Numeracy Weekly Plan Term: Autumn 1 Beckham Class Week:2 WB: 12.1.15

Berkan / To follow 2 step simple instructions. / I can write date and my name on learning.
I can carry out simple number learning independently following 2 step simple instructions.
John Frances
Mohammed / To read and write numbers to 5 with support. / I can have a go at reading and ordering numbers to 5 first with support and then on my own.
Assembly intervention for children not understanding maths concepts (next steps from marking) if and when possible.
Dragonfly LA / Bee LA/MA / Ladybird MA / Butterfly HA
Mohammed / Lima
Tehvinn / Aryan
Leo / Jasmine
Sequence and Theme / Weeks / Page / Learning objectives
Pupils should be taught to: / Notes/Resources/Teaching Activities
GEOMETRIC REASONING / 24–25 / Planning Framework p20 / Geometry: properties of shapes
  • recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes,
2-D shapes [for example, rectangles (including
squares), circles and triangles]
3-D shapes [for example, cuboids (including cubes),
pyramids and spheres]
Geometry: position and direction
  • describe position, direction and movement.

1.10 / AssessmentTasks
Years 1 and 2
pp26–27 / Success criteria
Pupils can recognise and identify shapes in their environment and justify their thinking and create simple repeating patterns.
Mental/ Oral Starter / Learning Intention and Learning Outcomes / Introduction / Activity
(incl. extension and intervention) / Plenary
Monday / Practise counting forwards and backwards from 100 as a class on IWB:
/ Assertive Mentoring Basic Skills Test 2 / Basic Skills Test will last around 20-25 mins.
After this time, children will respond to marking and the time will also be used to go over any misconceptions from the previous week.
Tuesday / …. describe the features of 2D and 3D shapes / LI:
To use 2D shapes to make patterns, pictures.
I can recognise and name 2D shapes. / Warm up
Sing the song ‘ten little numbers’ – up to 10
Introduce 2D shapes – their names and some of their features (number of sides and corner) - Have a feely bag with 2D shapes, describe a shape and children guess – then ask the children to find something… an object with corners? Something round? Something spiky? Look at this collection of 2D shapes. Shut your eyes while I pick one up and hide it. Open your eyes. Tell me which shape I have hidden.
Children to make a picture using 2D shapes and shapespattern. Children to describe their picture and what shapes they have used to create their picture. (take a picture of the children’s shape pictures)
During this time TA to work with John and Mohammed on their table to recognise and match shapes during the introduction.
Dragonfly respond to marking with T / LA: To be able to make a picture using 2D shapes.
MA: To be able to make a picture using 2D shapes and say which shapes they have used.
HA: To be able to make a picture using 2D shapes and explain why they have used specific shapes. I used a triangle for the roof because…
Extension:Children to draw shape pictures in their maths books. / begin to name the shapes they use in the context of an activity
sort shapes and say how they have selected them
Check children’s understanding of the concept through differentiated questioning on how they have arranged sorted shapes etc.
Wednesday / warm up
Sing ‘One two…’ - Count up and back to 20 – then count up to 20 but clap with the odd numbers – repeat but don’t say the odd numbers just clap them. / LI: To describe the features of 2D and 3D shapes
Success Criteria:
I can search for 2D and 3D shapes in the environment.
begin to name the shapes they use in the context of an activity
Begin to refer to some features of shapes such as side and corner. / 2 days
Re-cap previous learning – Have a feely bag with 2D and 3D shapes children to describe what they feel (describing the shape encourage to use the properties of the shapes) the rest of the class need to guess the shape and say if it a 2D or 3D shape.
Children to sort 2D and 3D shapes with a partner at a table and discuss why they have sorted them in that way.
Go on a shape hunt around classroom, school and/or outside. Take 3D shape vocab cards with you. Children to find examples of 2D/3D shapes around the environment and match to the cards. Take pictures of the shapes the children find.
Ladybird to respond to marking with T / LA: To be able to identify 2D and 3D shapes
MA: To be able to recognise 2D and 3D shapes and explain how they are different.
HA: To be able to recognise 2D and 3D shapes in the environment and explain how they are different
Extension:Children to draw shapes and write descriptions. / begin to name the shapes they find in the environment
Check children’s understanding of the concept through differentiated questioning on what they find during the shape hunt.
Thursday / Number bonds to 20. / L.I: To use everyday language to describe properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes.
To use mathematical names for common 3-D and 2-D shapes
describe their properties, including numbers of sides and corners
I can name 2D shapes
I know the properties of 2D shapes.
I can name 3D shapes. / Re-cap the names and features of 2D – play ‘who has…’ give each child a shape then you describe the properties of a shape the children who have that shape that matches the properties they say ‘I have…
Introduce 3D shapes – their names and some of their features (number of faces) - Have a feely bag with 3D shapes describe a shape and children guess – then ask the children to find something… an object that is round? Something pointy? Something with flat sides? Look at this collection of 3D shapes. Shut your eyes while I pick one up and hide it. Open your eyes. Tell me which shape I have hidden.
Main Activity:
Begin to refer to some features of shapes such as side and corner when carrying out activities
Group 1: To write the properties of 2D shapes. Match the shapes to vocabulary cards.
Group 2: To write the names of 2D shapes.
Group 3-4: To write the names and some properties of 2D shapes.
Bee to respond to marking with TA / LA: To write the properties of 2D shapes. Match the shapes to vocabulary cards.
MA: To write the names of 2D shapes.
HA: To write the names and some properties of 2D shapes.
Extension:Children to sort shapes and explain how they have sorted them and write an explanations speech bubbles. / Have I achieved my next step? Has my partner?
Evidence in books -photographs in books
TA will do the same with Dragonflytable (sitting with the group at the table instead of the carpet). Next steps first and then plenary.
During the starter TA will work with Mohammed and John-Frances
APP gaps: TA to work with identified children
Friday / Number bonds to 20. / L.I: To use everyday language to describe properties of 3-D shapes
To use mathematical names for common 3-D shapes
describe their properties, including numbers of sides and corners
I can name 3D shapes
I know the properties of 3D shapes.
I can name 3D shapes.
I know the properties of 3D shapes. / Recap names and features of 3D – play ‘who has…’ give each child a shape then you describe the properties of a shape the children who have that shape that matches the properties they say ‘I have…
Have a feely bag with 3D shapes describe a shape and children guess – then ask the children to find something… an object that is round? Something pointy? Something with flat sides? Look at this collection of 3D shapes. Shut your eyes while I pick one up and hide it. Open your eyes. Tell me which shape I have hidden.
Main Activity:
Begin to refer to some features of shapes such as side and corner when carrying out activities
Group 1: To recognise and name 3D shapes. Match the shapes to vocabulary cards.
Group 2: To write the names of 3D shapes.
Group 3-4: To write the names and some properties of 3D shapes.
Butterfly to respond to marking with T / LA: To name of 3D shapes. Match the shapes to vocabulary cards.
MA: To write the names of 3D shapes.
HA: To write the names and some properties of 3D shapes.
Extension:Children to sort shapes and explain how they have sorted them and write an explanations speech bubbles. / Have I achieved my next step? Has my partner?
Evidence in books -photographs in books
TA will do the same with Ladybird table address any misconceptions. Next steps first and then plenary.