Address (Head office) : Example Street 10000 ST PHILBERT DE GRAND LIEU(LOIRE-ATLANTIQUE)
Telephone 0000000000 - Fax 0000000000
Legalform / 0000 - Simplified joint-stock company
Registration date / 01 october 1990
Share capital / 385 thousand Euros
RC Number / 000000000
Activity / 00000 - Retail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco products
Staff / 33
Number of branches / 5
Trading category / Direct owner-operator
Banks / B…
Chairman / P… P…
General manager / P… A… M… N…
born on15/04/1984 in NANTES (44)
Titular auditor / L… P… A… L… AUDIT
Substitute auditor / P… D…
26/03/2007 / modification of the representatives
30/06/2006 / transfer of auditor
24/11/2005 / transfer of a business
07/04/2005 / Business purchase
01/04/2004 / transfer of a business
over 12 months / 30/06/2009
over 12 months / 30/06/2010
over 12 months
KE / % / KE / % / KE / %
Turnover / 5900 / -1,47 / 6455 / 9,40 / 6697 / 3,75
Export turnover / 0 / NC / 0 / NC / 0 / NC
Earnings before tax / 473 / -18,11 / 543 / 14,84 / 295 / -45,68
Net income / 317 / -39,72 / 292 / -8,11 / 201 / -31,12
Equity / 814 / 851 / 849
Total debts / 734 / 569 / 598
Working capital / 418 / 433 / 510
Supplier credit / 306 / 296 / 310
Total purchase / 4547 / 5001 / 5317
RATIOS / 30/06/2008 / 30/06/2009 / 30/06/2010
Turnover growth (%) / -1,47 / 9,40 / 3,75
Total assets turnover (Number) / 3,67 / 4,24 / 4,32
Net income (T.O. %) / 5,38 / 4,52 / 3,00
Cash flow (T.O. %) / 6,53 / 6,01 / 3,51
Supplier credit (Purch. days excl. of tax) / 20,24 / 17,82 / 17,57
Accounts receivables (T.O. days) / 7,66 / 2,63 / 5,82
Interest expenses / EBIT (%) / 0,59 / 0,26 / 0,07
Wages (%) / 11,50 / 12,56 / 14,51
The 2010 turnover of 6,697 thousand Euros (over a period of 12 months) denotes an increase of 3,75 % compared to the previous financial year, inferior to the average growth in the sector (3,91 %).
From it can be drawn a net income of 201 thousand Euros falling by -31,12 % during the period concerned.
The total of the balance sheet of 1,549 thousand Euros is composed of up to 28,51 % of the fixed assets and up to 70,75 % of the circulating assets.
The turnover of 4,32 assets is neither rising nor falling relative to the financial year; this turnover is equal to the average of 4,00.
With financial independence of 54,79 % the company has global liabilities amounting to 598 thousand Euros.
They generate financial costs of up to 0,07 % of the EBITDA (Earning Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortisation), compared to a sector-based average of 1,78 %.
The self-financing capacity is of 235 thousand Euros, i.e. 3,51 % of the turnover for an average of 2,35 %.
- Social security : No inscription
- Tax arrears : No inscription
july 2011 / No or almost no risk
january 2011 / No or almost no risk
july 2010 / No or almost no risk
january 2010 / No or almost no risk
Lastupdate / 28 june 2011
SEREFACguarantee / Yes
Financialstructure / good
Cash / good
Profitability / normal
Commitments / respected
Payments / regular
Defaults / none
Subjecthistory / favourable
Creditlimit / 80000E
Scoring / F16** / **F : No identified link
De A á H:
A Pertenencia a un grupo controlado por el Estado
B El principal accionista cotiza en Bolsa
C Controlado por un grupo importante
D Filiaciones o vínculos con otras PME
E Accionariado personal
F No existen vínculos registrados
G Negocio privado
H Pertenencia a un grupo extranjero
De 0 a 20:
1 a 6 Máximo riesgo
7 a 12 Riesgo bueno a medio
13 a 20 Riesgo casi nulo
0 Cese de actividad o procedimiento judicial en curso.
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