Cos 125

Assignment # 5

Due 2:00 PM Tuesday, April 1


Learning the basics of hyperlinks

1)Write your name on this document

2)Using Dreamweavercreate a new XHTML web page. Follow these steps to complete a linking exercise

  1. Create a title for the page Assignment 5
  2. Use an h1 tag to create the page heading Linking Exercises
  3. Use h2 tags to create the follow sections headers
  4. Links to another Web Page
  5. Links to Sections of this page
  6. Links that Open in New Windows
  7. Other Types of Links
  8. Image Map links
  9. Add some dummy paragraphs under each of the h2 subheadings to give the page some scrollable length
  10. Under the Subhead Links toAnother Web Page provide links to your 5 favorite web sites
  11. Add an anchor name (or use the id attribute) directly in front of each of your h2 subheadings. Then under the subsection called Links to Sections of this page, write links to lead directly to each sections of your current document.
  12. Under the subheadingLinks that Open in New Windows, write links for your 5 favorite web sites so that they open in new windows. Have two links open in new blank windows and the other three links open in the same window.
  13. Under the subhead Other Types of Links create the following links
  14. A link that sends e-mail to you
  15. A link that accesses your ftp directory on
  16. Using Paint Shop Pro (or a suitable imaging application) create an image suitable for use as an Image Map. Add that Image to your web page under the subheading Image Map Links. Use Paint Shop Pro (or a suitable imaging application) to map the coordinates and then write the XHTML map to create the clickable regions of the image. You should have a minimum of 3 clickable regions in your map. Add the tags to create the links.
  17. Your page should have quite a few links by now. Tab through them to see what the default tab order is, than change that order by setting tabindex value of “1” for your favorite link on this page.
  18. Use the acceskey attribute to create a shortcut to your favorite webpage link.

3)Make sure you have a background color or image

4)Save the document as test5.htm

5)Using ftp place test5.htm in your ftp directory on

6)Using ftp place the images use for your image map into your ftp directory on

7)Verify the new web page works by clicking on your name on the COS 125 home page on

8)Complete the following table by putting your initials in the completed column and upload the document onto Blackboard.

9)This table will be completed by the Instructor with the scores you received for this assignment and presented to you via Blackboard.

Scoring for assignment # 5

Task / Completed / Possible Points / Earned Points
Creation of web page using Dreamweaver / 10
All required elements present / 10
Creation of required links / 10
Creation of image for image map in PSP / 10
Creation of Image map / 10
Correct use of acceskey and tabindex / 10
Ftp’d to correct directory / 10
Verify web page operation / 10
Correct use of WebCT assignments sections / 10
Creative and originality / 10
Total Score