/ Faculty of Engineering, Architecture & Information Technology

Aerospace Gateway Schools Direct Entry Scheme

Application Form

Due date:Please submit to your Principal by Friday 2 September 2016

Please see the accompanying Information for Applicants for further information

Your Personal Details

Please complete all fields

Title: / select / Given Name: / Family Name:
Street Address:
Suburb: / Postcode:
Tel/Mobile: / Date of Birth:
Email Address:

Into which programs (in order) would you like to be offered Direct Entry?

Please number your most preferred program as ‘1’ and number other ‘2’ and/or ‘3’ if you would also like to be considered for more than one program.

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Choose an item.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Information Technology / Choose an item.
Bachelor of Information Technology / Choose an item.

Academic Record

Year 12

If enrolled in more than six subjects, please list the best six that meet the criteria.

Applicant to list


Principal to completePredicted Grades

Current Year 12 Subjects / Grade / Other
(Please list)
Choose an item. /
Choose an item. /
Choose an item. /
Choose an item. /
Choose an item. /
Choose an item. /
Please describe in no more than 200 words, how you demonstrate a strong interest in aerospace and/or engineering &/or information technology. This may be demonstrated, for example, through participation in school, extracurricular &/or community activities related to your nominated degree program.

Applicant Declaration

I declare that I have read and understood the Information for Applicants and this application form. I further declare that the information given in this application is correct and complete.

Applicant’s Signature: / Date: / .…/.…/….

Principal to Complete

We appreciate your evaluation of the academic ability of the applicant. Could you please ensure you have filled in the predicted results table above and please provide the following information?

Approximate rankof the student within the year level at your School: / / out of /
What OP range would you predict this student will achieve at the end of Year 12? / Choose an item. /
Please provide a short statement which summarises the quality of the applicant’s academic performance; personal character and potential to succeed at university; and, the excellence of their communication and interpersonal skills.
Principals Signature: / Date: / .…/.…/….

Please email the completed and signed form to:

Please type into the email Subject line –‘Aerospace Gateway Schools Application’

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