Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Learning Target: I can define productivity software.

Bell Work 4: What is the difference between a single-user license and a site license?


●Make sure you have set up your Certiport ID to attach to 1596099 Group Exam Id

●Fall Break Study Helps/Videos - see online classroom; Skill Set List; “IC3 Practice Test” in SAM; Ask Mrs. Kessler for practice test voucher you can take at home

●Lesson 7 Check ListPart 1(see below) – Due NLT Tues 9/30

●Lesson 7 Check List Part 2(see below)-Due NLT Wed 10/01

●Lesson 8Check List Part 1 (see below) –Due NLT Mon 10/13

●Lesson 8 Check List Part 2(see below) – Due NLT Wed 10/15

●Lesson 9 Check List Part 1(see below) – Due NLT 10/17

●Lesson 9 Check List Part 2(see below) – Due NLT 10/21

Early Finish Choices:

oReview previous lesson(s) training in SAM. Good review/repetition for IC3 certification exam. Practice Tests)

oRead ahead in text

oMerriam Webster Spelling and Vocabulary Daily Quizzes

oTyping early finish activities link on teacher website. coding practice

oACT Question of the Day

oTechTerms.COM Questions and Term of the Day

oLearn something new on Khan Academy

oLearn something new on WolfRamAlpha:

oTo learn more about Operating Systems; Watch video Lectures 1-9:

oShare Get to Know Me Projects as time permits

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Lesson 7 Check List Part 1 (Week 9):

o____ Training Completed – must show 100% in SAM

o____ Lesson 7 Read/Listen and Reviewed

o____ Power Point Slides Reviewed

o____ Flash Cards Complete(Individual or with team)

o____ Bolded Word Vocab(pencil and paper)

o____ Check in with Mrs. Kessler for project grade 1 (above Due Date: Tues, Sept 30)

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Lesson 7 Check List Part 2 (Week 9):

o____ Lesson Review Complete and check answers (T/F, MC, Short Answer)- you may work with study group

o____ Step By Step 7.1 Read, watch video, try at home:

o____ Step By Step 7.2 Read, watch video, try at home(uninstall what you installed in 7.1):

o____ Step By Step 7.3 Read and then watch video:

o____ Check in with Mrs. Kessler for project grade 2 and Open Note Exam(Due Dates: Wed, Sept 31)

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Lesson 8 Check List Part 1:

o____ Training Completed – must show 100% in SAM

o____ Lesson 8 Read/Listen and Reviewed

o____ Power Point Slides Reviewed

o____ Flash Cards Complete(Individual or with team)

o____ Bolded Word Vocab(pencil and paper)

o____ Check in with Mrs. Kessler for project grade 1 (above Due Date: NLT Mon, 10/13)

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Lesson 8 Check List Part 2 :

o____ Lesson Review Complete and check answers (T/F, MC, Short Answer)- you may work with study group

o____ Complete Step by Step 8.1 using files on online classroom.

o____ Read Step by Step 8.2; Practice on a computer that Mrs. Kessler sets up for your team. Watch video:

o____ Read Step by Step 8.3; Practice on a computer that Mrs. Kessler sets up for your team. Watch video:

o____ Check in with Mrs. Kessler for project grade 2 and Open Note Exam(Due Dates: NLT Wed 10/15)

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Lesson 9 Check List Part 1:

o____ Training Completed – must show 100% in SAM

o____ Lesson 9 Read/Listen and Reviewed

o____ Power Point Slides Reviewed

o____ Flash Cards Complete(Individual or with team)

o____ Bolded Word Vocab(pencil and paper)

o____ Check in with Mrs. Kessler for project grade 1 (above Due Date: NLT Fri, 10/17)

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Lesson 9 Check List Part 2 :

o____ Lesson Review Complete and check answers (T/F, MC, Short Answer)- you may work with study group

o____ Read and complete Step by Step 9.1 Watch video:

o____ Read and complete Step by Step 9.2

o____ Read and complete Step by Step 9.3

o____ Check in with Mrs. Kessler for project grade 2 and Open Note Exam(Due Dates: NLT Tue 10/21)

Online Classroom: