Midwest Energy Theft Association Conference 2001

Milwaukee, Wisconsin June 27th –June 29th

The 2001 META conference will provide valuable information for all Revenue Protection, Metering and Service professionals working with gas and electric utilities. In light of the rising energy costs, all utilities must be vigilant in detecting theft and/or fraud. This conference will supply the tools necessary to combat these losses.

Hosted by:

This year’s topics include:

Creating a Positive ID Program to Combat Fraudulent Applications for Service - Gregory Straub,

Manager, Credit & Collections, Wisconsin Electric

Meter Tampering (cross training– gas and electric) - Paul DeVaul, retired, Keyspan Energy

Professional Meter Tampering Organizations - Paul DeVaul, retired, Keyspan Energy

The Use of Public Information and the Internet to Conduct Investigations - Kurt Roussell, Coordinator, Energy Theft and Fraud Investigations, Wisconsin Electric

Creating Governmental/Utility Partnerships to Combat Nuisance Properties - David Halbrooks, Assistant City Attorney, Milwaukee, Wisconsin – Nuisance Abatement Task Force

Fraud Tracking Systems - Bill Baldwin, Supervisor, Fraud & Theft, Dayton Power & Light

Interviews and Report Writing - Jeffrey Meyer, Investigator, Wisconsin Electric

Court Presentation Skills - Debbie Blasius, Assistant District Attorney, Waukesha County

Cost Justification of a Revenue Protection Program - Tommie Gray, Supervisor, Revenue Protection Department, AmerenUE, Steven Simun, Investigator, Dominion East Ohio Gas, Kurt Roussell, Coordinator, Energy Theft and Fraud, Wisconsin Electric

 Deregulation - to be announced

Gas and Electric Safety – Joe Wade, Senior Safety Consultant, Wisconsin Electric, David Doerflinger, Senior Safety Consultant, Wisconsin Electric

Can We Really Replace the Meter Reader? AMR and Revenue Protection – Peter Koers, Supervisor, Indianapolis Power & Light

Vendor Presentations – Vendors will display their products in our vendor display area and provide in-depth information regarding the latest technology and products available in today’s market.

The conference will be held at the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, 5311 S Howell Ave. Milwaukee, WI - conveniently located across from Milwaukee’s General Mitchell International Airport. Registration includes two lunches, two reception parties - allowing you to network with other professionals, a buffet dinner and activities planned at the new Potawatomi Casino and Summerfest, the world’s largest music festival. You may choose to stay additional days to enjoy more of this festival of fun, food and music on Milwaukee’s beautiful lakefront. There’s something for everyone, so bring the family!

For additional information on these and other local activities, visit these websites:

Summerfest: Casino:

Miller Brewing: Davidson:

Registration fee is $150.00 (us funds) if received by Friday, May 18, 2001. ($175.00 for registrations received after May 18, 2001). Please make checks payable to: meta and mail to

address indicated on registration form.

For room reservations: Call the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center at (414) 481-2400 and request the Midwest Energy Theft Association room rate. The following selections are available:

 Business Class Queen rooms (non-smoking) - $74.00/night

 Queen/Queen rooms - $79.00/night

 Business class King rooms - $89.00/night

Preliminary Agenda

Tuesday, June 26, 2001(Pre-conference)

12:00 noonGolf Outing (extra cost)

6:00 PM to 8:00 PMEarly Registration and Vendor’s Reception

Wednesday, June 27, 2001

7:30 AM to 8:00 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00 AM to 12:00 PMSpeakers /Break

12:00 PM to 1:00 PMLunch

1:00 PM to 4:30 PMSpeakers /Break

6:00 PMDinner and night out at Potawatomi Bingo - Casino

Thursday, June 28, 2001

7:30 AM to 8:00 AMContinental Breakfast

8:00 AM to 12:00 PMSpeakers /Break

12:00 PM to 1:00 PMLunch

1:00 PM to 4:45 PMSpeakers /Break

5:30 PM to 6:30 PMVendor’s reception at Vendor’s Display Room

6:30 PM untilSummerfest or other activities of your choice

Friday, June 29, 2001

8:00 AM to 8:30 AMContinental Breakfast

8:30 AM to 9:30 AMCreating governmental/utility partnerships

9:30 AM to finishInstallation of new officers and conclusion of Board business

11:00 AMOptional tours of Harley-Davidson and/or Miller Brewery

META 2001 Registration Form

June 27-29, 2001

Clarion Hotel & Conference Center

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Name: Badge Name:




City: State: Zip code:

Phone no.: ( ) Fax No.: ( )

E-mail address:

Please check the activities you plan to attend

scheduled activities included in registration fee

vendor Reception – tuesday night Yes No

Potawatomi Casino dinner – Wednesday night Yes No guests

Vendor reception – thursday evening Yes No

Milwaukee Summerfest – thursday night Yes No guests

Optional Activities – additional cost*

golfing on Tuesday, June 26 _ Yes No

tour of Miller Brewery on friday, june 29 Yes No

tour of Harley-Davidson on friday, june 29 Yes No

*Cost for these activities is determined by group size. additional information will be mailed at a later date.

Early Registration Fee:$150.00 (By May 18th)

Late Registration Fee:$175.00 (may 19th or later)

Check payable to META is enclosed

guest(s) will join us for Wednesday’s Night Out (June 27th) which includes dinner at potawatomi Casino. please enclose an additional $40.00 with your registration fee for each guest.

Please return this registration form and your check by May 18, 2001 to:

Wisconsin Electric Power Company

Energy Theft and Fraud Unit

333 W. Everett St. - A180

Milwaukee, WI 53203

If you have any questions, please call Kurt Roussell at (414) 221-3634 or email