Institute Quality Committee (IQC)Summary and Analysis of Cumulative ChangeReport
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Guidance is provided in this font
Under the University’s Course Planning and Approval/Re-approval process, IQC has the responsibility to consider and approve minor amendments made at module and course level against specified categories of change Guidance on amendments to modules and courses
It is recognised that the effect of minor changes over a period of time may lead cumulatively to a substantive revision of the course as originally approved. It is the responsibility of IQC through the IQC Secretary to record and monitor on an ongoing basis the minor amendments made at module and course level. It is a requirement that a summary of the volume and nature of these changes is presented to IQC at the beginning of the academic year, and reported through to ASQEC via the IQC minutes.
Updates to IQC recording and reporting 2017/18 onwards
From the 2017/18 academic year all Institutes will adopt a standardised approach to recording change using a spreadsheet produced centrally by AQU. This will identify core categories of information (designated in orange) to be used cross-institutionally, and optional categories (designated in green, which may be added to) in recognition that some Institutes may wish to continue to record additional information in the sheet.
The record of change will be made available to the Senior Quality Officer in AQU who will review independently the volume and nature of change against the Guidance on Amendments. This will inform a discussion with the IQC Chair and Secretary regarding any courses which have been significantly modified over time.
The outcome of the discussion will be recorded in the template below for consideration at the first IQC of the academic year. The outcome will be reported through to ASQEC via the IQC minutes.
Provide a brief confirmation that records have been maintained throughout the year 2016/17 year. For 2017/18 report only, confirm when the transition of existing records to the standardised spreadsheet is proposed (N.B. expect this to have happened by the end of semester 1). Confirm that the Senior Quality Advisor (SQA) has had access to existing records and the opportunity to comment. Include dates of any meeting, including e-meetings, correspondence between SQA and IQC to inform this report.
Summary and analysis of Module and Course Amendment during 2016/17
Use this section to provide a summary of the volume, nature and course spread of changes over the last 12 months.
Identify whether within the categories (1, 2, 3a), there were any types of change which were particularly common e.g. changes to assessment pattern, ILOs, introduction of new modules. Reflect on any reasons for a pattern?
Identify any courses that had multiple changes in either category 1 or category 2 and any that had a category 3a change during 2016/17, the nature of these changes and any rationale e.g. PSRB requirements, feedback from other stakeholders including sectors, changes in a given sector.
Summary and analysis of Cumulative Change over the past three years (2014/15-2016/17)
Through liaison between The Senior Quality Adviser and the IQC Chair and Secretary, the amount of change made to an individual course through the amendments to modules and courses process will be considered over the past three years. Courses will be categorised as green, amber or red:
Green: Courses well within the ‘change envelope’ under current process and practice.
Amber: Courses which are towards the higher end of the ‘change envelope’ and therefore need to be flagged for awareness should any other changes come forward in the coming year.
Red: Courses where the amount of change signals the need for a course re-approval and discussion needs to be had between the Institute, the Director of Quality and Academic Development and AQU.
From 2018/19 the spreadsheet for the past three years will be provided as an electronic link to this report providing a colour coded evidence base. Given the transition of existing records to the new sheet this will not be required for the 2017/18 and the work on identifying green, amber and red courses will draw on whichever recording system the Institute uses.
Provide a brief statement e.g. that the majority of courses appeared to fall into this category and reflected appropriate and timely updating etc.
List any courses falling into this category, any particular context/rationale in relation to a given course and confirmation that these will be flagged on the spreadsheet plus any additional action such as a follow up meeting at a given point etc.
List any courses falling into this category, any particular context/rationale. For any course in the red category, make a formal recommendation:
Recommendation: To be referred for re-approval.
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