Scholarship Information Pack

Middle School Enrolments 2014

Applications should be addressed to:

Mrs Elaine Doran


St Aloysius Catholic College

PO Box 353

Kingston 7051

Applications may be emailed to the Principal’s Assistant, Mrs Samantha Wilton


About the College

Thank you for considering St Aloysius Catholic College for your child’s education.

At St Aloysius Catholic College, we aim to provide a caring and supportive environment where students are encouraged to grow in faith within a Catholic community and develop their potential.

Our Huntingfield Campus provides quality education offering Middle Schooling for Year 5 through to Year 8, and Secondary Education for Years 9 and 10.

We are pleased to offer the opportunity to award scholarships to students from within the St Aloysius Catholic College community, in addition to offering opportunities for those not currently enrolled in a Catholic school, seeking to attend St Aloysius Catholic College as the next step in their education.

Scholarships will be offered for 2014 in the following areas:

  • Students wishing to attend Middle School commencing in Year 5; and
  • Students wishing to attend Middle School commencing in Year 6.
About the Scholarships

Who is eligible to apply for a scholarship?

Our scholarship program has a general academic focus, and it open to those seeking to attend Middle School in Years 5 and 6 for 2014.

Existing students from within the St Aloysius Catholic College community, in addition to students not currently enrolled in a Catholic school, are encouraged to apply.

What do the scholarships cover?

Successful applicants will be offered a reduction in tuition fees for their years attending Middle School. Those awarded a scholarship commencing in Year 5 in 2014 will be offered a four year scholarship through to Year 8. Successful applicants commencing in Year 6 in 2014 will be offered a three year scholarship through to Year 8.

What is expected of students successful in obtaining a scholarship?

Students who are successful in being awarded a scholarship are expected to demonstrate leadership qualities, and a high level of participation in the College community.

What Happens Next?

Application Process and Selection Criteria

Interested students will need to complete the St Aloysius Catholic College Scholarship Application.

Students, we encourage you to attach a written submission detailing your hobbies and interests, what subjects you like and why you wish to be part of the St Aloysius Catholic College community. Submissions should be approximately 75 words and provide an overview of who you are – we’d love to know more about you!

Selected applicants will be invited to the College to attend an interview, and will have the opportunity to tour the Campus.

For more information regarding the scholarships or other queries, please contact Samantha Wilton at the Huntingfield Campus on 62290100 or email

Applications close on 19th July 2013.

St Aloysius Catholic College