Granby PRS

April 8th

Stage Descriptions

Stage 1 - COLD BORE - Shooter Choice

615 Yards - 66% IPSC Support Side Prone 1st round hit; 2 pts

2nd round hit; 1pt


954 Yards - 12” Diamond Strong Side Prone1st round hit; 5 pts

2nd round hit; 3pts

Stage 2 - Out and In

Rounds: Unlimited / (8) Possible Points

Par Time: 2Minutes

Allowed Equipment: Run what you brung


1.Charlie Gong @ 367

2. Delta 45% IPSC @ 425

3. Fox 66% IPSC @ 612

4. Hotel Tombstone @ 908 yards

Start position 5’behind the firing line, mag in, bolt back, muzzle down. On command to fire, the shooter moves to the firing line, assumes a prone position and engages all 4 targets from near to far without dialing any dope on their scopes, hit to move on.

After the 908 yard target is successfully engaged the shooter must drop their magazine, move back to the start point to retrieve their second magazine and return to the firing line. Shooter will then reengage all targets from far to near shooting from the prone, hit to move on. Round count unlimited 2 magazine minimum.

Stage 3 - Barricade Blast

Rounds: Unlimited / (10) Possible Points.

Par Time: 2 minutes

Allowed Equipment: Run what you brung

Stage 3 Continued;


1. Golf 18” Gong @ 715 Yards

Start position 5’ behind firing line, mag in, bolt back, muzzle down. On command to fire, the shooter moves to the firing line, assumes a position on the barricade, strong side. Shooter will engage the 715 yard target from the (5) designated shooting positions. Hit to move on.

After the 5th hit, the shooter will re-engage the 715 yard target from the (5) designated shooting positions from the support side. Hit to move on.

Stage 4 - Hostage Rescue

Rounds: 10 max / (5) Possible Points

Par Time: 90 Seconds

Allowed Equipment: Run what you brung


1.Delta 45% IPSC @ 425

2.Echo 6” Hostage Target

Starting positions is 5’ behind roof-top, mag in, bolt open, muzzle down. On command to fire, shooter will move to roof-top and engage Delta. Once Delta is engaged, shooter will engage Echo Hostage Target. Shooter must hit Echo to get points for Delta target. Each pair of targets is worth 1 point. Repeat shooting pairs until 5 hits have been made or time expires.

Stage 5 - KYL +

Rounds: 10 max / (10) Possible Points.

Par Time: 90 Seconds

Allowed Equipment: Run what you brung


1.KYL rack @ 350 Yards

Starting position is 5’ behind firing line, mag in, bolt open, muzzle down. On command to fire, shooter will move to firing line and engage KYL rack from largest target to smallest. Hit to move one. Once all 5 targets on KYL rack have been hit, the shooter will engage the smallest targets with any remaining rounds or until time expires.

Stage 6 - Out There

Rounds: Unlimited / (9) Possible Points

Par Time: 90 Seconds

Allowed Equipment: Run what you brung


1.Hotel Tombstone @ 908 yards

2. India12” Diamond @ 954 yards

3.Juliet Full IPSC @ 1015 yards

Starting position is 5’ behind firing line, mag in, bolt open, muzzle down. On command to fire, shooter will move to firing line and engage Hotel, India and Juliet, from the prone position. Hit to move on. After Juliet has been hit, shooter will repeat sequence. Shooter stops when 9 total hits are made or time expires.

Stage 7 - Have a Seat

Rounds: Unlimited / (10) Possible Points

Par time: 90 Seconds

Allowed Equipment: Run what you brung


1.Delta Mini IPSC and Mini Square on Double Hanger @ 425 yards.

Starting position is 5’ behind firing line, mag in, bolt open, muzzle down. On command to fire, shooter will move to firing line and engage the two mini hanging Delta targets from the seated position. Shooter must engage the left target and then the right target. Hit to move on. Shooter will continue to engage the pair of targets left to right until 10 total hits have been made or time expires.

Stage 8 - Little to Big

Rounds: Unlimited / 10 Possible Points

Par Time:90 Seconds

Allowed Equipment: Run what you brung


1.Bravo 3” Diamond @ 177 yards.

2.Juliet Full IPSC 1015

Starting position is 5’ behind firing line, mag in, bolt open, muzzle down. On command to fire, shooter will move to firing line and from prone position shooter will engage Bravo target. Hit to move on. After Bravo shooter will engage Juliet. Repeat until 10 hits or time expires.

Stage 9 - Aim Small Miss Small

Rounds: 10 / (10) Possible Points

Par Time:60 seconds

Allowed Equipment: NONE


1.Paper @ 100 yards

Starting position is in prone on firing line. Mag in, bolt open, muzzle down range. On command to fire, shooter will engage 10 designated targets.