DreamBox Learning Exploration Guide
This exploration guide is designed to give you an overview of the DreamBox Learning Environments as well as the Teacher Dashboard. Please watch the videos, take the modules, and read the articles suggested. After each section, take a moment to reflect and answer the questions.
Learning Environments (20 minutes)
Go to http://www.dreambox.com/training/interactive-videos/first-day-on-dreambox/. Watch the “First Day on Dreambox” Module and answer the questions below.
1. How do you get access to the password for the teacher dashboard?
2. What is the default password setting for your grade level and how do students login?
Go to http://www.dreambox.com/training. Under “Try the DreamBox Learning Experience First Hand,” choose one or both of the following. Play for 10 minutes.
· Experience Primary Learning Environment
· Experience Intermediate Learning Environment
3. Write down any questions or comments that you have while you play.
Go to http://www.dreambox.com/training/interactive-videos/. Watch either the Primary Learning Environment or the Intermediate Learning Environment module.
4. Name two of the locations that students access in DreamBox. Which location should students access to complete their lessons?
5. What are the best practices that move students efficiently through curriculum?
Continuous Assessment (5 minutes)
Go to http://schoolhelp.dreambox.com/customer/portal/articles/660281-continuous-assessment. Read the “Continuous Assessment” article and answer the question below.
6. The article lists some specific behaviors that DreamBox tracks during lessons. What are the behaviors that are listed?
Go back to http://www.dreambox.com/training/interactive-videos/teacher-dashboard-summary-report/ and choose the Interactive Videos tab. Take the Classroom Summary Report Module.
7. How do you know if a student has been off task while working in DreamBox?
8. When a student gets a red flag, what does it mean and how do find more information about the red flag?
Stay on the Dreambox interactive Video page at http://www.dreambox.com/training/interactive-videos/tracking-usage/ and take the Tracking Usage report module.
9. How do you track the new or recommended lessons that students play?
Go to http://www.dreambox.com/training/interactive-videos/notifications-for-time-in-lessons/ and take the Notification for Time in Lessons Module.
10. What is the color of the notification that lets you know when students are off task while in DreamBox?