Course Expectations

English 11

Instructor: Mrs. Maupin

Phone: (702) 799-0180 Ext: 3236

School Website Address:

Teacher Email:

Course Scope:

This one-year course (Composition and Themes in American Text) provides instruction in the English Language Arts strands identified by the Common Core State Standards as reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. This course requires expository, analytical, and argumentative writing assignments that are based on readings representing a wide variety of prose styles and genres. The course is also structured around multicultural themes and perspectives found in literary, non-fiction, and expository texts by American authors to encourage students to think conceptually about the American past, present, and future as well as about the ethnic and cultural diversity of the American experience. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate use of technology and digital media are integral parts of this course. This course fulfills one of the English credits required for high school graduation.

Course Goals:

1.  To make effective use of rhetoric in writing or speaking that includes controlling tone, establishing and maintaining voice, and achieving appropriate emphasis through diction and structure. [W.11-12.1, 2, 4, 5; SL.11-12.1, 4, 6; L.11-12.1, 3, 5, 6]

2.  To understand how to combine elements of different kinds of writing to produce complex and nuanced writing. [W.11-12.1-4]

3.  To explore a variety of American literary, non-fiction, and expository texts of exceptional craft and thought whose range provides opportunities to identify and explain in writing or speaking a writer’s use of rhetorical strategies and techniques. [RL.11-12.1-7, 9, 10; RI.11-12.1-10; W.11-12.1, 2, 4, 9; SL.11-12.3]

4.  To understand how various stylistic effects are achieved by writers’ or speakers’ linguistic and rhetorical choices. [RL.11-12.5; RI.11-12.5, 6; W.11-12.1b, 2d; SL.11-12.3; L.11-12.5]

5.  To analyze and interpret a wide variety of primary sources such as documentary materials, works of art, pictorial and graphic materials, and text that reflect an author’s historical, cultural, or social perspective. [RL.11-12.6, 9; RI.11-12.6, 9; W.11-12.7-10; SL.11-12.3]

6.  To engage regularly in research and inquiry not only to gain understanding of a subject, answer a question, and broaden/narrow a topic; but also to draw upon collected evidence in support of written analysis, reflection, and discussion, whether in writing or speaking. [W.11-12.7-9; SL.11-12.4-6]

7.  To develop a range of speaking and listening skills built around content that fosters critical listening and informed expression of ideas. [SL.11-12.1, 3-6]

8.  To demonstrate more mature control over the conventions of standard English as well as the ability to choose words appropriate to audience, task, purpose, and discipline to communicate ideas in writing or orally. [W.11-12.4-6; SL.11-12.6]


The following text(s) will be utilized in this course:

·  The Language of Literature: American Literature

·  Elements of Literature: American Literature

·  Novels

·  Supplementary Reading Materials (speeches, essays, articles, etc.)

Student Supplies

Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year:

·  3 Ring Binder with 5 Tabbed Dividers

·  Lined Paper

·  Blue or Black pen and #2 pencils

·  Highlighter(s) (for annotations and in-class grading, revising, editing)

·  Colored pens or pencils (for annotations and in-class grading, revising, editing)

·  Composition Book / Spiral notebook (in-class writing journal)

·  A Flash Drive is Recommended in order to keep all research and papers


Tardy Policy

Tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational program. Every student is required to be in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings and understands that the Las Vegas High School Tardy Policy will be strictly enforced.

o  First tardy, the student will be warned

o  Second tardy, the parent will be contacted

o  Third tardy, a thirty-minute teacher detention will be assigned

o  Subsequent tardies will result in a referral to the deans’ office

(Important to remember that more than two tardies in one semester will eliminate you from the 2-2-2.)

Grading Policy

Academic Expectations

Students are expected to complete all assignments. It is impossible for a teacher to measure student mastery without the completion of assignments and missing assignments hinders the success of all students. Therefore, Las Vegas High School has implemented a strict assignment policy and all teachers are required to follow the policy. This policy will result in an extension of the school day (Academic Opportunity Period), when the student fails to complete any assignment or does not reach mastery on the test or assignment. Overall class grades are determined by a combination of assignments and assessments.

Description of Grading Procedures / Standards of Preparation:

·  All assessments (tests, quizzes, projects, and essays) will make up the bulk of your grade.

·  Students may retake or redo assessments and/or assignments that do not meet standards of mastery. Retakes must be completed during Guidance or after school; students must inform teachers prior to retakes. Teachers may also assign retakes that fail to achieve mastery.

·  Classwork grades will consist of in-class assignments, writing journals, and participation.

·  Notebooks are expected to be kept by every student. The teacher reserves the right to periodically check notebooks, but will not be counted for a grade. Do not throw any assignments away until directed.

·  All writing will be kept in a folder in the classroom; the folder is not to be removed from class.

·  Homework will be assigned to prepare for tests and quizzes and to reinforce what is taught in the classroom. Homework will be periodically assigned throughout the week.

·  Points will be deducted for spelling and grammar errors as well as lack of neatness.

·  All assignments must be turned in on paper or emailed to me the day the assignment is due.

·  ESSAYS: 11th Grade students will write several essays throughout the year. Essay writing will be graded using a rubric which will include the six traits of writing.

Semester Grades: 45% Quarter 1/3 Grade

45% Quarter 2/4 Grade

10% Semester Examination

Make-up Work, Late Work, and Attendance


·  Make-Up Work: According to CCSD Regulation 5113, “After any absence, a secondary student is required to initiate contact with the teacher(s) to obtain appropriate make-up work within three (3) school days immediately following the absence.

·  Being Absent: If you are absent, please see the teacher for all work you have missed. Also, get the journal from a classmate and any notes that were taken that day. Remember: IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND OUT WHAT THEY MISSED AND COMPLETE IT WITHIN THE ALLOTED TIME. Absent work not completed and turned in within the three-day period will subject the student to Academic Opportunity.

·  Late Work will be accepted.

·  In order for test retakes all assignments must be completed for all re-takes.

·  Hours of Availability: Teacher will be available for tutoring, explaining make-up work or general assistance Tuesday-Friday before school and after school. Students may come in during Guidance for assistance by requesting a pass any time before guidance. Feel free to also email. Teachers are not available on Mondays after school due to departmental PLC meetings.

We DO NOT allow missing assignments at Las Vegas High School so if you do not complete an assignment, you will be assigned to Academic Opportunity Period.


Attendance is required for students to experience maximum academic growth. After the seventh unexcused absence the student will be referred to the deans’ office and a conference will be scheduled with the parent. After the tenth unexcused absence, the student will LOSE CREDIT for the course. Remember, to earn 2-2-2 you can only have a total of two absences.

Classroom Behavior Expectations

Classroom Rules:

Come Prepared Each Day to Learn

Accountability – own your actions and choose to be positive

Timeliness – Be on Time

Show Respect for Your School, Yourself, and Others.

School Rules Must Be Followed – No Food or Drink in class

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): students are only permitted, at the direction of the teacher, to use laptops, iPads, or cell phones for assignments and research. At all other times, electronics must be put away. Cell phones must be put on silent and not taken out or used unless for BYOD purposes. No iPods, MP3 players, cameras, or other electronic devices—including the use of headphones—are permitted.

No personal grooming in class

No Plagiarism, whether intentional or accidental, will be permitted. This is a violation of the Honor Code.

Classroom Conduct and Discipline:

·  All Clark County School District, Las Vegas High School, and classroom rules must be followed.

·  Progressive Discipline Policy: The following discipline plan will be used throughout the school year should there be an infraction of the school rules or classroom rules, policies, or procedures:

1.  Verbal Warning

2.  Parent contact card to bring home and to return signed the next school day.

3.  30-minute detention with the teacher and a phone call home.

4.  Two 30-minute detentions / One 1-hour detention with the teacher and a phone call home.

5.  Referral to the Dean.

6.  When student returns following the consequence from dean, they will begin with progressive discipline plan at Step 2.


Hall Pass: There will be one Hall Pass to allow for students to use the restroom. Students MUST have school ID in order to use the Hall Pass.

Citizenship: Each quarter students will earn a citizenship grade for behavior. The following are the grading criteria:

O = Outstanding: This student exhibits mature behavior and self-control. The student contributes to the class and causes few, if any, disruptions to the learning of others. This student rarely needs reminding of the policies and procedures and is an example to others. The student has little to no missing assignments or late work.

S = Satisfactory: This student exhibits mature behavior and self-control most of the time. The student rarely disrupts the class, and participates on a regular basis. The student occasionally needs to be reminded of classroom policies and procedures, but overall the student behaves in an appropriate manner. Students may have few late assignments but no missing assignments.

N = Needs Improvement: This student does not exhibit mature behavior or self-control on a regular basis. This student interrupts the learning of others and often needs to be reminded of the policies and procedures. Students have multiple late and missing assignments.

U= Unsatisfactory: This student regularly disrupts the class and distracts others. The student

has been reminded of the policies and procedures and chooses not to adhere to them. The

student may have been referred to the dean for disciplinary measures and the parents may

have been contacted for habitual disciplinary problems. Student has also not displayed

responsibility in regards to their work assignments by completing too few or zero assignments.

For every three Academic Opportunity Periods to which a student is assigned, the Citizenship grade will decrease by one level.
Please complete this page, remove from packet and return to the teacher by September 7, 2015.

Acknowledgement of Course Expectations

English 11

We have read and discussed the course description and expectations.


Student’s Name [last, first] Student’s Signature


Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature


Home phone Work/Cell phone

Email Address: ______

As a parent, I understand that that following are requirements to ensure I am taking an active role in my child’s education:

o  Support the school’s policies and procedures (assignments; behavior; tardies; attendance; etc.) as they have all been put into place to ensure the success of your child.

o  Check Infinite Campus at least weekly to monitor child’s progress

o  Attend important meetings and various events/activities that are held throughout the year

o  Engage in ongoing conversations with the school, as we too want to ensure your child is successful

o  Visit regularly for important information and messages.

If concerns arise about your child, socially or academically, please contact the counseling office at 799-0180 x4300 to speak to or make an appointment with your child’s counselor.

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