Learn Smart Chapter 1 Review with Answers

  1. Combining vowel is used when joining a root of a suffix that begins with...
  2. Consonant ( not a vowel)
  3. Ending of a term that gives the word essential meaning
  4. suffix
  5. Neuralgia relates to what part of body
  6. nerves
  7. Global language of scientific revolution
  8. latin
  9. When defining a term define which part first
  10. suffix
  11. What 2 languages serve the foundation of medical language?
  12. Greek and latin
  13. Cardiology relates to what body organ
  14. heart
  15. When do you use a combining vowel?
  16. To join to a consonant and to join a root to a root
  17. What is the most common vowel used when using a combining vowel?
  18. O
  19. Using a persons name of who discovered or invented a body part or procedure...
  20. Eponym
  21. What century did the scientific revolution begin?
  22. 16th
  23. Second the last syllable of a word is called?
  24. penult
  25. 3rd to last syllable of a word is called?
  26. antepenult
  27. MRI is an example of what?
  28. acronym

Identify the correct word element for the following definitions:

  1. away
  2. ab
  3. around
  4. peri
  5. through (2)
  6. Trans and dia
  7. Out
  8. ex
  9. against (2)
  10. contra and anti
  11. vessel
  12. angi/o
  13. skin
  14. cutane/o derm/o dermat/o
  15. lung
  16. puneum/o
  17. specialist
  18. ist
  19. softening
  20. malacia
  21. enlargement
  22. megaly
  23. toward
  24. ad
  25. hernia
  26. cele
  27. presence of
  28. iasis
  29. resembling
  30. oid
  31. dry
  32. xer/o
  33. foreign
  34. xen/o
  35. fungus
  36. myc/o
  37. nourishment
  38. troph/o
  39. narrowing
  40. sten/o
  41. hard
  42. scler/o
  43. pus
  44. py/o
  45. instrument used to look
  46. scope
  47. process of measuring
  48. metry
  49. instrument used to measure
  50. meter
  51. process of recording
  52. graphy
  53. instrument used to produce a record
  54. graph
  55. written record
  56. gram
  57. puncture
  58. centesis
  59. not
  60. a or an
  61. half
  62. semi or half
  63. over
  64. hyper
  65. large
  66. macro
  67. tumor
  68. oma
  69. disease
  70. pathy
  71. drooping
  72. ptosis
  73. involuntary contraction
  74. spasm
  75. binding
  76. desis
  77. removal
  78. ectomy
  79. surgical fixation
  80. pexy
  81. reconstruction
  82. reconstruction
  83. creation
  84. gen/o
  85. death
  86. necr/o
  87. eat
  88. phag/o
  89. slow
  90. brady
  91. after
  1. ante

Identify the definition of the following word roots

  1. Ule
  2. small
  3. ary
  4. pertaining to
  5. tachy
  6. fast
  7. post
  8. after
  9. re
  10. agaom
  11. iasis
  12. presence of
  13. cele
  14. hernia
  15. ia
  16. pertaining to
  17. gram
  18. written record
  19. meter
  20. instrument used to measure
  21. geno
  22. creation
  23. cutane/o
  24. skin
  25. hydr/o
  26. water
  27. morph/o
  28. change
  29. necr/o
  30. death
  31. orth/o
  32. straight
  33. phag/o
  34. eat
  35. plas/o
  36. formation
  37. penia
  38. deficiency
  39. rrhage
  40. excessive flow
  41. rrhexis
  42. rupture
  43. ole
  44. small
  45. hyper
  46. over
  47. hypo
  48. under
  49. semi
  50. half
  51. troph/o
  52. nourishment
  53. xen/o
  54. foreign
  55. ac
  56. pertaining to
  57. itis
  58. inflammation
  59. eal
  60. pertaining to
  61. sten/o
  62. narrowing
  63. trans
  64. through
  65. anti
  66. against
  67. sym
  68. together
  69. algia
  70. pain

Identify if the following word is plural or singular

  1. vertebrae
  2. plural
  3. ova
  4. plural
  5. biopsy
  6. singular
  7. appendix
  8. singular
  9. larva
  10. singular
  11. diagnoses
  12. plural
  13. bronchi
  14. plural
  15. thrombus
  16. singular
  17. spermatozoon
  18. diagnosis
  19. singular
  20. ovum
  21. singular
  22. throax
  23. singular
  24. vertebra
  25. singular

Chapter 2 Learnsmart Review

Subjective – tells the story of the patient’s health issue. Anything the patient TELLS you goes in this section (PATIENTS OWN WORDS)

  1. A record of habits like smoking, drinking, drug use and sexual practices
  2. Social history
  3. Any significant illness that runs in patients family
  4. Family history
  5. Description of individual body systems in order to discover any symptoms not directly related to the main problem
  6. Review of Systems
  7. The main reason for the patients visit
  8. Chief complaint
  9. The story of the patients problem
  10. History of present illness
  11. Started recently, sharp sever problem
  12. acute
  13. It has been going on for a while
  14. chronic
  15. It is getting worse
  16. exacerbation
  17. All of a sudden
  18. abrupt
  19. To have a fever
  20. Febrile (to NOT have a fever is afebrile)
  21. Not feeling well
  22. malaise
  23. More and more each day
  24. progressive
  25. Something a patient feels
  26. symptoms
  27. Decrease in level of consciousness, indication that patient is really sick
  28. lethargic
  29. It runs in the family
  30. Genetic/ hereditary

Objective- data that is collected during the health care provider’s interaction with the patient

  1. Able to answer questions, responsive, interactive
  2. alert
  3. Another way of saying normal
  4. unremarkable
  5. To feel
  6. palpation
  7. To listen
  8. auscultation
  9. Being aware of who he or she is
  10. oriented
  11. It really stands out
  12. marked
  13. To hit something and listen to the resulting sound or feel for the vibration
  14. percussion

Assessment- to reach a conclusion on the nature of the problem

  1. To have again
  2. recurrent
  3. Dangerous, a problem
  4. malignant
  5. Another way of saying assessment
  6. impression
  7. The cause
  8. etiology
  9. Safe
  10. benign
  11. List of conditions the patient may have based of symptoms exhibited and the results of exams
  12. Differential diagnosis
  13. Stays in a certain part of the body
  14. localized
  15. To risk for dying
  16. mortality
  17. Hidden
  18. occult
  19. Diseased tissue
  20. lesion
  21. What health care professionals think the patient has
  22. diagnosis
  23. To get better or improve, does not mean cure
  24. remission
  25. All over the body
  26. Systemic or generalized
  27. The organism that causes the problem
  28. pathogen
  29. No known cause
  30. Idiopathic
  31. Waiting for
  32. pending
  33. A problem resulting from a disease of injury
  34. sequelae
  35. The risk for being sick
  36. Morbidity

Plan- lays out what the provider recommends to do about the patients current health status

  1. To send home
  2. discharge
  3. To watch or keep an eye on
  4. observation
  5. Extremely clean, germ free conditions
  6. sterile
  7. Preventative treatment
  8. prophylaxis
  9. To tell the patient that the problem is not serious
  10. reassurance
  11. Treat the symptoms, but not actually getting rid of the cause
  12. palliative
  13. Treat the symptoms and make the patient feel better
  14. Supportive care
  15. What happened to the patient at the end of the visit
  16. disposition
  17. After medical history and physical exam are done, professional writes a …..
  18. Admission summary
  19. Second line of prescription (Sig)
  20. Patients instructions
  21. Which line on a prescription is the dispense line- to tell how much
  22. 3rd line
  23. Plane that divides body into left and right viewing parts
  24. sagittal
  25. Plane that divides body into front and back viewing parts
  26. coronal
  27. Plane that divides body into top and bottom viewing parts
  28. transverse
  29. Closer to the center
  30. proximal
  31. Farther away from the center
  32. distal
  33. Toward the top
  34. cranial
  35. Toward the bottom
  36. caudal
  37. The back
  38. Dorsal or posterior
  39. The front
  40. Ventral or anterior
  41. Toward the middle
  42. medial
  43. Above
  44. superior
  45. Below
  46. inferior
  47. Lying down on belly
  48. prone
  49. Opposite side
  50. contralateral
  51. Same side
  52. ipsilateral
  53. Both sides
  54. bilateral
  55. Top of hand/foot
  56. dorsum
  57. Sole of foot
  58. plantar
  59. Palm of hand
  60. palmar


  1. CCU- coronary care unit
  2. ECU- emergency care unit
  3. ER- emergency room
  4. ED- emergency department
  5. ICU- intensive care unit
  6. PICU- pediatric intensive care unit
  7. SICU- surgical intensive care unit
  8. PACU- postanesthesia care unit
  9. L & D- labor and delivery
  10. OR- operating room
  11. Post-op- after surgery
  12. Pre-op- before surgery
  13. ROS- review of systems
  14. PMHx- past medical history
  15. FHx- family history
  16. PE- physical exam
  17. NEC- not elsewhere classified
  18. NOS- not otherwise specified
  19. WNL- within normal limits
  20. WDWN-well developed, well nourished
  21. A&O- alert and oriented
  22. VS- vital signs
  23. T- temperature
  24. BP- blood pressure
  25. HR- heart rate
  26. RR- respiratory rate
  27. Ht- height
  28. Wt- weight
  29. I/O- intake/output
  30. f/u- follow-up
  31. PCP= primary care provider
  32. y/o- years old
  33. h/o- history of
  34. PR- per rectum
  35. QID- four times daily
  36. Dx- diagnosis
  37. DDx- differential diagnosis
  38. Tx- treatment
  39. Rx- prescription
  40. H&P- history and physical
  41. Hx- history
  42. CC- chief complaint
  43. HPI- history of present illness
  44. SOB- shortness of breath
  45. NPO- nothing by mouth
  46. NAD-no acute distress
  47. CTA- clear to auscultation
  48. RRR- regular rate and rhythm
  49. PEERLA- pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
  50. AC- before meals
  51. SC- subcutaneous
  52. IM- intramuscular
  53. PICC- peripherally inserted central catheter
  54. Ad lib- as desired
  55. Sig- instructions
  56. IV- intravenous
  57. CVL- central venous line
  58. PC- after meals
  59. prn- as needed

Chapter 3 Learnsmart Review

  1. Pertaining to the skin
  2. epidermal
  3. Below the skin
  4. hypodermal
  5. Inside the skin
  6. intradermal
  7. Black
  8. melan/o
  9. Yellow
  10. xanth/o
  11. Blue
  12. cyan/o
  13. Red
  14. erythr/o
  15. Hidden
  16. crypt/o
  17. Scaly
  18. ichthy/o
  19. Hard, horny
  20. kerat/o
  21. Thick
  22. pachy/o
  23. Dry
  24. xer/o
  25. Wrinkle
  26. rhytid/o
  27. White (2)
  28. Alb/o leuk/o
  29. Sweat
  30. Hidr/o
  31. Fat (3)
  32. Adip/o lip/o steat/o
  33. Skin (3)
  34. Dermat/o derm/o cutane/o
  35. Hair (2)
  36. Trich/o pil/o
  37. Drug that prevents relieves itching
  38. antipruritic
  39. Drug that prevents rotting flesh by killing microorganisms
  40. antiseptic
  41. Drug that temporarily blocks sensation
  42. anesthetic
  43. Inflammation of skin caused by skin exposure
  44. Actinic dermatitis
  45. Lack of sweat
  46. hypohidrosis
  47. Inability to see yellow
  48. axanthopsia
  49. Lack of skin pigmentation
  50. albinism
  51. Person who specializes in breaking codes and deciphering secret messages
  52. cryptolinguist
  53. Solid mass deep into the skin
  54. nodule
  55. Large solid mass
  56. tumor
  57. Small blister
  58. vesicle
  59. Pus blister
  60. pustule
  61. Large blister
  62. bulla
  63. Skin disease
  64. dermopathy
  65. Loss of skin
  66. dermatolysis
  67. Redness of skin
  68. erythroderma
  69. Blue sweat
  70. cyanidrosis
  71. Hair follicle plugged with sebum
  72. comedo
  73. Inability to see yellow
  74. axanthopsia
  75. Loss of pigment
  76. albinism
  77. Skin transplant from self
  78. autograft
  79. Dried substance
  80. crust
  81. Mole with bad changes or formations
  82. Dysplastic nevus
  83. Large bruise
  84. ecchymosis
  85. Loss of skin
  86. dermatolysis
  87. A scratch
  88. excoriation
  89. Sweating blood
  90. hemathidrosis
  91. Sweat gland
  92. Sudoriferous gland
  93. Oil gland
  94. Sebaceous gland
  95. Highly contagious bacterial infection of skin
  96. Impetigo
  97. Small bruise
  98. petechia
  99. Bite nails
  100. onychophagia
  101. Soften the skin
  102. macerate
  103. Tissue death
  104. necrosis
  105. Overgrowth of scar tissue
  106. keloid
  107. Ingrown nail
  108. onychocryptosis
  109. Wrinkled skin
  110. rhytidoderma
  111. Using electricity to destroy tissue by burning it
  112. electrocauterization
  113. Skin transplant taken from a species other than the patients
  114. Heterograft or xenograft
  115. Removal of tissue that has been destroyed using chemicals
  116. chemosugery
  117. Destruction of tissue through freezing
  118. cryosurgery
  119. Using electricity to destroy by drying it
  120. electrodesiccation
  121. Crack in the skin
  122. fissure
  123. Formation of sweat
  124. hidropoiesis
  125. Skin transplant taken from a member of the patients species
  126. Homograft or allograft
  127. rubbing or scraping away the outer surface of skin
  128. abrasion
  129. A small blood vessel tumor
  130. Cherry angioma
  131. A scar
  132. cicatrix
  133. To cut into a wound to allow trapped infected liquid to drain
  134. Incision and drainage
  135. Skin disease
  136. Dermopathy
  137. Drug that destroys or opposes the growth of microorganisms
  138. antibiotic
  139. Bed sore
  140. Decubitus ulcer
  141. A sore
  142. ulcer
  143. Skin flaking off
  144. scale
  145. Baldness experienced by woman after a pregnancy
  146. Postpartum alopecia
  147. Rashes that start from the middle and work their way outward
  148. Centrifugal
  149. Rashes that spread from the outside inward
  150. centripetal
  151. An itch or itchy skin
  152. pruritus
  153. Removal of tissue in order to examine it
  154. biopsy
  155. Black head/white head
  156. comedo
  157. Yellow tumor
  158. xanthoma
  159. Unusual inflammation of the skin
  160. Atopic dermatitis
  161. Small flat discolored area- freckle
  162. macule
  163. Large flat discolored area (vitiligo)
  164. patch
  165. Small solid mass
  166. papule
  167. Solid mass on surface of skin
  168. plaque
  169. Localized collection of pus in the body
  170. Abscess
  171. Fatty tumor
  172. Steatoma
  173. Dry skin
  174. xeroderma
  175. Inflammation of skin follicles
  176. Acne vulgaris
  177. Baldness
  178. Alopecia


  1. SC- subcutaneous
  2. TD- trasdermal
  3. Bx- biopsy
  4. ABCDE- asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving
  5. derm- dermatology
  6. EAHF- eczema, asthma, hayfever
  7. SCC- squamous cell carcinoma
  8. XP- xeroderma pigmentosa
  9. BCC- basal cell carcinoma
  10. C & S- culture and sensitivity
  11. decub- decubitus ulcer
  12. FS- frozen section
  13. ID- I ntradermal
  14. SQ- subcutaneous
  15. subcut- subcutaneous

Chapter 4

  1. Achondroplasia means
  2. Defective cartilage formation
  3. Tumor made up of cartilage
  4. Tumor like cartilage growth
  5. The softening of cartilage
  6. chondromalacia
  7. Costochondritis means
  8. Inflammation of the cartilage associated with a rib
  9. Overdevelopment of the muscle tissue
  10. hypertrophy
  11. The C in ACL and PCL mean…
  12. Cruciate (anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament= both in knee)
  13. IF you have tarsitis what is inflamed?
  14. ankle
  15. Incision of bone
  16. osteotomy
  17. Tendinitis and tendonitis both mean…
  18. Inflammation of a tendon (connects muscle to bone)
  19. Removal of a fluid filled sac
  20. bursectomy
  21. Arthrodesis means
  22. Surgical fixation of a joint
  23. Carpectomy is removal of…
  24. Wrist bone
  25. Costectomy is removal of…
  26. rib
  27. Craniectomy is removal of…..
  28. skull
  29. Fibrous connective tissue that binds muscles together
  30. Fascia fasci/o
  31. When forming bone, the initial model is made from…. And later replaced with bone
  32. cartliage
  33. Spondylitis is inflammation of…..
  34. veterbrae
  35. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects what part of the body
  36. wrist
  37. Surgery that uses an instrument to look inside a joint……
  38. arthroscopic
  39. Sway back, excessive curvature of lumbar vertebrae
  40. lordosis
  41. Hunch back, excessive curvature of thoracic vertebrae
  42. kyphosis
  43. Lateral curvature of vertebrae
  44. Scoliosis
  45. Using screws, pins or plates to hold healing bones in place from the inside is called….
  46. Internal fixation
  47. Returning a broken bone to its proper position without surgery is called…..
  48. Closed reducation
  49. List bones of the upper arm
  50. Humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals and phalanges
  51. Genu valgum and varus relate to what body part?
  52. knee
  53. Knock kneed
  54. Genu valgum
  55. Bow legged
  56. Genu varum
  57. Osteodystrophy is poor development of…
  58. bone
  59. Term for bone loss
  60. osteolysis
  61. Osteonecrosis is Bone………
  62. death
  63. Abnormal hardening of bone is called
  64. osteosclerosis
  65. Place the names of the vertebrae in order, starting at the top of the head.
  66. Cervial, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum, Coccyx
  67. Abduction- separate this word into word elements
  68. Ab-duction
  69. Premature fusion of skull bones cause misshapen skull
  70. craniosynostosis
  71. Poor muscular development
  72. Muscular dystrophy
  73. Violent muscle contractions
  74. myoclonus
  75. Muscle disease
  76. myopathy
  77. Muscle weakness
  78. myasthenia
  79. Myosarcoma means….
  80. Tumor within muscle
  81. A loss of muscular control is a disorder called….
  82. Tardive dyskinesia
  83. The deltoid, triceps and biceps can be found where in the body
  84. Upper arm (shoulder and forearm)
  85. Slow movement
  86. bradykinesia
  87. Inability to control movement
  88. dyskinesia
  89. Increase in muscle movement
  90. hyperkinesia
  91. Decrease in muscle movement
  92. hypokinesia
  93. What connects bone to bone
  94. ligament
  95. Osteoalgia and osteodynaia both mean bone……..
  96. pain
  97. Partial dislocation of a joint
  98. subluxation
  99. Disease that causes death to the fascia
  100. Necrotizing fasciitis
  101. Polymyositis means…..
  102. Inflammation of multiple muscles (myositis= muscle inflammation)
  103. Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus and gastrocnemius all are located where in the body…..
  104. Lower Extremity
  105. Define osteometry
  106. Measure bone
  107. Procedure where you look into a joint
  108. arthroscopy
  109. Instrument that you use to look in to a joint
  110. arthroscope
  111. Spinal stenosis causes______of the spinal canal
  112. narrowing
  113. Someone with polydactyle would have…….
  114. More fingers than normal
  115. Spondylitis means inflammation of ….
  116. vetebrae
  117. Spondylomalacia means ------of the vertebrae
  118. softening
  119. Condition of fused toes or fingers
  120. syndactyly
  121. Brittle bone disease
  122. Osteogenesis imperfecta
  123. Abnormal softening of bone
  124. osteomalacia
  125. Loss of bone density
  126. osteoporosis
  127. Internal abdominal obliques, External abdominal obliques, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and latissimus dorsi are muscles that are located where in the body…
  128. Trunk and chest
  129. Visual record of a joint
  130. arthrogram
  131. Osteectomy and ostectomy are both terms that mean what ?
  132. Removal of bone
  133. Hyperkinesia is excessive…..
  134. Excessive movement
  135. A drug that will decrease pain
  136. analgesic
  137. Tendectomy and tenonectomy are terms that both mean what?
  138. Removal of a tendon
  139. When someone has hemarthrosis, they have ______in a joint?
  140. blood
  141. When someone has hydrarthrosis they have______in a joint?
  142. water
  143. When someone has pyarthrosis they have ______in a joint?
  144. pus
  145. What would the procedure to remove a rib be called?
  146. costectomy
  147. In a myocele, there is a ______to the muscle.
  148. hernia
  149. If someone has myolysis, they have muscle ______
  150. loss
  151. Myotasis means
  152. stretching
  153. Myotonia means
  154. tone
  155. Reconstruction of the fascia is called.
  156. fascioplasty
  157. Fasciorraphy is a ______to the fascia?
  158. suture
  159. Fasciotomy is ______of fascia?
  160. removal
  161. Fasciodesis is the ______of the fascia?
  162. Binding/fixing

Chapter 5 Review

  1. Inability to speak
  2. aphasia
  3. Lack of coordination
  4. ataxia
  5. Decrease in muscle tone
  6. catonia
  7. Brief loss of mental function
  8. delirum
  9. Loss or decline of mental function
  10. dementia
  11. Difficulty reading
  12. dyslexia
  13. The word root Myel/o means two things…….
  14. Bone marrow and spinal cord
  15. Lou Gehrigs is a disorder other wise known as……
  16. ALS
  17. Negative emotional state
  18. dysphoria
  19. Meningi/o and mening/o both mean…
  20. meninges
  21. Encephalography is …..
  22. Studying the brain
  23. Cerebro and encephalo both mean….
  24. brain
  25. Abnormal large head
  26. macrocephaly
  27. Abnormal small head
  28. microcephaly
  29. Myelocele is a hernia of the ….
  30. Spinal cord
  31. Myelomeningocele is a hernia of the … and ….
  32. Spinal cord and meninges
  33. Meningocele is a hernia of the …..
  34. meninges
  35. Inflammation of a nerve
  36. neuritis
  37. Word root meaning feeling or sensation
  38. Esthesi/o
  39. Procedure where they record the electrical activity of the brain
  40. electroencephalography
  41. Drug that relieves pain
  42. analgesic
  43. ICP =
  44. Intracranial pressure
  45. Anesthesia where there is a complete loss of consciousness
  46. general
  47. Acrophobia
  48. Fear of heights
  49. Agoraphobia
  50. Fear of outdoor spaces
  51. Hydrophobia
  52. Fear of water
  53. Kleptomania
  54. Desire to steal
  55. Photophobia
  56. Insensitivity to light
  57. Pyromania
  58. Desire to set fires
  59. Drug that dissolves blood clots
  60. Thrombolytic
  61. Disorder that you have a lack of smell
  62. anosmia
  63. Painful or burning sensation
  64. causalgia
  65. Bad feeling
  66. dysethesia
  67. Increase of sensation
  68. hyperesthesia
  69. Paraesthesia
  70. Abnormal sensation
  71. Pseudoesthesia
  72. False sensation
  73. Synesthesia
  74. Sensation in one area is experienced as another
  75. Somn/o and hypn/o both are word roots meaning….
  76. sleep
  77. Accumulation of spinal fluid IN the brain….
  78. hydrocephaly
  79. 2 divisions of the nervous system
  80. CNS and PNS
  81. What does a psychotropic treat ?
  82. psychosis
  1. Word root meaning speech
  2. Phas/o
  3. Time between seizures is called
  4. interictal
  5. Time after seizure is called
  6. postictal
  7. Encephalitis refers to what part of body
  8. brain
  9. Cranial refers to what part of the body
  10. skull
  11. Head pain
  12. cephalalgia
  13. Brain pain
  14. encephalalgia
  15. Nerve pain
  16. neuralgia
  17. Paralysis to half of the body
  18. hemiplegia
  19. Partial Paralysis to half of the body
  20. hemiparesis
  21. Lack of emotion
  22. apathy
  23. Nerves that take impulse toward the CNS are called (2 names)
  24. Afferent or sensory
  25. Nerves that take impulse away from CNS and toward muscles/glands are called (2)
  26. Efferent or motor
  27. Excessive fear
  28. phobia
  29. Kinesi/o and Kinet/o are both word roots meaning…
  30. movement
  31. Nystagmus
  32. Involuntary back and forth eye movement
  33. 2 word elements pertaining to paralysis
  34. Plegia and paresis
  35. Inflammation of the brain
  36. encephalitis
  37. Word element meaning arrangement, coordination and order
  38. Tax/o
  39. Word element meaning weakness
  40. asthenia
  41. Disease having NO origin
  42. idiopathic
  43. Myelodysplasia is a deformation of what?
  44. Spinal cord
  45. Tumor like mass composed of blood.
  46. hematoma
  47. Hematoma beneath the skull
  48. Cranial hematoma
  49. Hematoma on top of the dura mater
  50. Epidural hematoma
  51. Hematoma inside the brain
  52. Intracerebral hematoma
  53. Hematoma beneath the dura mater
  54. Subdural hematoma
  55. Encephalocele is a hernia where?
  56. brain
  57. Word element meaning Excessive desire
  58. mania
  59. Word element meaning know
  60. Gnosi/o
  61. Word element meaning mind- there are 2
  62. Psych/o and phren/o
  63. Word element meaning muscle tone, tension or pressure
  64. Ton/o
  65. Fainting
  66. syncope
  67. Condition of sleep walking
  68. Somnambulism

Chapter 5 Review