Practicum Application
Submission Deadlines
May 1=Fall/September 1=Spring/February 1=Summer
Name: Advisor: ☐ Jud Copeland
Cell: ☐ Stephanie Huffman
Email: ☐ Helen Hu
Date: UCA ID:
Address: City:
State: Zip: Home Phone:
Current Employment
School District: Campus:
Address: City:
State: Zip: Work Phone:
Practicum Information
Practicum Semester: ☐ Fall 20__ Graduation: ☐ Fall 20__
☐ Spring 20__ ☐ Spring 20__
☐ Summer 20__ ☐ Summer 20__
Other information regarding Practicum (i.e., personal commitments, family commitments, etc.):
Proposed Field Sites
☐ Elementary Field Supervisor:
☐ Secondary Email:
School District: Campus:
Address: City:
State: Zip: Work Phone:
☐ Elementary Field Supervisor:
☐ Secondary Email:
School District: Campus:
Address: City:
State: Zip: Work Phone:
☐ Elementary Field Supervisor:
☐ Secondary Email:
School District: Campus:
Address: City:
State: Zip: Work Phone:
☐ Elementary Field Supervisor:
☐ Secondary Email:
School District: Campus:
Address: City:
State: Zip: Work Phone:
Practicum Coordinator
Approved: ☐ Yes
☐ No Practicum Coordinator
Directions for completion of application:
1. Read application thoroughly prior to completing.
2. Candidates must have a placement at the elementary level (K-8) and the secondary level (7-12).
3. Candidates may use a school librarian(s) within their current district. However, the candidate may NOT complete practicum hours in a library setting in which he/she is currently employed as the librarian for the setting in question.
4. The candidate may make suggestions on who he/she wishes to serve as their mentors. However, the practicum coordinator will have final authority to approve or disapprove. If the candidate needs assistance in locating a mentor, the practicum coordinator will assist in the process.
5. A mentor must have the following credentials:
a. A master’s degree from an accredited institution.
b. Licensure as a school library media specialist or credentials indicating the individual earned an ALA MLS.
c. A minimum of two years of experience in a library setting.
6. Complete the application and submit to Dr. Huffman.
LIBM 6390 Practicum