the event there is not a sufficient number of individuals running for office;
  4. Preparing the ballots for voting;
  5. Counting ballots;
  6. Announcing the new Board to the general membership.

Article V: Duties of the Board

Each outgoing Board Member has the responsibility to train their replacement to ensure a smooth transition from year to year.


Presides over the whole organization, booster club meetings and moderates debates. Schedules board meetings, appoints committees to handle situations, attend school functions and meetings, and football associated activities on behalf of the booster club. Signs all contractual agreements binding the booster club in legal and financial obligations. . Serves as primary contact and liaison between the booster club and the head coach. Works with the head coach, coaching staffs and other school clubs to develop “wish lists” and implement plans of action.

Vice President

Generally presides over separate teams and works under the club president. Attends school functions and meetings on behalf of the booster club. Assumes responsibilities for the president in the event of illness or absence. Assists in the booster club affairs as needed and requested by the other officers. Works to develop awareness of the other various school activities and programs and presents coordination or partnership opportunities to the Board. The Vice President ideally should be serving in a preparatory role to serve as president in the following year. The Vice President shall be responsible for oversight of a concessions coordinator or committee as follows: the concessions coordinator or committee will be responsible to plan, coordinate and implement concessions sales and associated activities at the Freshmanfreshman, JV and Varsity home football games. Coordinate volunteer needs with Grade Level Representatives, Coordinate with Adams 12 Five Star Stadium and/or Adams 12 North Stadium. Will research vendor relationships and present options to the Board with the cost, quality and capabilities comparisons. Will ensure quality and risk control procedures are implemented at all concessions activities. Provide documentation and training for transitioning concessions coordinators. Coordinates all money collected and supporting documentation and inventory list from all concessions to be submitted immediately to the treasurer following each activity. Purchase non-vendor concessions items as necessary and coordinates delivery and storage of all concessions supplies. May coordinate food sales at 7-on-7 events during the summer football program. Performs annual inventory at the end of the school year.


Records minutes of the board meetings and reports such minutes at the next meeting. Performs clerical duties, record keeping and correspondence of activities of the board. The Secretary is responsible for updating and ensuring correct documentation of legal filings. The secretary will also be responsible for all website postings, whether the Secretary performs that or appoints and supervises someone.


Accepts all money from registrations, fundraising and other activities of the booster club. Keeps record of the booster club income and expenditures. Reports financial status of the booster club at the board meetings and files required reports with the appropriate school officials and state and federal agencies. Responsible for implementing procedures to ensure security of all money-handling activities. Ensures all expenditures are in line with the budget presented to and approved by the Board. Ensures all checks are signed by Treasurer and at least one other Officer (typically President, but Vice President and Secretary can be added as signatorssignatures on the account for convenience). The Treasurer will also be responsible to oversee a person or committee to act as program and sponsorship coordinator.

Grade Level Representatives

There will be at least one Grade Level Coordinator for each of the four grade levels: Freshman, Sophomoressophomores, Juniorsjuniors and Seniorsseniors. The responsibilities of the coordinators are to gather and maintain all contact information for players and their families in their respective grade level. They are to serve as liaisons between Boardand Committee activities and needs.

Merchandise Coordinators

Plan, coordinate and implement merchandise purchases and sales at Freshmenfreshmen, Junior-Varsity and Varsity home games as well as other scheduled activities such as Freshmen Orientation and Fall Sports Night. Inventory existing merchandise at the start of the year and maintain constant accounts of the merchandise inventory. Coordinate volunteer needs with the Grade Level Coordinators. Will research vendor relationships and present options to the Board with the cost, quality and capabilities comparisons. Will ensure quality and risk control procedures are implemented at all concessions activities..... Coordinates all money collected and supporting documentation from all sales to be submitted immediately to the treasurer following each activity. The merchandise stock and purchase of new merchandise items will vary year to year depending on inventory from previous season. The merchandise coordinator will provide the Board with inventory lists from time to time or when requested. Work with the concessions chairperson in the coordination of sales at events. Perform annual inventory at the end of the school year.

Concessions Coordinator

Plan, coordinate and implement concessions purchases and sales at freshmen, Junior-Varsity and Varsity home games as well as other scheduled activities. Inventory existing concessions at the start of the year and maintain constant accounts of the concessions inventory. Coordinate volunteer needs. Will research vendor relationships and present options to the Board with the cost, quality and capabilities comparisons. Will ensure quality and risk control procedures are implemented at all concessions activities. Coordinates all money collected and supporting documentation from all sales to be submitted immediately to the treasurer following each activity.

Article VI: Election of Officers

  1. The election of officers will take place at the December general membership meeting. Officers will be elected by majority vote and will serve for a period of one year. Two members of the same family may not serve on the Board at the same time.
  2. The voluntary Board position to be filled by newly elected Board are as follows:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Concessions
  • Merchandise Coordinator
  • 9th Grade Coordinator
  • 10th Grade Coordinator
  • 11th Grade Coordinator
  • 12th Grade Coordinator
  1. In the event of a tie, an immediate run- off election will occur between the tying parties.

Article VII: Meetings

  1. The Annual Membership Meeting shall be held in December of each year.
  2. There shall be no less than six general membership meetings per year, with dates to be announced by the Board.
  3. Special Meetings may be called at any time by the President of the Board. The subject of the meeting must be known in advance of the meeting.
  4. Board Meeting and their agenda shall be determined by the board in conjunction with the Head Football Coach.
  5. General Membership is welcome to attend Board meetings upon notification to the President or Vice President.
  6. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of 50% or more of the board.
  7. Voting by email is acceptable when it is impracticable to wait until a regular meeting. A quorum is still required.

Article VIII: Amendments

These By Laws may be amended by a majority vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting provided such amendment(s) is (are) delivered in writing to all Directors thirty (30) days prior to such a vote.

I Jamie Matthews-HernandezSandy Kressin as Secretary of the Legacy High School Football Boosters, Inc., hereby certify that the Board of Directors of the corporation effective January 20175adopted the foregoing By Laws.

January 209, 20165


Football Booster Bylaws Revised September 2014September 2014