Florida PTA Standing Committees
In addition to their specific committee responsibilities, Standing Committee Chairs are responsible for:
- preparing and submitting a plan of work (including a proposed budget)
- holding a monthly committee meeting or conference call
- submitting social media posts
- updating and submittingmaterials for Florida PTA communication channels including (Florida PTA E-Newsletter,Website(s), Kit of Material(s) as directed and
- conducting workshops as requested at conventions and conferences.
Awards(Membership Development) – reviews and keeps current criteria for all awards, plans the types of awards to be given (board approval required), to include procedures for issuing awards and also coordinates the work of presenting awards.
Cultural Arts(Membership Development) - encourages people of all ages to participate in the arts and to promote programs and activities that develop an appreciation and understanding of the humanities and fine arts.
Responsible for the overall implementation of the National PTA Reflections Program in Florida, including Theme Search entries, organizing Reflections material for judging by qualified judgesfor each category represented and seek additional opportunities to display student Reflection submissions to raise awareness of the program. The committee chair represents Florida PTA at the Arts for a Complete Education/Florida Alliance for Arts Education (ACE/FAFAE) board meetings and participates in National PTA Reflections conference calls/webinars as scheduled.
Diversity & Inclusion(Educational Development) - educates PTA members on the meaning of diversity to include culture, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, disabilities, etc. Promotes an environment among local units, county councils and state board members that recognizes and celebrates differences and works to ensure that an environment of inclusion is prevalent at the local unit, county council and state level; reviews publications, brochures, etc. for effective, diverse and inclusive content; identifies and recommends programs, services and events that create an inclusive environment; works to identify potential leaders to be mentored by the Board of Directors.
Education/Learning Transitions (Educational Development) –raises awareness and providesparents with information on funding and effective parenting practices for preparation for early childhood to college and/or career and the importance of early interventions, appropriate learning programs (Cradle – 12, College) and educational information on parental/guardian rights in relation to all children. The committee is also responsible for reviewing platform positions; revising/developing new positions, as necessary;educating parents relevant to current issues regarding curriculum, testing, state/national standards, regardless of school type (charter, home, private, virtual, etc.) developing programs designed to help caregivers foster the physical, emotional, and intellectual development of children from cradle to school to college and/or career. The Education/Learning Transitions Committee also coordinates with the Exceptional Child Committee on initiatives which are similar in nature and/or require common resources.
Exceptional Child (Educational Development) - provides information on the resources available to families of children with exceptionalities, the availability of exceptional education services, and the means by which a more adequate education can be provided for children with exceptionalities. The committee promotes activities designed to assist caregivers in prevention, assessment, and early intervention for children with exceptionalities and provides educational information on parental/guardian rights in relation to children with exceptionalities;
disseminates information on IDEA laws and how they are affected when combined with federal legislation;raises awareness and providesparentsof children with exceptionalities information on funding and effective parenting practices for preparation for early childhood through college education to career and the importance of appropriate learning programs (Cradle – 12, College) for children with exceptionalities and the importance of early interventions for children with exceptionalities. The committee also reviews current platform positions and revises/develops new positions as necessary, develops activities designed to help caregivers foster the physical, emotional, and intellectual development of children with exceptionalities from birth through youth to college and/or career. The Exceptional Child Committee works with theEducation/Learning Transitions Committee on initiatives which are similar in nature and/or require common resources.
Family/Community Engagement(Leadership Development) – addresses policies and programs to insure stronger family involvement and educational excellence; raises awareness of the importance of family & community involvement in learning opportunities across the generations and encourages local PTAs to bring about a closer relationship between parents, teachers, school personnel and community by promoting participation of volunteers in the public schools. The Family/Community Engagement committee reviews platform positions and developsnew resolutions relevant to current issues. The committee chair serves on the Florida Department of Education Committee that selects the DOE Family/Community Involvement Award.
Health and Wellness (Educational Development) – encourages the home, school, and community to responsibly evaluate the effects of health, safety, and environment on children, prenatal through youth; works to increase awareness of the importance of mental health from cradle, through child development, college and/or career;promotes and/or provides activities and resources to help caregivers create healthier and safer environments for children and provides information to parent/teacher members on the importance of nutrition and routine exercise. The Health and Wellness Committee also reviews platform positions and revises/develops new resolutions as necessary, relevant to current issues on health and wellness. The committee chair is responsible for coordinating the Health/Safety Fair at Leadership/Convention.
Leadership/Convention (Leadership Development)–the committee plans the training, events and presents the program plans to the President for approval. They are responsible for the physical and mechanical details of the convention including reviewing the Leadership Conference hotel bill to ensure an accurate bill is presented to the state office for payment. The Leadership/Convention committee also files a final event report within 60 days of event conclusion.
Legislation(Legislation / President Elect)– the committee chair is responsible for the Legislative activities and program in coordination with the President and President Elect; andpreparing a legislative brochure for publication prior to opening of the legislative session. The committee reviews legislation affecting the welfare of children and youth, has authority, with the approval of the president, to call into consultation any member of the board who could be helpful in the consideration of special measures and has the authority to support or oppose legislation as stated in the state platform and NPTA Legislative Program. The Legislation Committee attends sessions of the Florida Legislature at the direction of the chair and they select if warranted, legislator(s), not to exceed two, to receive the Legislative Advocate for the Children Award, to be given annually at a date and time to be established. The Legislation Chair is also responsible for reviewing invoices incurred during legislative activities, including expense reports from committee members to ensure an accurate bill is presented to the state office for payment.
Membership(Membership Development)–responsible for membership awards and receives a list of automatic award winners from the FPTA state office. The committee develops membership incentive plans for fostering membership growth and assists in developing goals for the annual National PTA Extension Plan along with the Vice President of Membership Development and President; and for approval by the FPTA BOD. The Membership Chair participates in National PTA Membership conference calls as scheduled.
Mentoring / Engaging / Now (M.E.N.)(Leadership Development) – enhances positive relationships between men and children through recognition, engagement, education and empowerment. The committee plans training specifically targeted for men and presents program plans for approval.
Region Representatives(Regions & Councils) - in unorganized areas, arrange for the organization, dissolution or reactivation of PTAs. Brings leadership service to local PTAs in unorganized counties, in conjunction with the Vice President for Regions and Councils and Vice President for Leadership. The Region Representatives promote the work of the FPTA under the direction of the Vice President for Regions and Councils, make reports to the Vice President for Regions and Councils, when requested and assist County Council Presidents, when directed by the President or Vice President for Regions and Councils. They facilitate and coordinate region activities, in conjunction with the County Council Presidents, to include an annual meeting at convention; and they preside over region meetings.
Resolutions (Legislation/President Elect) –reviews the platform of the previous years and makes recommendations for continuing items in priority, moving them to Continuing Concerns or developing Position Statements. (Position statements are moved to archive status after 10 years unless reaffirmed as an active position by the general membership at the annual convention.) The Resolutions committee reviews submitted proposals received in response to the Call for Platform Items and ensuresthey meet the minimum requirements stated in the Call for Platform Items. They present a proposed list of Priority Items to the board for information and to the convention body for action; conducts a platform hearing prior to the first general session of the FPTA Convention and is responsible for preparing resolution items to be submitted to the National PTA by the Florida PTA andis available to answer questions when proposed platform items are presented to the convention body.
Resource Development (Membership Development) – researches and locates funding sources suitable for use by FPTA and actively pursuesstatewide business partnerships and grant acquisitions. The chair keeps up to date on state and federal regulations regarding fundraising, serves as resource for local PTAs and Councils.
Scholarship (Membership Development) – sets criteria for selection of scholarship recipients, with approval of the board; selectsrecipients and approves renewals. The chair is responsible for fundraising functions at state event(s), if applicable.
Student Involvement(Leadership Development) - promotes communication between FPTA and youth organizations; encourages the formation of PTSA units and the active involvement of youth members in all aspects of the association. The student involvement committee is responsible for the selection of the Student Involvement and Student Advocate Awards and to help County Councils identify youth leaders through programs which encourage youth involvement.
Adapted from Florida PTA Polices & Procedures 2/8/2015