1.Define learning. (see introductory section)

2.Define classical conditioning. Give an example that illustrates the process of classical conditioning, identifying the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response in your example. (see “Pavlov’s Discovery”)

3.Describe and give examples of the processes of extinction, reconditioning, and spontaneous recovery. (see “Conditioned Responses over Time: Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery”)

4.Define and give examples of stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination. (see “Stimulus Generalization and Discrimination”)

5.Describe the role that timing, predictability, intensity, and attention play in the development of conditioned responses. (see “The Signaling of Significant Events”)

6.Define and give examples of biopreparedness. Explain why conditioned taste aversion is a special case of classical conditioning. (see “Biopreparedness” under “The Signaling of Significant Events”)

7. Define and give an example of higher order conditioning. (see “Higher Order Conditioning” under “The Signaling of Significant Events”)

8.Discuss the application of classical conditioning in the development and treatment of phobias. Discuss how classical conditioning applies to drug addiction and what the role of habituation is in Solomon’s opponent process theory. (see “Some Applications of Classical Conditioning”)

9.Describe law of effect and operant conditioning. Explain how operant conditioning differs from classical conditioning. (see “From the Puzzle Box to the Skinner Box”)

10.Define and give examples of operant, reinforcers, positive reinforcers, and negative reinforcers. (see “Operants and Reinforcers”)

11.Define and give examples of escape conditioning and avoidance conditioning. (see “Escape and Avoidance Conditioning”)

12.Define discriminative conditioned stimuli and stimulus control. Explain how the concepts of stimulus discrimination and stimulus generalization complement each other. (see “Discriminative Conditioned Stimuli and Stimulus Control”)

13.Define and give an example of shaping. (see “Shaping” under “Forming and Strengthening Operant Behavior”)

14.Compare and contrast primary and secondary reinforcers. Discuss how the timing and size of a reinforcer influences its effectiveness. (see “Secondary Reinforcement” under “Forming and Strengthening Operant Behavior”)

15.Explain the difference between continuous and partial(intermittent) reinforcement schedules. Compare and contrast fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, fixed-interval, and variable-interval schedules. Describe how the various schedules affect response patterns and give examples. Describe the partial reinforcement effect. (see “Schedules of Reinforcement” and “Schedules and Extinction” under “Forming and Strengthening Operant Behavior”)

16.Define punishment and describe its role in operant conditioning. Explain how punishment differs from negative reinforcement. Discuss the disadvantages of and guidelines for using punishment. (see “Punishment”)

17.Discuss how operant conditioning can be used to treat problematic behavior. (see “Some Applications of Operant Conditioning”)

18.Discuss networks of learning and how parallel distributed processing and connectionist models provide insight into how associations are stored in the brain. (see “Linkages: Networks of Learning”)

19.Define and give an example of learned helplessness. Discuss the experiments investigating learned helplessness. (see “Learned Helplessness”)

20.Define and give examples of latent learning and cognitive maps. (see “Latent Learning and Cognitive Maps”)

21.Define insight. Discuss how insight differs from classical and operant conditioning. (see “Insight and Learning”)

22.Define observational learning (social learning) and discuss the research on vicarious conditioning. (see “Observational Learning: Learning by Imitation”)

23.Describe the research examining the effects of television violence on behavior. State what conclusions are most reasonable based on the available evidence. (see “Thinking Critically: Does Watching Violence on Television Make People More Violent?”)

24.Describe the potential causes of cultural differences in scholastic achievement. (see “Classrooms Across Cultures”)

25.Define and give examples of active learning. (see “Active Learning”)

26.Describe the roles of practice and feedback in skill learning. (see “Skill Learning”)