Book Proposal Form
Send to:Sydney University Press Submissions
Level 5 Fisher Library F03
University of Sydney NSW 2006
In addition to the information requested below, please submit:
-a detailed synopsis or abstract
-author resume (brief)
-complete manuscript (if available), including table of contents, or sample chapters
- Proposed work
a)Date of submission:
b)Author name(s) :
c)Tentative title:
d)Tentative subtitle:
e)Series for inclusion:
Priority is given to works that align with an SUP series / Sydney Studies in Australian Literature
Animal Publics
Tom Austen Brown Australian Archaeology
China and the West in the Modern World
Public and Social Policy
Indigenous Music of Australia
f)Brief summary of book:
g)Market interest in topic:
h)Unique features: (Please list competing titles. What makes this work different to others in the market?)
i)Has this work been submitted to other publishers? Please list.
j)Previous contact with SUP:
- Production information
a)Estimated completion date:
b)Estimated manuscript word count:
c)Illustrations? Yes/No
If Yes: Type of illustrationsEstimated no. of images / ___Line drawings___
___Colour photographs___
___Black and white photographs___
___Other: please specify:___
d)Are the illustrations spread throughout the book or collected in a central section?
e)Does the work require an index?
f)If yes, do you intend to index it yourself or contract out the indexing? Authors/editors are responsible for all costs associated with the index.
- Author information
a)Primary author contact :
b)Primary contact details:
Other author contact details:
c)Full names, titles and contact details:
d) Previous books published by all authors:
- Research works
a)Does the research in this work come from an ARC/NHMRC-funded project? / If yes, please specify Project ID if available.
b)Does this work comply with HERDC criteria – original research, previously unpublished, substantial contribution to knowledge. Please provide a statement outlining how the work complies.
- Contribution
a)Is a portion of your ARC grant available for publication support? If yes, please specify amount.
b)SUP will request a contribution publication under certain conditions:
- Open Access on release
- Significant or complex editorial or production requirements
- Rights information
a)Does the work contain quotes, illustrations or other material that will require permission from other copyright owners?
b)Estimated number of permissions that need to be sought (SUP will provide you with a pro forma letter to seek permissions)
- Comments
Any other comments you wish to include with the submission
Level 5, Fisher Library F03, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia
Telephone: +61 2 9036 9958Facsimile: +61 2 9114 0620 Email: