League By-Laws and Rules


(Revision 7/13/16)

The North Lakeland Volunteer Football League (NLVFL) was created and organized to develop and operate an organized youth football and cheerleading program in Lakeland and its surrounding areas, with heavy emphasis on TEACHING the following:

  • Leadership
  • Discipline
  • Values
  • Responsibility
  • Sportsmanship
  • Physical fitness
  • Skills and techniques of football and cheerleading.

The NLVFL always promotes “safety first” activities by conducting and promoting a program with strict controls over ages, equipment, and the behavior of the participants, coaches, and spectators.

The rules and procedures established by the NLVFL Board of Directors will be strictly enforced. The NLVFL will operate in conformity with and pursuant to the principles, rules and regulations specified by the NLVFL by-laws. In conjunction with such purposes, the objective of the NLVFL is to seek to implant in the youths of our community ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, scholarship, pride and reverence, so that they may be finer, stronger and happier young men and women who will grow to be good, clean, healthy law abiding citizens as adults.

All actions of this football and cheerleading program will be guided and governed by the NLVFL Board and associated by-laws, in order to maintain a supervised, competitive and fun football and cheerleading program.


Volunteer Boosters of Greater Lakeland, Inc. (DBA North Lakeland Volunteer Football League, Inc.) is a chartered public non-profit corporation of the state of Florida, chartered as such on the 27th Day of September 1965. Charter #709659.

League Year: Shall be from May 1st of the current year to April 30th of the following year.

NLVFL will adhere to and follow all guidelines and laws in 2016 Florida Statues as listed below:

The Florida Senate – 2016 Florida Statutes



943.0438 Athletic coaches for independent sanctioning authorities.--

(1) As used in this section, the term:

(a) "Athletic coach" means a person who:

1. Is authorized by an independent sanctioning authority to work as a coach, assistant coach, or referee for 20 or more hours within a calendar year, whether for compensation or as a volunteer, for a youth athletic team based in this state; and

2. Has direct contact with one or more minors on the youth athletic team.

(b) “Independent sanctioning authority” means a private, nongovernmental entity that organizes, operates, or coordinates a youth athletic team in this state if the team includes one or more minors and is not affiliated with a private school as defined in s. 1002.01.

(2) An independent sanctioning authority shall:

(a)1. Conduct a level 1 background screening pursuant to s. 435.03 of each current and prospective athletic coach. The authority may not delegate this responsibility to an individual team and may not authorize any person to act as an athletic coach unless a level 1 background screening is conducted and does not result in disqualification under paragraph (b). Level 1 background screenings shall be conducted annually for each athletic coach. For purposes of this section, a background screening shall include a search of the athletic coach’s name or other identifying information against state and federal registries of sexual predators and sexual offenders, which are available to the public on Internet sites provided by:

a. The Department of Law Enforcement under s. 943.043; and

b. The Attorney General of the United States under 42 U.S.C. s. 16920.

2. For purposes of this section, a background screening conducted by a commercial consumer reporting agency in compliance with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act using the identifying information referenced in subparagraph 1. that includes a level 1 background screening and a search of that information against the sexual predator and sexual offender Internet sites listed in sub-subparagraphs 1.a. and b. shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph.

(b) Disqualify any person from acting as an athletic coach as provided in s. 435.03 or if he or she is identified on a registry described in paragraph (a). The authority may allow a person disqualified under this paragraph to act as an athletic coach if it determines that the person meets the requirements for an exemption from disqualification under s. 435.07.

(c) Provide, within 7 business days following the background screening under paragraph (a), written notice to a person disqualified under this section advising the person of the results and of his or her disqualification.

(d) Maintain documentation of:

1. The results for each person screened under paragraph (a); and

2. The written notice of disqualification provided to each person underparagraph (c).

(e) Adopt guidelines to educate athletic coaches, officials, administrators, and youth athletes and their parents or guardians of the nature and risk of concussion and head injury.

(f) Adopt bylaws or policies that require the parent or guardian of a youth who is participating in athletic competition or who is a candidate for an athletic team to sign and return an informed consent that explains the nature and risk of concussion and head injury, including the risk of continuing to play after concussion or head injury, each year before participating in athletic competition or engaging in any practice, tryout, workout, or other physical activity associated with the youth’s candidacy for an athletic team.

(g) Adopt bylaws or policies that require each youth athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury in a practice or competition to be immediately removed from the activity. A youth athlete who has been removed from an activity may not return to practice or competition until the youth submits to the athletic coach a written medical clearance to return stating that the youth athlete no longer exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion or other head injury. Medical clearance must be authorized by the appropriate health care practitioner trained in the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of concussions as defined by the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee of the Florida High School Athletic Association.

(3) In a civil action for the death of, or injury or damage to, a third person caused by the intentional tort of an athletic coach that relates to alleged sexual misconduct by the athletic coach, there is a rebuttable presumption that the independent sanctioning authority was not negligent in authorizing the athletic coach if the authority complied with the background screening and disqualification requirements of subsection (2) prior to such authorization.

(4) The Legislature encourages independent sanctioning authorities for youth athletic teams to participate in the Volunteer and Employee Criminal History System, as authorized by the National Child Protection Act of 1993 and s. 943.0542.

History.-s. 1, ch. 2010-94; s. 1, ch. 2012-167; s. 13, ch. 2013-116; s. 1, ch. 2014-9.

943.0438 Athletic coaches for independent sanctioning authorities.


The principal operations of the NLVFL shall be in the city of Lakeland, Florida, at Duff Field located on the south side of Duff Road approximately one mile from US 98 North.


  • Maintain a quality youth football and cheerleading program.
  • Raise the revenues necessary to operate without debt.
  • Secure funds from various sources, including but not limited to, player and cheerleader participation fees, fund- raisers, concession stand operations, and sponsorships.
  • Ensure ample participation by all eligible players and cheerleaders.
  • Register all youths interested in participating without regard to sex, religion, race, creed or national origin.
  • Supervise coaches, players, cheerleaders and parents.
  • Provide a positive youth sports experience for all children and parents
  • Operate a safe program that is in the best interest of the youths that participate.
  • Discipline coaches, players and cheerleaders when necessary.
  • Promote positive public relations.
  • Communicate effectively with all participants and parents


  • The executive board shall decide all matters pertaining to the corporation’s funds.
  • The treasurer will oversee and recommend all actions relating to finance.
  • The treasurer shall recommend the annual budget for the corporation at the April meeting.
  • Receipts
  • All monies collected shall become the property of Volunteers youth football, and shall be turned over to the treasurer for deposit in the corporation accounts.
  • The executive board shall recommend, and the board of officers shall determine, set, and administrate the amount of and the collection of fees from each member participant in the program.
  • Fund raiser projects shall be under the direction of the president. Responsibilities may be, (but not necessarily), under the direction of the president, for implementation as mandated by the board of officers. All monies shall be turned over to the treasurer for deposit.
  • The concession stand shall be under the direction of the concession manager, reporting to the treasurer and/or executive board. All receipts shall be deposited in the corporation’s accounts at times as established by the board of officers with one copy of the deposit slip retained by the depositor.
  • Team Photos:
  • Studios shall be invited to bid for the business as a fund raising project. Bids shall be awarded to the studio with the lowest price per participant package as established by the treasurer. Bid awarding shall be determined by combination of low price to participant with highest net return to the league. All receipts shall be turned over to the treasurer for deposit.
  • Other means of generating revenues as required in the operations of NLVFL shall be established by the executive board, as needed, with implementation mandated by the board as it deems appropriate. All such receipts shall be turned over to the treasurer for deposit into the corporation’s accounts.
  • The board of officers shall discourage the solicitation of funds, equipment, or other favors for a divisions, individuals, or teams, by coaches, team mothers, or any other person. The board of officer’s reserves the right to require all such funds, equipment, or favors so solicited to be returned if it deems the solicited items to not be in the best interest of the corporation. No coach, parent, official, team mother, cheerleader coach, or any other person shall approach team sponsors for any reason. All such donations freely given shall become the property of NLVF, for its use or disposal.
  • Donations will be accepted under the discretion of the executive board, deemed fit and in the best interest of the corporation. All donated items/monies will become the property of the corporation. A written receipt will be issued upon request for the donator’s tax purposes.
  • The board of officers, reserves the right to accept or deny any sponsorship presented to the league. League sponsorship will include verbal recognition and/or a sponsorship sign.


  • All checks issued for payment of any item shall require the signature of two officers of the corporation, in this order…Treasurer, President and Secretary.

Operation Expenses

  • All operating expenses in excess of $500.00 will be presented on a corporate purchase order. Any Invoice should be submitted in duplicate, and signed by the approved buyer/board member. Any invoice not signed by the approved buyer/board member, shall not be considered valid. No payment will be issued without a designated purchase order number.

Concession Expenses

  • Cash purchases may be made in emergency situations, but a copy of the itemized receipt must be retained and signed by the approved buyer/board member. The document must be given to the corporation’s treasurer. A petty cash account must be maintained and validated by the treasurer and verified by a second party.

Ground and Maintenance Expenses

  • Any expenses shall be approved by the board of officers and shall fall under the treasurer’s direction, with recommendation from the (second) 2nd vice president.

Insurance Expenses

  • Player accident insurance shall be collected along with registration and a league contract shall be purchased under the direction of the corporation’s treasurer. (Secondary insurance only)

League liability and building content insurance:

  • Shall be purchased under the recommendation of the corporation’s treasurer, with affiliation of Polk County listed as the third (3rd) party.

Emergency Repairs Expense

  • The corporation’s treasurer under the direction of the president shall order any such repairs.


The government of the North Lakeland Volunteer Football League, Inc. shall be under the supervision and direction of the board of officers. The board of officers shall consist of ten members at large.

These positions are as follows: President, 1st Vice President/Boy’s Director, 2nd Vice President/ Assistant Boy’s Director, 3rd Vice President/Girl’s Director, Treasurer, Secretary, Concession Manager, Sergeant of Arms, I.T./communication manager, Equipment Manager and Assistant Equipment Manager.

Any officer who fails to perform his/her assigned duties shall be subject to removal.


  • There shall be a meeting of the board of officers at least eight (8) times during the calendar year.
  • No two of these scheduled meetings shall occur in the same calendar month.
  • Notice of all scheduled meetings will be posted on the league bulletin board monthly prior to the scheduled meetings.
  • The secretary would be deemed responsible to notify all board members.
  • The secretary will be responsible to notify all attendees of the prior monthly meeting of the time and place of the said scheduled meeting.
  • The officers shall determine the time and place.

Proxy votes received by the president or secretary may be verbal, in writing or electronic.


  • The executive board shall be responsible for organizing, conducting, and directing all fund raising projects and shall be responsible for assembling and execution of the annual budget of the corporation.
  • The said shall be responsible for compiling the training during the winter and regular season as well as playing schedules for all teams.
  • The board of officers shall be responsible for the collection of the league monies, equipment, tabulation, publication and timely distribution of the team standings.
  • The said shall also be responsible for the preparation and presentation of any awards or other special programs.


  • The executive board shall be responsible for the procurement, repair, storage, accountability and distribution of all playing equipment or other equipment pertaining to the operation of this program.
  • The executive board shall designate committees as it deems necessary to act on its behalf to help carry out the performance of its duties and responsibilities. Any such committees shall serve at the will of the board and shall always be subject to removal by the majority vote of the board present and voting at the scheduled meetings.
  • All appointed committees should have at least one representative from the board. The president retains the responsibility of appointing the chairman of said committees.

Rules Establishment and Enforcement

  • The executive board shall be responsible for the formulation, preparation, and recommendation of playing rules and regulations for the program with such rules being placed in the hands of each head coach.
  • A coaches meeting shall be called for explanation to follow within one week under the direction of the boys/girls directors.
  • The board and/or boys/girls director and/or coaches/appeals committee when applicable shall deal with any violation of these rules. It is mandatory for all head coaches to attend the aforementioned meeting for explanation and/or questions.
  • The head coach is responsible for all disciplinary action of his/her players during practice sessions. If an inappropriate or unjust action is taken, the executive board will intervene.

Board Nominations

  • The open public shall nominate the board of officers during the month of April.
  • At the time of elections, if only one person is nominated for the position, that person shall automatically be approved.
  • If any position becomes vacant, the president shall appoint a board member to the vacant position until completion of the present term.
  • Any nominee for president must have served on the executive board for one calendar year.
  • No family two members can hold an executive board position that has monetary or financial responsibilities.
  • In order to be an Executive Board member you must be nominated by the open public and accept the nomination.
  • Receive the majority vote of the public for the nomination accepted.
  • Perform and fulfill all job duties and expectations required for that position.
  • Reflect a positive role model image to all children, parents and coaches.
  • Remain dedicated to the position until the following April/ 1year of service.


The officers of the corporation shall be: President, (3) three vice presidents, secretary, treasurer concession manager, equipment manager, assistant equipment manager, sergeant of arms, and I.T./communication manager.


  • At the time of his/her election, he/she shall have served on the board for at least one full year.
  • He shall serve a one-year term in office commencing May 1st of the year of his/her election and continuing until April 30th of the following year.
  • The president shall preside at all meetings; have general supervision of the affairs of the corporation.
  • He will retain the responsibility to appoint chairman of committees as needed, sign all contracts and other instruments of the corporation, and be designated representative of the league, concerning all affairs, county and otherwise.
  • In the event of a tie whether voting or decision-making is involved, it shall remain the responsibility of the president to make the final decision.

First Vice President (Boy’s Director):

  • He/she shall serve a one-year term in office commencing May 1st of the year of his/her election and continuing until April 30th of the following year.
  • He/she shall exercise all duties, responsibilities, and functions of the president in the absence or disability of the president.
  • He/she shall serve as chairperson of the player’s commission.
  • He/she shall be able to nominate one person to represent each division upon approval of the president.
  • He/she shall oversee all committee functions related to the operation of the coaches/appeals commission.
  • He/she shall maintain accurate written files on each head coach.
  • He/she will create a league schedule for approval by the executive board.

Second Vice President (2nd Boy’s Director)