Wednesday25thMarch 2015 at 8.00pm, Village Hall

Attendees:Juli King - Chair (JK), Luke Caunt – Vice Chair (LC), Dan Thornton (DT), Jackie Hitchman (JH)

Helen Fallows, Parish Clerk

3 Members of the Public

Warwick Robinson, District Councillor



Lucy Thornton


The minutes of the meeting (copies of which had previously been circulated by email) were formally approved and signed.


The Parish Council declared an interest in the car park as joint trustees and responsibility for the Village Greens.

Luke Caunt had 2 declarations of interest: one as a member of staff at Thames Valley Police and one as he has a property that backs onto the car park.


4.1) Pavilion: Investigate quotes received for roof repairs – check timescales for repairing/removing moss and preventative measures for moss re-growth (with lowest quote Abbey Roofing). DONE: To be discussed in item 16 of the Agenda.

4.2) Village Hall car-park:

4.2.1 Signage for car-park – revised quotes needed: item 12 of the Agenda

4.2.2 Temporary walk-way for car-park – investigate cost: specification sent out to local companies, awaiting quotes.

4.2.3 Obtain quote for another round of temporary repairs to the car-park: quote received – on item 12 of the Agenda for discussion.

4.3) Green spaces: Himalayan Balsam – article to go into the Forest Edge newsletter suggested residents pull it up if identified along the verges/village. DONE

4.4) Tree survey: Request to progress with IDT test for highlighted trees in the schedule. DONE: this will be carried out and reports sent back.

4.5) Village Website: Investigate with creator regarding changes to url/server. DONE: Dan Branigan has been able to fix the problem, and has done so for free, so the web pages are more user friendly, e.g.

4.6) Bus shelter: Contact to be made with ex-Fete committee to ask to look into grants available for metal bus shelters. DONE

4.7) Highways:

4.7.1 Water overflowing along Witney Lane – gets dangerous when icy: Reported to Highways, chased on 19/03/15 but no further reports as yet.

4.7.2 Dip in road along Fairspear Road – gets flooded when it rains: Raised on Fix My Street.

4.7.3 Chicanes at either end of the village – need more reflectors/repairs made: Raised on Fix My Street. Update received from OCC that an inspection has taken place and no further work is currently required – will monitor over 3 months. A further update from OCC stated it would be looked at on next visit to the area, but not top of priority list.

The councillors were concerned at this as the chicanes are difficult to see in the dark – Warwick Robinson suggested investigating further via Louise Chapman/Rodney Rose – County Councillors

4.7.4 Pot-holes along Fairspear Road (near the equestrian centre): these are currently being fixed by OCC.

A member of the public raised the issue of the track around the Green/The Fox – the pot-holes are particularly deep and not safe in the dark. ACTION: To add to the Agenda next month.

DISTRICT COUNCIL UPDATE:Warwick Robinson was in attendance at the Meeting and gave an update from the District council.

* The Council have set the budget for 2015-16: no increase in council tax, maintained no decrease in grants given out to charity, no decrease in services, maintained free car-parking in the district. A surplus of £250,000has still been achieved by an increase in incomes, business rates and substantial savings made by working with Cotswold District Council who now share several Director level roles with WODC.

*2012 vision – Cotswold District council/Forest of Dean/Cheltenham Borough/WODC – joined to create a non-profit making company, providing services to 4 councils. This is supported by Central Government funding, finding more efficient ways of working whilst maintaining no reduction in services and always having someone from each department available at the WODC offices in Witney.

*Approved the Draft Local Plan – this will be made available for 6 weeks consultation, to include 525 new homes in the West Oxfordshire area each year until 2031. The primary areas for development are Witney, Carterton and Chipping Norton.

*A40– a discussion was held over the difficulties faced on this road, particularly with the planned increase in homes in the area and the additional cars on the roads. Warwick explained that the County was responsible for the road network but only had funding available for maintaining the current network. Anything else would have to be funded by the housing developments. Warwick suggested the Council could contact Cllr Ian Hudspeth (leader of OCC) or David Cameron to take the matter further.

A member of the public needed to raise a matter of Any Other Business as this point as they couldn’t stay for the whole meeting. It was to ask permission for The Fox pub to hold the Beer Festival on the Green and the school side of the Green from the 2nd – 4th May (bank holiday weekend). An email had been received by the Parish Clerk earlier that day. The Parish Council agreed for the Beer Festival to go ahead, on the proviso that the Green was put back as it was after the event and it was the pub’s responsibility to do this. This was agreed to and all were happy to proceed.


5.1 Email from residents of The Old Chapel (received 26/02/2015) regarding the Trees on the Green issue affecting their house. The homeowners have had to initiate an investigation into subsidence on their house. At the last Council meeting (25th February) we had an article to go into the March newsletter – we were going to survey villagers for their thoughts on the homeowners offer to remove and replace the trees on the Green at their own expenses. However this email was received before the newsletter went to press, stating that the offer was no longer an option as the homeowners have now incurred costs in initiating the investigations, so we had to remove the article from the newsletter. The Council will now be subject to a legal claim following the insurers investigations.

5.2 Press Release (received 25/02/2015) regarding West Oxfordshire’s Draft Local Plan which has been approved. Details of this have been included in the Leafield newsletter (April edition).

5.3 Press Release (received 26/02/2015) regarding WODC budget for 2015-16. This included the details confirmed by Warwick (above).

5.4 Email from a local resident (received 26/02/2015) regarding parking around the village green. This involves the problems with parking around the School during school hours. The problems appear to be along Lower Green Road, where particular sections are very narrow. The Parish Clerk has been in touch with the PCSO for advice, but no response as yet. We will follow up for advice. The school has asked parents to park responsibly around the area, so the residents are not blocked in.

5.6 Email regarding Leafield Pre-school Funday (received 04/03/2015) to be held on Saturday 20th June – requesting use of Village playing fields, and whether PC public liability will cover the event. The Parish Council agreed for the playing fields to be used for this, and if risk assessments can be provided by the organisers of the event then the PC public liability could be extended to cover it.

Planning Applications received

5.5 15/00449/HHD Leafield Pig Farm Purrants Lane Leafield (received 03/03/2015). Revised scheme for extension, porch and internal alterations. No objections were made.

5.10 15/00773/TCA New Cottage, Witney Lane. Tree Works to 1 x Chestnut Tree. Delegated decision – Nick Dalby (WODC)

In addition:

15/00785/HHD (received 20/03/15). Fig Tree Cottage 11 Witney Lane. Proposed two storey side and rear pitched roof extensions together with front porch and dormer windows to existing roof slope.

15/00950/HHD (received 20/03/15) Barrow Cottage, The Green. Removal of existing kitchen. Erection of two storey extension.

Planning Application decisions:

5.7 15/00124/HHD Greenwich Lane Farm, Greenwich Lane. Proposed side extension, remodelling existing roof structures and minor internal alterations. Decision: Approved

5.8 14/02228/HHD Georgeann, 43 Lower End. Increase in roof height to form first floor accommodation, and alterations. Decision: Approved.

5.9 15/00182/HHD Newhouse Cottage, 102 Lower End. Removal of existing single storey rear extension and construction of two storey. Decision: Approved.


Cheque Number / Payable to / Reason / Amount
404541 / Burford School / Newsletter Printing (March) / £ 20.50
401542 / OALC / Annual Subscription Fee
2015-16 / £156.54
401543 / WODC / Waste Collection
01/04/15 – 30/09/15 / £199.94
401544 / Helen Fallows / Phone top-up(05/03/15)
Phone top-up (09/03/15) / £ 10.00
£ 10.00
Total / £ 20.00
401545 / Benefice Newsletter / Delivery donation for 2015 / £100.00
Total Spend: / £496.98


7.1 Questionnaire: 40 have been received and currently being collated.

7.2 Extension: Planning permission will be needed. Assistance has been offered to draw up the plan - this is required for planning consent- and cost the proposed extension. We aim to have planning permission in time to submit a Grant application to WODC for the September round. Provided funds are available and grants obtained, we could look to build in 2016.

7.3 Energy audit: Grants are available from the Energy Trust but going fast so we need to be quick. Quotes being sought for low energy lighting - the installation cost will be greater than the hardware. A new door in the lounge will be the first priority.

7.4 WREN - we can apply to WREN for their last round in June/July but not for building extensions. If our funds allow we will apply for a grant from them to replace the chairs with folding chairs and wheeled trolleys to stack them on, and possibly the new curtains too.

7.5 The next Village Hall Committee meeting is on Thursday 16th April at 7.30pm.


The Leafield Parish Council currently stands at £12,433 (taking into account cheques signed at today’s meeting). Once the bank statement is received for March 2015, the end of year accounts can be finalised. There will be an update in the April Meeting.


Due to time constraints, this will be deferred to the next meeting.


Nomination forms for all candidates wishing to stand as a Councillor in the next Election, scheduled for May, are now available from the Parish Clerk. Posters/Notices of Election have been put up on noticeboards with this information and also on the website/facebook. Nomination forms must be given in, by hand, by 9th April 4pm.


Further to the previous meeting, Minster Lovell also chose to appoint McCracken & Son for the next 3 years for their grass cutting, which was confirmed after Leafield’s March Meeting. We can now formalise the decision to appoint McCracken & Son. This new contract will save the Council £800 per year on the previous contract.


12.1 Temporary walkway: This is being proposed to run alongside the concrete in-front of the Pavilion, from the entrance to the courtyard section of the car-park, to the door of the Village Hall. The walkway way will be made out of a grid stabilisation system. A specification has been drafted and sent out to 3 companies for initial quotes:AKC The Garden Builders, Gorman Surfacing and McCracken & Son. We await quotes and will update in the next meeting.

The Councillors also discussed changing the access to the courtyard section - to alleviate pressure on the section in-front of the Village Hall - which could be at the side nearest the play area. There could be a fence post the other side of the walk-way that could be removed (via a padlock) for heavy goods/emergency vehicles to access the Hall.

12.2 Temporary Repairs: The previous contractor who carried out the repairs has quoted £400 for another round – to include scraping out the holes, filling and compacting them, as this would last longer than just filling. He could arrange this within a week’s notice. ACTION

12.3 Signage: Revised wording sent through and quotes. Signs to be ordered. ACTION

12.4 Solar-lights for the car-park: It was raised at the last Village Hall Committee meeting that the car-park is very dark at night, making it difficult for the pot-holes to be negotiated. Luke has researched some solar-lights that could be erected on a tall pole in the car-park – this could include a light pointing in each direction – in and out of the car-park. A 10ft pole would be required to install the lights, and could be carried out by the contractor laying the temporary walkway?ACTION

12.5 Tender invitation. Luke has drafted a tender document to be sent out for the design and specification of the driveway and car-park. This will invite companies to send in their design proposals for the car-park, and the costs for the design process. These would then be scored and the top 3 companies would be selected to present their ideas to the Parish Council at an open meeting. The selected company would then design the car-park, and may be asked to project manage the works carried out. Possible timeline: Invites to be sent out after Easter and tender process to be live for 3 weeks. An extraordinary Meeting could then be scheduled for middle of May for the presentations to be held. ACTION: Luke to finalise tender document and send details of companies to Parish Clerk who will publicise the tender and send out the details.


The outcome of the Tree vote: the winner (with 77% of the votes) was the Service Tree!

Due to time constraints, discussion regarding the plans for the area have been deferred until the next meeting.


A request has been made to Boward Oxford Ltd to carry out the IDT (internal decay tests) on the selected trees. This needs to be done before further recommendations can be made. No further work will commence on any other trees at this stage, as they are subject to the Bat survey.


Luke has undertaken substantial research into Bat specialist companies who could undertake the necessary bat surveys on the trees as highlighted in the Tree survey, before works can commence. 5 companies have submitted quotes, most of which would cost around £1500. 2 quotes received recently are local companies, one in Minster Lovell, the other used by Boward (who conducted the Tree survey). The Councillors agreed to appoint 4 Acre Ecology who are local and held a more pragmatic view of conducting the survey. They will be appointed shortly and can progress with the survey, at the appropriate time.


The Parish Clerk spoke with Abbey Roofing who had provided the lowest quote for the repairs to the Pavilion roof. They could undertake the repairs and de-mossing at the same time, but it would be better to carry this out when the weather was drier/warmer. The process would take 2 days, and they could arrange within a week or so. They would also undertake a preventative spray on the roof after the de-mossing, to help delay the moss re-growth, included in the quote. ACTION: Parish Clerk to confirm the appointment of Abbey Roofing for the repairs/de-mossing, but for this to be arranged in the summer.


Luke has been arranging this – details will be emailed out and posters will be displayed in the village.


No further updates.


Parish Council strategy (deferred from this meeting)

Village Green renovation (deferred from this meeting)

End of year 2014-15 Accounts report

Pot-holes in track round Green/in-front of The Fox


1) Maternity Recruitment update – interviews took place 24th March – in process of making decision.

2) Football pitch: An enquiry has been received from someone who would like to hire out the football pitch. Is this something the PC would consider? The lack of changing facilities was stated, but they could still use it for training games etc. The Councillors agreed we could consider it – wait for further details from those wanting to use the pitch.

3) A resident has sent in a poster that her daughter has designed regarding dog fouling, to be put up around the village. It was suggested that a border is added, their name included (if they like) and official wording included e.g. Keep Leafield Tidy – Leafield Parish Council.

4) An email was received regarding bus changes to Burford School, from Leafield. There are significant cost implications which would affect Leafield residents. This will be included as a correspondence in the April meeting to discuss further.

Meeting closed at 10.40pm.

The time and date for the next Parish Council meeting will be Wednesday 29thApril 2015

Signed:______(LPC Chairman) Date:______

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