Delayed Discharge

Learning and Sharing Network

Special Event

Public Launch of the

Reshaping Care for Older People


Minister for Public Health – Shona Robison MSP

COSLA Health and Wellbeing Spokesperson – Councillor Ronnie McColl

Dunblane Hydro

Perth Road, Dunblane, FK15 0HG

Tuesday 16th March 2010

9.30am – 3.30pm

FREE EVENT – open to all with an interest in Health, Housing and Social Care – draft programme attached

This event launches a Scotland-wide public engagement programme that aims to build long term consensus about how best we can support older people with care needs.

The Scottish Government, COSLA and NHS Scotland have been working in close partnership to develop a range of “emerging proposals” to help deliver continuously improving care for older people in the face of the challenges posed by ever-growing numbers of older people and the current financial climate. This event now brings these proposals into the spotlight, inviting wider stakeholder scrutiny as they are developed into responses to these challenges.

Speakers include:

  • Shona Robison MSP, Minister for Public Health & Sport
  • Councillor Ronnie McColl, COSLA
  • Frank Clark, Convener, Care Commission
  • Professor David Bell, University of Stirling
  • Tim Davison, Chief Executive NHS Lanarkshire and Chair, Ministerial ‘Delivery Group’
  • David Manion, Chief Executive, Age Concern Help the Aged Scotland
  • Annie Gunner Logan, Director, Community Care Providers Scotland

Who should attend?

This event is open to all with an interest in health, housing and social care and will be of particular interest to:-

  • Members of the Delayed Discharge Learning Network
  • Local Authority, Private and Voluntary Sector/RSLHousingprofessionals and their representative bodies
  • Voluntary Sector Providers & Community Organisations representing Older People, Health, Housing and Social Care
  • NHS and Local Authority Health, Housing & Social Care Professionals
  • Directors, Senior and Operational Managers in Councils, CHPs, Health Boards, Elected members and Health Board, Non-Executive Directors & CHP Committee Members

How to Register

Please register your interest, providing your name, designation, contact details and workshop choice to Alex Bell by Friday 5 March 2010, completing the registration form at Annex A and sending to .

Draft Programme

09:00Registration – tea and coffee available

09.30Welcome and Introductions – Frank Clark CBE

Shona Robison MSP Minister for Public Health & Sport

Councillor Ronnie McColl COSLA Spokesperson, Health and Wellbeing

10.15Reshaping Care for Older People:

  • The programme so far - Tim Davison, Chief Executive NHS Lanarkshire and Chair, Ministerial Delivery Group
  • How older people see it -David Manion, Chief Executive, Age Concern Help the Aged Scotland
  • Providing quality care -Annie Gunner Logan, Director, Community Care Providers Scotland

11.00Round table discussion – views on the emerging proposals? How to best engage with the public?


13.15A hard look at the figures: Professor David Bell, University of Stirling, Economic Adviser to the Finance Committee of the Scottish Parliament.

13.45Workshops – see annex A


15:00End of formal conference business

15.00-15.30Refreshments and informal feedback/discussion time – workshop leads will form a panel for a final informal plenary session for those wishing to continue the discussion and help shape future work.

Annex A




Telephone number
E-mail address

Afternoon workshops

Title / Discussing / Choice
A / Complex needs / Solutions for people with complex care needs
B / Care at home / Improving care at home – looking at housing, housing support, telecare and equipment & adaptations
C / Demographics/funding of care / The costs and future funding of care given the demographic predictions
D / Care pathways / The journey of care – in and out of hospital
E / Carer involvement / Exploring the role of unpaid carers
F / Building a future workforce / Driving (and responding to) the Reshaping agenda
G / Community capacity building / The potential to support and grow informal care
H / Delayed discharge data issues / Data and definitions, incorporating EDISON
I / Future role of care homes / New models of care homes for the future

Please select first and second choice, marking 1 and 2 in the choice box.

Return to by Friday 5 March 2010.

Any queries to Alex Bell – 0131 244 5424