Career Cluster Survey
Learn Which Industries Fit You
In this activity, you’ll take NextTier’s Career Cluster survey. This survey asks you about your academic interests, the activities you like to do, and personal qualities that describe you. Based on the information you provide, the results of the survey will show you your top three suggested Career Clusters (groupings of related jobs that require similar skill sets, exist within similar industries, or produce similar products).
With a better understanding of which Career Clusters fit you, you’ll be able to utilize the Career Clusters filter on NextTier’s Careers Page to find specific jobs and occupations that interest you.
Follow these steps to begin the Career Cluster survey:
- Sign into NextTier and navigate to your Tasks Page by clicking on the clipboard icon in the navbar.
- Next, click on your Survey Tasks list.
- Click on the Career Cluster survey Task Card.
- Read the description on the Task Card and, when you’re ready, click the start button.
You’ll complete the Career Cluster survey within NextTier. On the first page you’ll be asked to check the boxes next to the academic subjects you like. The next pages will ask you to check boxes next to the activities you like to do and the personal qualities that describe you. When you’re ready to move on to the next page, click the continue button in the lower right. On the last page, you’ll click the finish button to see your results.
Once finished, read your results and answer the questions below.
Questions for 6th Graders
- What is your first Career Cluster? ______
- What is your second Career Cluster? ______
- What is your third Career Cluster? ______
- Read the descriptions of the 16 Career Clusters (below). Do your three Career Clusters seem like a good fit to you? Is there a Career Cluster that was not in your top three that you think is a good fit for you?
- Navigate to the Careers Page (click on the briefcase icon in the navbar). Click on the Career Clusters filter and check the box next to the Career Clusters that came up in your survey results. List two examples of careers from each Career Cluster.
- CC #1 Examples: ______
- CC #2 Examples: ______
- CC #3 Examples: ______
If you are interested in the above career tracks, click the star icon to the right of the career’s name to save the career.
- What classes can help you develop skills for these careers? What classes do you think have already helped you?
Questions for 7th Graders
- What is your first Career Cluster? ______
- What is your second Career Cluster? ______
- What is your third Career Cluster? ______
- Read the descriptions of the 16 Career Clusters (below). Do your three Career Clusters seem like a good fit to you? Is there a Career Cluster that was not in your top three that you think is a good fit for you?
- Navigate to the Careers Page (click on the briefcase icon in the navbar). Click on the Career Clusters filter and check the box next to the Career Clusters that came up in your survey results. List two examples of careers from each Career Cluster.
- CC #1 Examples: ______
- CC #2 Examples: ______
- CC #3 Examples: ______
If you are interested in the above career tracks, click the star icon to the right of the career’s name to save the career.
- Choose one of the careers you found and click on it. Use the information on the Career Detail Page to answer the following questions:
- What is the career you chose? ______
- From the Jobs Zone section, what is the level of preparation necessary for this career?
- From the Task & Activities Tab, what is one task or activity you would enjoy doing?
- What classes can help you develop skills for these careers? What classes do you think have already helped you?
Questions for 8th Graders
- What is your first Career Cluster? ______
- What is your second Career Cluster? ______
- What is your third Career Cluster? ______
- Read the descriptions of the 16 Career Clusters (below). Do your three Career Clusters seem like a good fit to you? Is there a Career Cluster that was not in your top three that you think is a good fit for you?
- Navigate to the Careers Page (click on the briefcase icon in the navbar). Click on the Career Clusters filter and check the box next to the Career Clusters that came up in your survey results. List two examples of careers from each Career Cluster.
- CC #1 Examples: ______
- CC #2 Examples: ______
- CC #3 Examples: ______
If you are interested in the above career tracks, click the star icon to the right of the career’s name to save the career.
- Choose one of the careers you found and click on it. Use the information on the Career Detail Page to answer the following questions:
- What is the career you chose? ______
- From the Jobs Zone section, what is the level of preparation necessary for this career?
- From the Task & Activities Tab, what is one task or activity you would enjoy doing?
- From the Knowledge & Skills Tab, what is one item from the Knowledge, Skills, or Abilities sections that you believe you possess currently? What is one item you’d like to develop.
- Possess currently: ______
- To develop: ______
- What classes can help you develop skills for these careers? What classes do you think have already helped you?
Questions for Freshman
- What is your first Career Cluster? ______
- What is your second Career Cluster? ______
- What is your third Career Cluster? ______
- Read the descriptions of the 16 Career Clusters (below). Do your three Career Clusters seem like a good fit to you? Is there a Career Cluster that was not in your top three that you think is a good fit for you?
- Navigate to the Careers Page (click on the briefcase icon in the navbar). Click on the Career Clusters filter and check the box next to the Career Clusters that came up in your survey results. List two examples of careers from each Career Cluster.
- CC #1 Examples: ______
- CC #2 Examples: ______
- CC #3 Examples: ______
If you are interested in the above career tracks, click the star icon to the right of the career’s name to save the career.
- Choose one of the careers you found and click on it. Use the information on the Career Detail Page to answer the following questions:
- What is the career you chose? ______
- From the Jobs Zone section, what is the level of preparation necessary for this career?
- From the Task & Activities Tab, what is one task or activity you would enjoy doing?
- From the Knowledge & Skills Tab, what is one item from the Knowledge, Skills, or Abilities sections that you believe you possess currently? What is one item you’d like to develop.
- Possess currently: ______
- To develop: ______
- From the Styles & Values Tab, which listed work style is most in-line with your own work style? Is there a listed work style that is not in-line with your work style?
- In-line: ______
- Not in-line: ______
- What classes can help you develop skills for these careers? What classes do you think have already helped you?
Questions for Sophomores
- What is your first Career Cluster? ______
- What is your second Career Cluster? ______
- What is your third Career Cluster? ______
- Read the descriptions of the 16 Career Clusters (below). Do your three Career Clusters seem like a good fit to you? Is there a Career Cluster that was not in your top three that you think is a good fit for you?
- Navigate to the Careers Page (click on the briefcase icon in the navbar). Click on the Career Clusters filter and check the box next to the Career Clusters that came up in your survey results. List two examples of careers from each Career Cluster.
- CC #1 Examples: ______
- CC #2 Examples: ______
- CC #3 Examples: ______
If you are interested in the above career tracks, click the star icon to the right of the career’s name to save the career.
- Choose one of the careers you found and click on it. Use the information on the Career Detail Page to answer the following questions:
- What is the career you chose? ______
- From the Jobs Zone section, what is the level of preparation necessary for this career?
- From the Task & Activities Tab, what is one task or activity you would enjoy doing?
- From the Knowledge & Skills Tab, what is one item from the Knowledge, Skills, or Abilities sections that you believe you possess currently? What is one item you’d like to develop.
- Possess currently: ______
- To develop: ______
- From the Styles & Values Tab, which listed work style is most in-line with your own work style? Is there a listed work style that is not in-line with your work style?
- In-line: ______
- Not in-line: ______
- From the Styles & Values Tab, which listed work value most in-line with your work philosophy? Is there a listed work value that is not in-line with your work philosophy?
- In-line: ______
- Not in-line: ______
- How can you use this information to assess and adapt your academic, extracurricular, and personal plans for high school? What changes will you make?
Questions for Juniors
- What is your first Career Cluster? ______
- What is your second Career Cluster? ______
- What is your third Career Cluster? ______
- Read the descriptions of the 16 Career Clusters (below). Do your three Career Clusters seem like a good fit to you? Is there a Career Cluster that was not in your top three that you think is a good fit for you?
- Navigate to the Careers Page (click on the briefcase icon in the navbar). Click on the Career Clusters filter and check the box next to the Career Clusters that came up in your survey results. List two examples of careers from each Career Cluster.
- CC #1 Examples: ______
- CC #2 Examples: ______
- CC #3 Examples: ______
If you are interested in the above career tracks, click the star icon to the right of the career’s name to save the career.
- Choose one of the careers you found and click on it. Use the information on the Career Detail Page to answer the following questions:
- What is the career you chose? ______
- From the Jobs Zone section, what is the level of preparation necessary for this career?
- From the Task & Activities Tab, what is one task or activity you would enjoy doing?
- From the Knowledge & Skills Tab, what is one item from the Knowledge, Skills, or Abilities sections that you believe you possess currently? What is one item you’d like to develop.
- Possess currently: ______
- To develop: ______
- From the Styles & Values Tab, which listed work style is most in-line with your own work style? Is there a listed work style that is not in-line with your work style?
- In-line: ______
- Not in-line: ______
- From the Styles & Values Tab, which listed work value most in-line with your work philosophy? Is there a listed work value that is not in-line with your work philosophy?
- In-line: ______
- Not in-line: ______
- How can you use this information to research potential college majors? How can you use this information to research colleges and create a list of colleges you’d like to apply to?
Questions for Seniors
- What is your first Career Cluster? ______
- What is your second Career Cluster? ______
- What is your third Career Cluster? ______
- Read the descriptions of the 16 Career Clusters (below). Do your three Career Clusters seem like a good fit to you? Is there a Career Cluster that was not in your top three that you think is a good fit for you?
- Navigate to the Careers Page (click on the briefcase icon in the navbar). Click on the Career Clusters filter and check the box next to the Career Clusters that came up in your survey results. List two examples of careers from each Career Cluster.
- CC #1 Examples: ______
- CC #2 Examples: ______
- CC #3 Examples: ______
If you are interested in the above career tracks, click the star icon to the right of the career’s name to save the career.
- Choose one of the careers you found and click on it. Use the information on the Career Detail Page to answer the following questions:
- What is the career you chose? ______
- From the Jobs Zone section, what is the level of preparation necessary for this career?
- From the Task & Activities Tab, what is one task or activity you would enjoy doing?
- From the Knowledge & Skills Tab, what is one item from the Knowledge, Skills, or Abilities sections that you believe you possess currently? What is one item you’d like to develop.
- Possess currently: ______
- To develop: ______
- From the Styles & Values Tab, which listed work style is most in-line with your own work style? Is there a listed work style that is not in-line with your work style?
- In-line: ______
- Not in-line: ______
- From the Styles & Values Tab, which listed work value most in-line with your work philosophy? Is there a listed work value that is not in-line with your work philosophy?
- In-line: ______
- Not in-line: ______
- How will this information help you assess your education and career choices going forward?
Career Cluster Descriptions
The descriptions for each Career Cluster are below. For the best Career Cluster survey results, do not read the descriptions until after you’ve completed your Career Cluster survey.
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources:
This Career Cluster focused on the production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing, and development of agricultural commodities and resources including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, and other plant and animal products/resources.
Architecture & Construction:
Careers in designing, planning, managing, building and maintaining the built environment.
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications:
Designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content including visual and performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment services.
Business Management & Administration:
Careers in planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations.
Education & Training:
Planning, managing and providing education and training services, and related learning support services.
Planning, services for financial and investment planning, banking, insurance, and business financial management.
Government & Public Administration:
Planning and performing government functions at the local, state and federal levels, including governance, national security, foreign service, planning, revenue and taxation, and regulations.
Health Science:
Planning, managing, and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development.
Hospitality & Tourism:
The management, marketing and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events and travel related services.
Human Services:
Preparing individuals for employment in career pathways that relate to families and human needs such as counseling and mental health services, family and community services, personal care, and consumer services.
Information Technology:
Building linkages in IT occupations for entry level, technical and professional careers related to the design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multimedia and systems integration services.
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security:
Planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety, protective services and homeland security, including professional and technical support services.
Planning, managing and performing the processing of materials into intermediate or final products and related professional and technical support activities such as production planning and control, maintenance and manufacturing/process engineering.
Marketing Sales & Service:
Planning, managing and performing marketing activities to reach organizational objectives.
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics:
Planning, managing and providing scientific research and professional and technical services (e.g., physical science, social science, engineering) including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics:
Planning, management, and movement of people, materials, and goods by road, pipeline, air, rail and water and related professional support services such as transportation infrastructure planning and management, logistics services, mobile equipment and facility maintenance.