Natural Phenomena Conference
A Nature Education Conference in the Outdoors
Kiripaka, Whangarei.
November 9th – 11th, 2018
Presenter Application
Your Details
Presenter’s Name
Day phone
Evening phone
Brief biography of yourself that may be used for publication in conference programme & on the website (up to 150 words maximum)
Natural Phenomena Conference Presenter Application v0.2Page 1
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Natural Phenomena Conference
Your Presentation
Presentation format (please highlight one format)
- Presentation
- Workshop
- Interactive Workshop (hands on for delegates)
- Other, please specify
Presentation Theme
- Please indicate your theme or key message.
Presentation title
Description of your presentation (for the conference programme – up to 100 words approximately)Your Requirements
Please note:The Natural Phenomena is an “out in nature conference”. Presentation areas are under the canopy of mature native forest and seating is a mix of grassy meadow, tree stumps and rocky outcrops.
We arrange the location of presentations based upon the type of workshop and the needs to remain seated, move around or/and noise level.
Power may be available at selected locations. However, we highly recommend that you adapt your presentation to fit within nature and refrain from the need to have powerpoint & video. This is one of the unique qualities of this conference.
Please indicate what special requirements you have for your presentation.
Please send us a photo that we can use on the website (landscape style).
The committee meet regularly to discuss and decide upon all presenters. Should your application be successful you will be granted a complimentary entry into the conference.
Presenter’s Statement
Name:Date:I have supplied all the information required on this form and attach an outline of my presentation to be included in the conference programme. I understand that if I am accepted as a presenter the following condition apply:
- I must make the presentation at the conference or find a replacement presenter if I am unable to attend.
Please send your completed application form to or by post to P.O Box 7029, Tikipunga, Whangarei, NZ.
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