Learning Programme Exemplars
Home Language
Intermediate Phase Grades 4 – 6
Intermediate Phase
Exemplar Learning Programmes, Work Schedules and Lesson Plans
These documents provide Learning Programmes for the two Learning Areas of Language and Mathematics. These two domains develop the ability to learn. From the results of the 2003 WCED assessment of literacy and numeracy in Grade 6 it is clear that the majority of learners need a firmer foundation in these areas with more definite progression in terms of understanding and the development of skills. The purpose of these exemplar Learning Programmes is provide examples (not models) to assist teachers as they undertake their planning. They are a response to teachers’ requests for support with their planning. Teachers want to see what a Learning Programme looks like.
The Learning Programmes, Work Schedules and Lesson Plans have been developed by small teams of practising teachers. These teams have presented their planning using a variety of templates. Each team has included different details in their Learning Programme, Work Schedule, and Lesson Plans. This illustrates that every teacher’s Learning Programme can be different but that the plan as a whole must cover each of the required elements. The following exemplars are only illustrations of how planning may be done. They are not prescribed nor are they perfect. Teachers who use these programmes will need to make adaptations to suit their own classsrooms.
Please refer to the specific Learning Area Teacher’s Guide for the Development of Learning Programmes for further assistance in developing these planning documents.
Director: Curriculum Development
September 2004
The work prepared for Home Language and First Additional Language includes the following:
- Home Language
- Learning Programme (complete)
- Work Schedule: Grade 4 – First term (complete)
Grade 5 – First term (complete)
Grade 6 – First term (complete)
Grade 4 – Terms 2, 3 and 4 (outline of work, not a completed Work Schedule)
Grade 5 – Terms 2, 3 and 4 (outline of work, not a completed Work Schedule)
Grade 6 – Terms 2, 3 and 4 (outline of work, not a completed Work Schedule)
Work Schedules for terms 2, 3 and 4 of the above-mentioned grades give a
clear indication of the work to be covered for the grades for each term.
- Lesson Plan: Grade 5 – One completed
- First Additional Language
- Learning Programme (complete)
- Work Schedule: Grade 6 – First term (complete – in detail)
Grade 6 – Terms 2, 3 and 4 (outline of work, not a completed Work Schedule)
- Lesson Plan: Grade 6 – One completed
Please note: The process skills in Writing for all the grades need to be developed
throughout the year. Learners should have had multiple exposure to the skills before they are assessed on it.
Integration: The Language Learning Programme alludes to the integration of other Learning Areas without stating the number of the Learning Outcome/s. In the Lesson Plan, however, the Learning Area together with the Learning Outcome/s to be used for integration, needs to be stated up front.