Leathermarket JMB Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 21stOctober 2015
ATTENDEES: -- JMB Members including JMB Directors; JMB staff;Councillors Richard Livingstone, Lucas Green, Ben Johnson, Lee Page (Southwark Tenant Managed Initiatives Team) and Peter Hudson of auditors Reeves and Neyland.
APOLOGIES: Samantha Koch, Helen Dennis, Damian O’Brien, Sean Jeanette and Jean Davies.
Welcome: John Paul Maytum, Chair of Leathermarket JMB
John Paul Maytum welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the attendees at the top table.John Paul expressed his sadness that former JMB Welfare Officer, Richard Bailey, had passed away earlier in the year and said his absence at this year’s AGM would be greatly missed.
Keynote speaker – Richard Livingstone (Southwark Council Cabinet member for housing)
Richard Livingston opened by praising the improvements the JMB had delivered during its 19 year management of local estates. He however said that there were real challenges ahead for the Council and the JMB in terms of delivering a housing service. These challenges would stem from proposed government policy and legislative changes, which included the following:
Welfare reforms which will impact on household incomes and rent collection
Enforced rent reduction of 1% a year for social rented housing presenting significant budget shortfalls and potential slow down in housing association building.
The extension of Right to Buy to Housing Association tenants funded by the forced sale of high value Council homes.
The forced sales of high value Council Homes which is likely to have a disproportionate impact on the JMB.
The government’s plan to substantially increase the value of what is deemed to be an affordable home.
The Cabinet member for housing said although these legislative and policy proposals are very bleak, the Council, where possible, would challenge them in the hope of mitigating their impact.
On a brighter note 21 new homes on the old rent office site will be passed to the JMB to manage. He also praised the work done to deliver new homes (for council rents) by the Community Benefit Society on Kipling Estate. There was also the prospect of a joint venture with the Council to build new homes on the old Joseph Lancaster Nursery on the Lawson Estate.
Questions from the floor:
Simon Pearce asked if Southwark had now met its decent homes target?
RL – yes, by March 2016 90% of homes will meet the target.
Debbie Chandler asked if the new build properties at Long Lane are likely to be subject to high value sales proposals as soon as they are ready to let.
RL – It is not clear at present but the Council is hoping there will be exemptions.
Jessica Sheringham asked if something could be done to help people campaign against the Housing and Planning Act which contains some of the proposals discussed.
RL – It would be helpful to have the JMB campaigning alongside the Council and it is likely that the shape of the campaign will take place in the near future.
Councillor Ben Johnson said there was cross party support for sucha campaign and the government is more likely to listen to an organisation like the JMB than a local authority.
Lee Page (Southwark Tenant Management Initiatives Manger) added that the JMB was perfectly entitled to campaign on the issues being discussed under itsarticles of association.
Motions proposed by the JMB Board
Andy Bates at this point put forward two motions previously agreed by the Board which would give the JMB greater ability to address issues which could threaten its future operations.
- The members of Leathermarket JMB recognise the significant impact on the JMB of the Government’s intention to require the sale of council homes when they become empty. The members request that the JMB Board explore all options to modify the Government’s proposals and avoid the negative effects should these be put into place.
2.That the JMB Directors be further supported to tackle the profound changes and a challenge the JMB (and the wider housing sector) is facing by allowing JMB board to recruit a further co-opted director.
This will be done by agreeing the following amendments to the Articles of Association of Leathermarket JMB Ltd:
i.Amend paragraph 25 to read ‘… no more than 14’[total number of Board members]
ii.Amend paragraph 27 to read ‘(or up to 4 non-members)’ [total number of co-opted directors]
Those present agreed that both motions should be voted on together. The motions were proposed by Rouhman Choudry and seconded by Deborah Harrington
Those in favour: 23
Against: 0
Abstentions: 0
Chair’s Report
The Chair, John Paul Maytum, said that had made significant progress on a number of fronts over the last 12 months, particularly in improving the environment of our estates. However the challenges, some of which were outlined by Councillor Livingstone were very real.
The Chair also praised staff and residents in the way heating issues at Meakin Estate had been managed. Despite the unique set of (mainly inherited) circumstances the JMB proved it was able to respond to a difficult situation in a flexible and resolute way.
John Paul Maytum in summing up thanked both residents and staff for their continued support.
Audited Accounts 2014/15
Berni McEwan (JMB Finance Manager) and Peter Hudson (The JMB’s auditors Reeves and Neyland) gave an overview of the audited accounts for 2014/15.
Berni McEwan presented the accounts (previously circulated) which showed a healthy surplus of £523k for 2014/15. However, the JMB thought it prudent to build up reserves because of difficult times which lay arising from government proposals. The JMB aims to make surpluses on day to day income and expenditure in 2015/16 to invest in directors priorities. The budget also earmarks a further £815k from reserves in 2015/16 for major works on our estates.
The Finance Manager praised JMB residents for their prompt payment of rent and service charges which accounts for 98% of income. Prompt payment means that the organisation is able to maintain its high level of investment in its properties.
Peter Hudson gave a complimentary overview the JMB’s preparation of the accounts for the audit, stating that there was less for him to say each year at the AGM. The audit was unqualified with only two very minor points included in the report.
A vote was taken to accept the accounts, proposed by Chris Myers and seconded by Rhouman Choudry.
Those in favour: 20
Those against: 0
Abstentions: 0
Re appointment of JMB auditors – Reeves and Neyland
Those present were asked to vote on whether to re appoint Reeves and Neyland as the JMB’s auditors for 205/16 – proposed by Peter Coulthard and seconded by Christine Parsons.
Those in favour: 21
Those against: 0
Abstentions: 0
Manager’s Report
Andy Bates (manager) began by paying tribute to members of the JMB family who had passed away during the course of the last 12 months which included Richard Bailey, Jenny Phillips, Pat Lynch and Gillian Myer.
The manager reiterated the message of previous speakers that the near future would present tough challenges for social housing.
Forced sales of so called high value housing would have a huge impact if proposed legislation went through in its current form and would represent a broken promise by government in relation to self financing.
The enforced rent reduction for social housing landlords will also restrict services and housing provision with one major housing association already saying it is likely to withdraw from building housing for rent for low income households.
In addition to the above there are significant welfare reform changes being introduced. For example paying housing costs directly to tenants (not landlords) monthly in arrears, via online processes was already resulting in increased rent debts where it was being operated.
Andy Bates said that despite these challenges however he remained optimistic as the JMB is probably better placed than most organisations to deal with them. We have a strong base formed by competent staff and volunteers who deliver top performance in all areas as measured against key performance indicators.
A vote was taken to receive the report which was proposed by John Lynch and seconded by Chris Myer.
Those for: 22
Against: 0
Abstentions: 0
The report was received
Minutes of the AGM held on
The minutes were accepted as a true record. Proposed by Chris Myers and seconded by John Lynch
Those for: 19
Election of Directors
All directors stood down.
Andy Bates explained the process for electing new directors. Five Tenants’ and Residents’ Associations (TRAs) were asked to nominate two JMB Directors at a meeting advertised and open to all residents. Members at the JMB AGM were asked to ratify the people put forwards by the TRAs. Andy asked the directors to stand when their name was called out.
The TRAs had nominated:
- Lawson TRA: Peter Coulthard and John Paul Maytum
- Crosby, Lockyer & Hamilton TRA: John Lynch and Christine Parsons
- Bermondsey Street TRA: Nigel Koch and Jean Davies
- Decima TRA: Fola Ogunkola and Sean Jeannette
- Kipling TRA: Jackie Scorer and Sarah Hatchard
A block vote was taken to ratify the nominations
Those in favour: 22
Against: 0
Abstentions: 0
Farewell to Di Rutter
John Paul Maytum advised the meeting that Di Rutter, who had been a Director (representing Decima Street TRA) since the inception of the JMB, had decided to stand down. John Paul said Di had been an invaluable member of the JMB and thanked her on behalf of the board for her contribution in helping to shape our successful community. Di, who was presented with a bouquet of flowers, made it known that she had thoroughly enjoyed her role as a director and would still continue to support the JMB.
Resolution to continue the JMB
Every AGM is asked whether the JMB should continue for another year.
Proposer: Jackie Scorer
Seconded: Peter Coulthard
29 in favour
0 abstain
1 against
Minutes of the meeting 2013/14
Members had a quick read of the minutes of the last meeting. There were no changes requested.
Proposer: Jackie Scorer
Seconded: John Lynch
26 in favour
1 abstain
0 against
Thanks to co-opted directors
John Paul Maytum thanked the three co-opted directors for volunteering their expertise:
- Cormac Hollingsworth for his finance and city experience
- George Grime for his housing management experience
- Paul Munday for his experience on procurement and major works.
Leathermarket Community Benefit Society AGM
The first AGM of the new Community Benefit Society set up to build new genuinely affordable social housing was then held, followed by refreshments and a chance to talk informally with JMB staff, directors and other members.
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