Final 2007-08

Leadership Assessment


DATE ______SCHOOL ______



Please complete the following assessment of yourprincipal’s leadership skills and dispositions. Check (X) the number from weakest (1) to strongest (5) that most accurately reflects your assessment of the principal’s skill level for each of the following categories:

A.Leadership Capacity

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1. Creates opportunities for interactions among staff, students, and community to build relationships and increase participation
2. Communicates personal core values and aclear vision for the school
3. Has processes in place to establish school priorities
4. Uses resources to support school goals and priorities
5. Participates in developing a shared vision that serves all children well
6. Takes actions that keep theschool on track with the vision
7. Leverages the talents and skills of staff
8. Provides opportunities for and builds teacher leadership
9. Builds leadership capacity of administrative team
10. Evaluates staff formally and informally focused on improvement
11. Focuses on high quality teaching and achievement
12. Listens and questions
13. Challenges colleagues’ and institutional beliefs and assumptions
14. Manages conflict
15. Problem-solves with colleagues, students, parents, and community

B. Collaboration, inclusion, and collective responsibility

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1. Facilitates collaborative planning and decision making
2. Inspires colleagues and parents to share responsibilityfor school improvement
3. Demonstrates, encourages, and supports initiatives to improve teaching and learning
4. Invites and supportsinnovation and risk-taking
5. Uses reflective practices such as peer coaching,journal writing, collaborative and individual review
6. Creates time and structures for dialogue amongcolleagues

C.Equity and Access

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1. Creates time and structures for dialogue about the attitudes, biases, and assumptions that affect student learning, behavior, and attitude
2. Addresses equity issues openly and collaboratively with staff, students, parents, and community
3. Takes action and supports staff to increase academic literacy and other critical skills for different groups of students
4. Commits to speaking the truth about and staying engaged in equity and access issues
5. Creates structures to ensure that others remain engaged in addressing equity and access issues

D.Using Data to Inform Practice

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1. Collects and interprets classroom and school data
2. Shares data with staff in a non-threatening manner
3. Creates opportunities for dialogue and reflection aboutdata
4. Uses data and inquiry to identify areas for improvinginstructional practice, leadership, and school culture
5. Uses data and inquiry to identify and address access issues and inequitable practices and policies
6. Uses data to inform decision making

E.Improving Student Achievement

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1. Works collaboratively with members of the school communityto establish and implement rigorous student expectationsand standards
2. Communicates to staff what rigor should look like
3. Conductsclassroom observations to ensure that effective teaching is takingplace
4. Recognizes the indicators of rigorous teaching and learning
5. Provides feedback abouteffective teaching practices and areas for improvement
6. Supports the alignment of standards, instruction, assessment,and programs to advance student learning and achievement
General Comments:

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