Learning Outcomes for Lesson Four

- students will demonstrate their abilities in shooting, passing, dribbling, and performing lay-ups

- students will demonstrate an increased understanding of off-the-ball and on-the-ball movements

- students will be able to make critical decisions while playing

Equipment: cones, balls, stopwatch, pinnies

Warm up: Chinese gates


1. Students are put into four teams, with one team at a time defending their gates

2. Students have to run through a series of gates to make it through to the other side while eluding defenders

3. Defenders must try and tag students, if tagged they must start at beginning of gates

The purpose of this activity is primarily to get student’s heart rates up and muscles warm, while focusing on moving in open space and eluding defenders


1. Defenders walk

2. Defenders run

3. More gates are added

Teaching Points:

1. Use strategies to get students through gates (ex. Sacrifice a student while others run through)

2. Move towards gates with fewer defenders nearby


-full court is used

- section one has two gates for students to get through with one defender

- section two has three gates for students to get through with two defenders

- section three has four gates for students to get through with three defenders

Skill development one: Shooting for points


1. Students are put in partners, with one as a rebounder and one as a shooter

2. Different spots on the court are given different points values

3. Shooters shoot until the teacher stops them, points are tallied, and roles are reversed

The purpose of this activity is to encourage students to shoot from all different spots on the court under timed pressure.


1. Students shot from all spots on court at their own pace

2. Students shot from all spots on the court timed, with further shots from the hoop being worth more points

Teaching Points:

1. Maintain proper technique

2. Shoot within comfort zone to increase accuracy and get more points


-students are paired up, with one ball per pair at a basket

- teacher will time for 1 minute per player

Skill development two: Speed Layups for points


1. Students are put in partners, with one as a rebounder and one as a shooter

2. Students are timed doing layups, with their total being added up for points

The purpose of this activity is to encourage students to do lay-ups at a game-like pace


1. Untimed layups

2. Timed layups

Teaching Points:

1. Maintain proper technique while performing layups

2. Move at a quick pace to maximize points, while still keeping ball under control


-students stay in same pairs, with one ball per pair at a basket

- teacher will time for 1 minute per player

Skill development three: three man-weave with shots for points


1. Students line up in groups of three at the end line.

2. Perform three man weave with a lay-up or shot at end

3. Teacher times, and students keep track of how many baskets they scored

The purpose of this activity is to encourage students to move into space with speed after making a pass, and to work on lay-ups and shots.


1. Three man weave untimed

2. Three man weave timed

3. Extra points added for using all 4 passes before shooting

Teaching Points:

1. Move behind player after passing to them

2. Use different types of passes

3. Focus on lay-up or shot at end for extra points


-class will be split into two, with three-man weave going on at both courts

- teacher will time for 3 minutes

Skill development four: dribbling relays


1. Students will get into groups of 5 and line up at the base line

2. Students will dribble through a series of cones, turn around on the last cone,a nd dribble back through the cones

3. Next student may go when their team mate is back

4. Different types of dribbles will be required

The purpose of this is to encourage students to try different types of dribbling at speed.


1. Dribbling through cones using 2 different moves when dribbling

2. Racing classmates dribbling through cones using 2 different moves dribbling

3. Extra points for using between the legs or behind the back dribbles

Teaching Points:

1. Dribble with ball under control and close to the body

2. Dribble through cones with eyes and head up


- class divided into their teams

- dribbling course set up with cones for them to weave through

Culminating activity: tournament play

The purpose of this is to create a fun environment for the kids where they can put all their skills learned together in a game context

Each time plays each other in 5 minute games: Semi-finals/Finals played