Admission to Pre-School
It is the intention of Little Acorns Pre-School to make our provision accessible to children and families from all sections of the community. Our Admissions Policy operates within an equal opportunities framework and is regularly reviewed and subject to renewal by the Governing Committee.
We will ensure that the existence of Little Acorns Pre-School is widely known in local communities. Advertising notices will be placed in widely accessible areas and we will describe practices in terms which make it clear that all sections of the community are welcomed.
Children will be admitted from the term after a child has turned 2 years of age and all admissions will be in accordance with our Ofsted registration. Dependent upon the availability of space, and readiness of the individual child to stay happily within the group, a child can remain with us until the term before his or her 5th birthday.
We currently can offer 8 places to children age 3 – 4 years and 4 places to children age 2 – 3 years. We also offer a free tastersession to all children.
Grants are available for all children who are already 3 and 4 years old to receive 15 hours of funded childcare. Parents of children age 2 and over may be able to claim an Early Intervention Grant of 15 hours of funded childcare. Parents can speak to the Manager of the Pre-School or Headteacher to see if they are eligible.
We aim to be flexible in how we offer your childcare provision and we endeavour to meet the needs of all parents. However, due to the importance of routine and staffing, we need to have an agreed drop-off time of either 8:45 am or 9:00 am
Our opening hours:
Monday8:45 – 3:30
Tuesday 8:45 – 3:30
Wednesday 8:45 – 1:30
Thursday8:45 – 1:30
Friday 8:45 – 1:30
The nursery education funding rules state that 'I understand my child could lose their funded place if they do not attend regularly without a reason provided for their absence'. Therefore, if your child has not attended half of their sessions in any half term period (usually 6 or 7 weeks) they will lose their place at the Pre-School unless they have a valid reason (e.g. letter from doctor in the case of serious illness or holiday). If your child has not attended pre school for 3 weeks without any explanation we reserve the right to offer their sessions to another child after contacting you and discussing the situation.
We welcome children regardless of their gender, special educational needs, disabilities, background, religion, ethnicity or competence in spoken English. We will liase fully with parents and professionals to ensure that it would be in the child’s best interests to attend the group.
Parents/carers are encouraged to visit with their child shortly before admission is due, and should be prepared to stay with their child if necessary for the first session or two. We operate a flexible admissions procedure and children can join at any time within the academic year in line with our Admission Policy.
The waiting list will be monitored and reviewed regularly.
The following factors will be taken into consideration in allocating places:
- Where 3 & 4 year old places are available, hours will be prioritised for children who are eligible to access their Early Years Entitlement (EYE).
- Where 2 year old places are available, hours will be prioritised for children who are eligible for the Early Intervention Grant
- Length of time on waiting list.
- Siblings already attending the setting.
- The vicinity of the home to the setting.
In line with our School Admission Policy, residents of Leadenham, Fulbeck, and Brauncewell have priority over residents from other villages. In the event of over subscription within any of the above criteria we will consider the distance from home* to school, with a child living nearer to the school having priority. The distance will be measured “as the crow flies”.
Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments
Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare/information and complaints March 2011
EYE places will be offered in accordance with the Code of Practice for Local Authorities onDelivery of Free Early Years Provision for 3 & 4 year olds (September 2010) and the localconditions identified within the Early Years Provider Agreement.
Parents/carers must complete a registration form before their child can attend and sign consentfor this information to be maintained by Leadenham Little Acorns Pre-School in line with the Data Protection Act 1998and Ofsted Registration requirement under The 1989 Children Act.
Fee payment is required monthly inadvance by cash/cheque.
Little AcornsPre-Schoolencourages prompt payment but recognises that at times some parents/carersmay experience financial difficulties. Little AcornsPre-Schoolwill ensure that no child/children/familiesare penalised should this situation arise. Little AcornsPre-Schoolwill endeavour to arrange a paymentplan that is acceptable to both parties, enabling the child/children to continue to attend. Allfinancial matters will be dealt with the utmost sensitivity and consideration and in confidence.
In the event of non payment:
The Headteacher will liaise with the parent/carer concerned.
A payment plan will be agreed if necessary.
Where unmet payments continue the Headteacher or Chair of the Pre-School Committee (Mrs Collett or MrsWillgoose) will liaise with the parent/carer to arrange payment options.
Where there is no resolution the child’s/children’s place may be withdrawn.
Cheques should be made payable to Leadenham CE Primary School.
Tax Credit
Little AcornsPre-Schoolis registered with Ofsted, therefore where appropriate parents/carers are ableto claim child tax credit. Details are available upon request.
Childcare Vouchers
Little AcornsPre-Schoolis registered with Lincolnshire County Council and accepts childcare vouchers.
This policy has been adopted by Little Acorns Pre-School.
Signed on behalf of the setting by:
Chair of Pre-School Commitee………………………………………………………….