Learning Session 11 of The South of England Mental Health Quality and Patient Safety Improvement Collaborative
Purpose of the Collaborative
The aim of the South of England Mental Health Quality and Safety Improvement Collaborative is to make care safer by improving quality in mental healthcare. The collaborative aims to achieve this by:
- Supporting organisations to develop a safety culture and to become a system for learning;
- Build the quality improvement capability in members, supporting them from being learners of quality improvement to becoming leaders of quality improvement;
- Develop the capacity and capability for co-production in quality improvement work of participating organisations;
- Use the IHI Break through Series Methodology learning system;
- Reduce variation in clinical practices and aim for 95% reliability in care processes;
- Create a network that uses measurement only for improvement and learning, and uses the model for improvement to develop test and spread new or existing, alongside local and national innovation;
By attending the two day learning session delegates will acquire knowledge, receive coaching and develop practical skills in:
- The model for improvement
- The implementation of PDSA’s
- Measurement for improvement
- Development of measurement strategy
- Implementing QI projects
- Coaching in the application of QI
- Work stream focused support
- Take away innovations for testing
- Network with peers
- Share learning multi organisationally
DAY 1 02/11/16
Future Inn Bristol
/Agenda Item
/Learning Outcomes
08.30 – 09.30 / Registration & Refreshments- Innovation board set up
09.30 – 09.45 / Welcome
09.45 – 10.15 / The National Picture
- An update from Sarah Tilford, Improvement Lead from NHS ImprovementPatient Safety Team
- Where the collaborative is positioned within the National Patient safety agenda
- An update of progress
- How the work of collaborative members contributes to the bigger picture
10.15 – 11.00 / Profound Knowledge
- Looking through the lens of an improver
- An introduction to William Edwards Deming theory of profound knowledge
- Will understand the four components of profound knowledge
- Will have the opportunity to apply the four components to an improvement project
11.00 – 11.30 / Refreshments & Networking
- Please transition to break out rooms
- Opportunities to network
- To make helpful connections with peers
- To learn from peers
- Update on progress amongst peers
11.30 – 12.30 / Let me introduce you
- An introduction to the collaborative
- To be introduced to the collaboratives aims
- To understand the operational model of the collaborative
- To be introduced to the Model for Improvement
- Understand how you can develop your Quality improvement skills
- How to get involved or get started with an improvement program
11.30 – 12.30 / 3 L’s Quality Improvement masterclasses
- Masterclass 1
- Learn about Quality Improvement
- Masterclass 2
- Living Quality Improvement
- Building a driver diagram
- Masterclass 3
- Leading others in Quality Improvement
- Using driver diagrams to set the direction and communicate with others
- Be introduced to why we need a driver diagram
- Understand when to use a driver diagram
- Introduced to aims, primary drivers, secondary drivers and change ideas
- Introduced to the process of building driver diagrams
- Understand the benefits of a driver diagram
- Understand that measures can be generated from driver diagrams
- Have the opportunity to partake in a practical exercise of constructing a driver diagram (own examples can be used and brought for coaching)
- Understand how measurement is identified by the driver diagram
- Deciding which change ideas to begin with on the driver diagram
- Know who to involve in constructing the driver diagram
- How to support others to use driver diagrams
- How to present a driver diagram to influence colleagues and teams
- Incorporating driver diagrams into reports and strategy
12.30 – 13.30 / Lunch & Networking /
- Opportunities to network
- To make helpful connections with peers
- To learn from peers
- Update on progress amongst peers
13.30 -15.00 / Life System workshop Part 1
Jason Williams from Seedata will be sharing the Life system and answering any questions
The life system in action Part 2
All teams will have the opportunity to upload a project onto the life system or review existing work /
- An introduction to the Life System
- Understand the functions of the LifeSystem
- Learn how to use the Life System
- An opportunity to try the Life System
- An opportunity to explore in detail any barriers in functionality
15.00 – 15.45 / Refreshments and Sharing Innovations
Opportunity to steal shamelessly from peers /
- To find solutions to problems
- To understand the process that led to the development of the innovation
- Ask further questions
- Explore how the innovation could be adopted or adapted for application in your own organisation
- Secure contact details for further liaison
15.45 – 16.15 / Launch of the Website /
- An introduction to the website and its functions
16.15 - 16.45 / Moving forward
- Whathave you learnt today?
- What are your next steps?
- What do you need?
- Time to meet as a Quality Improvement team
- To reflect on learning from the day
- To clarify any outstanding issues from the day
- To plan next steps on return to clinical settings
- Identification of any resources required
16.45 – 17.00 / Close
Day 2 03/11/16
Future Inn Bristol
/Agenda Item
08.00 – 09.00 / Registration & Networking09.00 – 09.15 / Welcome and feedback from yesterday
- You said we did
- Setting the scene for day two
09.15 – 10.45 / The Bradford Toolkit: physical health promotion for people with serve and enduring mental health
- Kate Dale the inventor of the toolkit will be sharing her journey and the toolkit
- To be introduced to the Bradford Tool
- Opportunity to explore with Kate the improvement process that led to the finished tool
- The impact of the Tool to date
10.45 – 11.15 / Refreshments & Networking
- Please transition to break out rooms
- Opportunities to network
- To make helpful connections with peers
- To learn from peers
- Update on progress amongst peers
11.15 – 12.30 / Coaching breakout clinics using fish bowl methodology
- Co- production
- Suicide prevention Closed Clinic
- Life system
- Safe and reliable care
- Physical Healthcare
- Medicines
- Leadership
- Opportunity to explore progress of projects/ co production or use of the LIFE system multi organisationally with peers and faculty members
- Coaching on application of QI in projects
- Ability to seek clarification of existing driver diagrams and measures
- Consideration of the wider influences of change that impact on projects
12.30 – 13.30 / Lunch & Networking /
- Opportunities to network
- To make helpful connections with peers
- To learn from peers
- Update on progress amongst peers
13.30 - 15.30 / World café of sharing innovations in physical health care
- Setting up a physical health clinic in the community – Isle of Wight
- Success in falls reduction – Kent
- Offering women screening in an adult female acute ward-2gether
- Physical observation, after the use of rapid tranquilising medication –Berkshire
- Meeting the CQUIN on physical healthcare - TBC
- Learn from examples from peer collaborative members
- Opportunity to discover a solution to a similar issue
- Reinforce the application of QI methodology in projects
- To observe and participate in live coaching of the presenting teams
15.30 – 16.00 / Moving forward
- What have you learnt today?
- What are your next steps?
- What do you need?
- Time to meet as a Quality Improvement team
- To reflect on learning from the day
- To clarify any outstanding issues from the day
- To plan next steps on return to clinical settings
- Identification of any resources required
16.00 – 16.15 / Close