Leadership Development Plan
Bill Hybels – Developing Emerging Leaders
Casey Treat “Some Churches will never grow for a lack of godly leadership.”
John Maxwell “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”
Bill Hybells “The local Church is the hope of the world, and its future rests primarily in the hands of its leaders.”
There are only two jobs in the world that you begin at the top. Digging wells and digging graves. All other jobs one has to start at the bottom and works up. Many folk have a call on their life but do not know what steps have to be accomplished to reach you destiny. Matt 22:14 “Many are called and few are chosen.” People may have tremendous potential, gifting or ability but if they are not available and faithful they are disqualified for ministry. We must acknowledge the call of God on our life and equip ourselves to be chosen for the “work of the ministry” Eph 4:12 “Study to show yourself approved, a workman who can accurately handle te Word of God” 2 Tim 2:15
Three key Elements of a Leadership Development Plan
□ IDENTIFY emerging Leaders
□ INVEST time in developing emerging leaders
□ ENTRUST responsibility to emerging leaders
1. IDENTIFY emerging Leaders
In the following Scriptures we find that we are to ‘select from among you’ leaders, Who selects? What are the selection criteria? Each scripture has some selection criteria, write out the key words and phrases in these key passages.
□ Exodus 18:14-27 esp. vs 21
□ Acts 6:3-6
□ Mark 3:13-14
□ 1 Tim 3:1-13
□ 1 Sam 16:1-13 esp vs 7
Selection Criteria of the House
All criteria must be Biblical Criteria. These criteria spell out what the Lord requires of the leaders He chooses to use. Some criteria have a specific local Church emphasis. Determine their Scripture backing.
□ FAT = Faithful, available and teachable (Passionate too)
o Luke 16 :10-12 Faithful in little, faithful with material possessions, faithful in that which belongs to another
o Key Foundations before consideration for Leadership Training: Consistent Daily QT, regular Sunday Celebration attendance & faithful in a Cell Community.
□ Critical Leadership Qualities
1. Spent time daily with the Father in prayer and the study of the Scriptures.
2. Fully surrendered to Christ, not opinionated, strong willed or self centred.
3. Committed to the vision, values and leadership of the House
4. Honour, respect and trust relationships with the core team
5. Good leadership skills and good people skills
6. Person of character and integrity
7. ‘Sola Scriptura’ Foundation
□ Scriptures are the final authority in the life of the believer and the affairs of the local church.
8. Full of Faith, full of the Holy Spirit and full of Wisdom
9. Solid family life and stable employment
10. Team player who is not independent, contentious or divisive.
11. The heart of the Father and a caring ‘shepherd heart’ for people
12. Kingdom above personal feelings, agendas and preferences
13. Spirit controlled temperament and not easily offended
14. A clear ‘heavenly call and vision’ from the Lord.
15. A strong sense of belonging and family
16. Couple both fully support call to ministry.
17. Spiritually and physically disciplined for the purpose of godliness.
□ Three C’s of Leadership = Character, Competence and Chemistry
Rate yourself out of ten in these areas and identify your top three and bottom three areas. Compare your scores with how your leader rates you.
1 Tim 4:7 says we are to “disciple or exercise yourself for the purpose of godliness.” We strongly encourage our leaders to be both spiritually and physically fit and healthy. That requires that we set a time and place each day for both spiritual and physical exercise. To run the Comrades Marathon and not damage yourself, one would need to run 50 to 60 kms per week, plus some races. Ten kms per hour would mean an investment of 5 to 6 hours per week for training or one hour per day. We ask our leaders to invest 5 to 6 hours per week in prayer and in the study of the Scriptures. That works out to an hour a day five to six days per week and leaves one rest day if necessary. Above this we also need to live a disciplined life with godly boundaries. Remember Satan loves tired Christians. Leaders must have a substantial daily Devotional Time or else their ministry will bear little fruit.
§ Prayer Altars: Ex17:8-16, Dan 6:10; Matt 14:23; Mark 1:35; Luke 4:42
§ Scripture Meditation : Psalm 1:2-3 Josh 1:2-10
Younggi Cho will not allow his pastors to go out and minister until they have spend three hours with the Lord in prayer. Jesus himself scolded his disciples saying, “Could you not watch with Me one hour.”
Practical Daily Devotional Goals:
§ Members - 30 minutes
§ Leaders - 60 minutes
§ Pastors - 120 minutes
Leadership Meeting Expectations (no small print)
□ Attend Sunday Celebrations regularly
□ Faithful in a Cell Community
□ Attend a monthly Leaders Vision Night
□ Attend a monthly Ministry Leaders Team or Leaders Up Cell
Minimum cost of leadership is a Sunday Celebration plus 2 nights a week.
2. INVEST time in developing emerging leaders
Study to show yourself approved, a workman who can accurately handle the Word of truth. 2 Tim 2:15
Fivefold ministry to ‘equip the saints for the work of the ministry.’ Eph 4:12
In Mark 3:13-1`14 we find that Jesus chose disciples ‘that they might be with Him’ and ‘that he might send them out’ . In Mark we find that after being sent out (delegated responsibility) they reported back to Him with joy. This begins in the Cell Communities as they ‘bear the burden’ with their leaders.
□ Cell Communities nurture ministry
□ Leadership Training School
o March to May and Aug to Oct
□ Leadership Encounters
□ Personal Mentoring
□ Time and experience of life
3. ENTRUST responsibility to emerging leaders
All emerging and potential leaders and those who want to serve in up front ministries need to complete the Leadership Training School, but this does not automatically mean they become promoted to leadership. Potential leaders are to show a servant heart and ‘bear the burden’ of their leaders, then serve as assistant leaders under an existing leader. Once they have proved faithful and suitable, they can be promoted to full leadership. 1 Tim 3:10 “First let them be tested, then let them serve, if they are found to be above reproach.” Leaders need to be commended by those who are a part of their ‘oikos.’ 2 Cor 10:18 “For it is not he who commends himself that is approved, but he whom the Lord commends.”
Leadership Development Plan
§ Cell Driven Church
o Great Commission - “Make Disciples”
§ Win the Lost (Enter the Kingdom)
§ Make fully devoted Christ followers (Live in the Kingdom)
§ Identify and develop gifts and ministries
o Great Commandment - “Love one another”
§ Bible College
§ Leadership Training Courses
§ Leadership Encounters
§ Personal Mentoring
§ Self Leadership
§ Leadership Vision Nights
§ Leadership Up Cells
§ Apostolic Ministry
Leadership Development Plan: Self Assessment
1) Why do we need a Leadership Development Plan in the local Church?
2) What considerations are crucial in selecting leaders in God’s House?
3) What do you believe are the most important Critical Leadership Qualities? Scripture references too.
4) How do we test leaders according to the Word? What does it mean in practical terms to be ‘above reproach’? 1 Tim 3:10
5) What do you believe are the greatest discouragements leaders face today?
6) According to Scripture what are the essential components of a Quiet Time?
7) How can we help our people establish a daily QT (Prayer Altar) in their lives?